Life Lessons

Life is Short Learn to Live it ON Purpose

Live the Best Year 
 of Your Life

Live the Best Year 
 of Your Life

Live the Best Year 
 of Your LifeYou may have tried to change your life before without much success. However, with an effective process, it’s possible to achieve more in a single year than most manage to achieve in a lifetime.>  Most New Year’s resolutions are...

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Living Without Fear

Living Without Fear

We live in an era of limitless possibilities; one where any person can live the life they desire to. And yet, one of life’s sharpest paradoxes remains the fact that your brightest future centers on your ability to overcome your limiting beliefs.

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Observing the practice of Ahimsa

Observing the practice of Ahimsa

Observing the practice of Ahimsa (non-violence), the first Yama of Patanjali Yoga Sutras, involves refraining from the intention of causing physical and psychological pain to any living being, and the conscious integration of compassion into all aspects of daily life. Ahimsa is about the intent, rather than the deed itself. It is an attitude of universal compassion.

Ahimsa isn’t simply the practice of refraining from vehement words or violent actions, it’s also about abstaining from harmful thoughts. It is the total and complete absence of violence from one’s mind, body, and spirit.

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The Value of A Growth Mindset

The Value of A Growth Mindset

The goal of personal growth is to find balance between living your life and learning new skills and tools to be your best self. Learning helps you expand your mind, and as you begin to acquire information that you did not have before, you can begin to do things that you could not have done before. Knowledge is the primary source of value in our world today, and your ability to expand your mind and devote yourself to lifelong learning is the key to bre

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The Secrets to Live a Successful Life

The Secrets to Live a Successful Life

Have you ever wondered about how some people are able to achieve massive amounts of success in their field, while others work just as hard, but achieve very little? The not-so-secret truth, is that individuals who show up on a regular and consistent basis are often...

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Get Our 3 Week 3 eBook Series

>  Learn to Make Space for a Positive Mindset

>  Discover How to Live an Awaken Life

>  Develop Positive Relationships

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I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach,  and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose