Affirmation: I embrace growth.

Affirmation: I embrace growth.

Check out this week’s affirmation: I embrace growth.

Embracing growth, by definition, is about developing our skills and staying open to change.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Embracing growth is having your world turned upside down and still being able to see it as a learning opportunity. Affirmation: I embrace growth.

I embrace growth.

I become stronger and wiser each day.

I make my wellbeing a top priority. I build a solid foundation for my personal development by taking care of my mental and physical health. I watch what I eat. I exercise regularly. I manage daily stress and sleep well at night. Affirmation: I embrace growth.

I continue learning. I use my library card. I read books, watch videos, and listen to podcasts. I take courses online or at my local community college. I talk with friends and coworkers about their hobbies and interests.

I connect with others. I cultivate mutually supportive relationships. I share constructive feedback. I engage in deep discussions and listen carefully to different points of view. Affirmation: I embrace growth.

I give generously. Practicing random acts of kindness increases my capacity for love.

I advance my career. I study thought leaders and high performers. I adapt their habits to suit my own style. I work on my communication and writing skills. I manage my time and maintain balance.

I seek out inspiration. I spend time outdoors. Natural beauty energizes me and stimulates my creativity. I practice my faith. Prayer and reflection encourage my self-awareness. My life feels more joyful and meaningful. Affirmation: I embrace growth.

I celebrate the power of positivity. I believe in myself and my abilities. I learn from experience. I give myself sincere compliments and invigorating pep talks.

Today, I am like a garden in full bloom. I flourish and thrive. I grow my talents with dedication, hard work, and perseverance. Affirmation: I embrace growth.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Why is personal development a lifelong process?

2. What is my personal mission statement?

3 How do challenges help me to grow?

Affirmation: I embrace growth.

Affirmation: I embrace growth.

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

Affirmation: I embrace growth.

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How to Do a Hard Reset to Make Big Changes in Your Life Quickly

How to Do a Hard Reset to Make Big Changes in Your Life Quickly

There’s a lot to be said for making a series of small changes to your life and taking your time. It’s an effective way of changing your life with a minimal amount of stress. But, what if you’re impatient? How to Do a Hard Reset to Make Big Changes in Your Life Quickly

What if your life is such a mess that you’re willing to risk being uncomfortable to have a chance of changing your life quickly? In this case, there’s another option.

If you want to make big changes quickly, you can do a hard reset. Doing a hard reset on your cell phone erases everything and allows you to start over from scratch. You can do the same thing in your life if you’re tough enough.

A hard reset can be in just one part of your life or can encompass several aspects of your life. How to Do a Hard Reset to Make Big Changes in Your Life Quickly

  • Changing careers
  • Ending a relationship
  • Moving to a new city
  • Losing a dramatic amount of weight

Hard resets are big, serious, and require a lot of time and focus.

If you’re ready to make a big change quickly, follow this process of proven strategies:

1. Have a vision for what you want to accomplish. A big change requires a big and clear goal. What change do you want to make to your life? How to Do a Hard Reset to Make Big Changes in Your Life Quickly

> Do you want to move to the beach?
> Find someone that is a better match for you
> Quit your job and go back to school?
> Lose 75 pounds?
> Run an ultramarathon?

2. Clear the junk out of your life. This includes possessions, people, and obligations that don’t add significantly to your life. People carry too much dead weight through life.

> Big goals require sacrifices to be made. You might have to cut-off your high school friend, quit playing darts on Saturday nights, or throw your ukulele in the trash. How to Do a Hard Reset to Make Big Changes in Your Life Quickly

3. Decide on the most important actions to take. We like to be busy. It feels like we’re doing something. But we don’t necessarily like to do the most effective tasks, because they’re uncomfortable or inconvenient. That mentality isn’t an option if you’re doing a hard reset. You have to be tough on yourself.

> Cutting off your food after dinner and taking a walk is a lot more effective than eating low-fat artificially sweetened brownies on the couch. How to Do a Hard Reset to Make Big Changes in Your Life Quickly

> Approaching five interesting strangers each day is more effective than rewriting your personal ad profile for the 8th time.

> Cold calling is more effective than tweaking your website that no one visits anyway.

> Find the most effective actions and focus on those.

4. Schedule your time. You have 168 hours in the next week. If you sleep for 7 hours each night, that leaves 119 hours. If you’re working 40 hours a week, you still have another 79 hours left to use as well as you can. Even if you work 60 hours, that’s still a lot of time left over! How to Do a Hard Reset to Make Big Changes in Your Life Quickly

> Make a plan for each day.
> Each night, make an even better plan.
> Execute your plan.

5. Realize the truth. If you’re spending all of your available time taking the most effective actions, how could you not be supremely successful at what you’re trying to accomplish?

> Success isn’t a secret. It’s just that the obvious path to success looks miserable to most people.

The only issue you really have is yourself. With time, intention, and a little courage, it’s possible to make dramatic changes to your life very quickly.

A hard reset isn’t for everyone. Many people would have better luck making small changes over the course of several months. How to Do a Hard Reset to Make Big Changes in Your Life Quickly

On the other hand, some people are capable of moving faster and handling more pressure.

Which type of person are you? Go for it, in the way that works best for you. Either way, you’ll see success. How to Do a Hard Reset to Make Big Changes in Your Life Quickly

How to Do a Hard Reset to Make Big Changes in Your Life Quickly

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

How to Do a Hard Reset to Make Big Changes in Your Life Quickly

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Reacting Versus Responding to Life’s Challenges

Reacting Versus Responding to Life’s Challenges

There are a lot of people that react to any kind of obstacle, setback, or challenge. Reactions are reflexive, ego-driven, and only consider the short-term outcome. Reactions make you feel better, but don’t resolve an issue effectively.

Responding is different. It’s intelligent, practical, and considers the long-term implications of that course of action.

People that react struggle and are known for making impulsive decisions. Those that respond have fewer struggles in life. As it turns out, the biggest hassles in life are usually of your own making.

Let’s consider an example that highlights the differences between reacting and responding:

Imagine that you have a horrible boss. Today at work, he berates you for something that isn’t your fault. He calls you a mean name. He says that you’re a worthless employee. You leave work enraged and convinced that you can’t take it anymore.

Reacting to this situation might entail quitting in a blaze of glory. You march in the next day and tell him exactly what you think of him. You might even spit in his eye, stomp on his foot, and shove your resignation letter into his mouth.

However, when you get home, you realize that the job market is tight, you have no savings, and no employment prospects.

Responding to this situation might look something like this:

You determine that you need to find another job. You work on your resume. You put out feelers to everyone you know that have or know of a position that’s suitable for you. You get in touch with a recruiter and let them know that you’re looking.

You also cut back on your expenses and save some money just in case you lose your job.

One of these options is short-sighted and risky. The other is thoughtful and logical. One is likely to end in misery, while the other is likely to end in success.

How can you strengthen your odds of success when challenges arise?

Following this process will help you to respond rather than react:

1. Steady yourself. It’s hard to be intelligent, logical, and practical when your emotions are high. Never make an important decision when you’re not cool, calm and collected. Take the time you need. Mull it over. Consider your options.

2. Identify the problem. What is the issue that you need to resolve? Think about what you want to change. Avoid changing a bunch of other things that may have a negative impact on your life. In the example above, you’d get away from your boss, but drastically change your income, too.

3. Be clear on the outcome you desire. It’s just as important to consider the outcome you desire. You might hate your job, but you don’t just want to get away from it. You’ll want a good landing place, too.

4. Make an intelligent plan. Create a plan that resolves your issue and gives you the outcome you desire. Reacting only removes the initial problem. It doesn’t provide a great outcome. A good plan does both.

5. Execute that plan. Use your plan. There are a lot of people that are great at making plans, but never execute them. You don’t want to be one of those people. Put your plan to the test and see what happens.

If you’re someone that reacts to the challenges in your life, you already know the additional challenges it can bring. It’s the perfect example of “out of the frying pan and into the fire.”

Avoid making decisions when you’re upset. Calm yourself first. Then make an intelligent decision that will remove that challenge from your life in a way that leaves you better than you started. Life is much easier this way.

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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Affirmation: I approve of who I am and that is enough.

Affirmation: I approve of who I am and that is enough.

Check out this week’s affirmation: I approve of who I am and that is enough.

Accepting the reality of your life sounds like it should be easy enough. But many, many people hold to their own version of reality. It may be based in regret, disappointment, denial, or just waiting for something better–a promotion, for the kids to be grown, retirement, whatever.

Failing to connect with reality is why some of us have pants in the closet that haven’t fit in years. More significantly, it keeps people in unfulfilling jobs or even in the wrong profession entirely.

There are few better things you can do for yourself than giving up the fictional version of your life and learning to accept yourself, your life, and your reality. Even if your situation is terrible, the first step in improving it is acknowledging it for what it is.

I approve of who I am and that is enough.

I am free from worrying about the approval of others. The opinions of others are outside of my control. I avoid spending time thinking about things that are beyond my influence.

I allow others to think whatever they like. I am too busy living my life to care.

I approve of myself. I live my life in a way that pleases me and fills me with pride. I live according to my values, so I am always comfortable with myself and my choices.

I avoid making decisions that would make me feel embarrassed or ashamed. I approve of myself and how I live my life.

That is enough for me.

I am focused on my own life. I am too focused to worry about what other people are doing, thinking, or saying. I know that most people have better things to do than to disapprove of me.

I am free to live my life as I please.

Today, I am giving myself all the approval I need to have a great day. I am living my best life and hoping that others are doing the same. I believe that my approval is all I need. I approve of who I am and that is enough.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What do I like the most about myself? What other qualities could I appreciate if I allowed myself to?

2. Am I concerned about the approval of others? If so, why? What does their approval do for me?

3. If others did disapprove of me, what impact does that have on my life? Is that relevant?

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Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Live Your Best Life in 6 Steps

Live Your Best Life in 6 Steps

Everyone is different. It’s not reasonable to expect that everyone wants to live the same life. But, to step outside the options that society deems to be acceptable can be a little scary. Our need to impress and be accepted can be very strong.

Perhaps you’ve never really considered what your dream life would be. It’s hard to hit a target that you’ve never identified.

Follow these steps to imagine the best life you could possibly have and then live it:

1. Be true to yourself. You can’t live your best life if you’re pretending to be someone or something that you’re not. The first step in living your best life is to admit to yourself who you really are. Be honest about your likes, dislikes, and dreams.

> Maybe you would like to live in a cabin in the woods and grow all of your food.

> Or do you love the idea of minimalism and frugality?

> Do you prefer animals to people?

> Would you like to live in a commune?

> Do you love to play the accordion?

> Would you like to travel the world like a nomad without a home base?

> Do you want to spend all of your time and resources saving the planet?

> Does the idea of having children horrify you? Or would you like to try for 13 kids?

> Choose what appeals to you. Any admiration or scorn you receive from others won’t last long enough for your cup of coffee to get cold.

2. Make a plan. Relying on chance or luck is a losing game in the long run. If you want a specific life, it’s important to choose it and then make a plan to get there. Make a long-term plan that begins with something you can do today.

3. Execute your plan. Many people love to dream and plan. That’s the easy and fun part. Unfortunately, few people ever take the first step in their plan. They never get started.

> Take some sort of action each day outlined by your plan. You don’t have to do an amazing amount of work each day to make significant progress over time. A little each day eventually grows into substantial results.

> The hardest part is getting started, so ensure that you get started as soon as possible. There will never be a perfect time to begin. Begin now and make the best of it. Everything changes once you actually begin.

4. Learn from your mistakes. Neither you nor your plan is flawless. You will make mistakes and try things that don’t work. That should be expected. Decide that you’re going to learn from your mistakes, adjust your approach, and try again.

5. Focus. Keep your attention on those things that are relevant regarding your plans. Reject nearly everything else.

> Why are you gossiping about your coworkers or neighbors?

> Still upset about how your ex cheated on you 13 years ago?

> Annoyed by the price of gasoline?

> What do any of these sorts of things have to do with achieving your goals and attaining your dream life? (Nothing.)

6. Finish. You can’t live your best life if you give up on your quest to attain it. Keep going until you’ve arrived where you want to be.

Your best life is out there ready for you to claim it! Be completely honest with yourself, make a plan, and stick with it until you’ve arrived. The life you desire is attainable and within your reach. Do you have the courage to make it happen?

Take a chance on feeling happy and fulfilled. Chase after your dream life.

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Fear of Failure: The Greatest Threat to Your Success

Fear of Failure: The Greatest Threat to Your Success

Fear of Failure: The Greatest Threat to Your Success

The fear of failure has killed more dreams than all other fears combined. The fear of failure is insidious, because it’s largely in your imagination. It can also prevent you from even trying in the first place, which guarantees failure.

It’s interesting that very small children have no concept of failure. They couldn’t care less if they fail to do something. They just try again. There are no negative thoughts or emotions involved. They just keep on going. Fear of Failure: The Greatest Threat to Your Success

But it doesn’t take long before children learn to fear the opinions of others. It’s usually around the time they start school. After that first day of school, we’re all changed forever.

It might not be possible to go recapture the mentality of a toddler, but you can come close. The fear of failure doesn’t have to impact your life significantly. Fear of Failure: The Greatest Threat to Your Success

Consider these facts:

1. Failure is temporary – unless you quit. Failure isn’t final unless you give up. All the most successful people have experienced a lot of failure. But they ended up being successful precisely because they didn’t quit. Failure is just a temporary state that means nothing, because it’s only temporary.

2. Failure is common. You’ve failed thousands of times and managed to survive. Consider how many times you failed to walk or to talk well. Babies have constant failure. Fear of Failure: The Greatest Threat to Your Success

> Successful people fail all of the time. It’s a huge part of how human beings learn. We realize that our approach didn’t work, we adjust, and we try again.

3. Failure is educational. You can learn something from every single one of your failures. Failure makes you more knowledgeable and capable. The more you fail, the stronger you become.

4. Others are far less concerned about your failure than you think. A few people might notice your failure, but they quickly turn their attention back on themselves and their own challenges.

> There’s nothing to worry about. Feel free to fail as much as necessary. Fail enough and you’ll quickly see that no one relevant cares. Fear of Failure: The Greatest Threat to Your Success

5. Focus on how great it will be when you succeed. Instead of worrying about possible failure, consider possible success. Make yourself feel excited and positive about taking action.

> With high enough expectations, you’ll do just about anything without worrying about failure.

6. Redirect your thoughts. Put your attention on what you’re doing. If a negative outcome isn’t going to cause any real harm, forget about the outcome. Stay focused on your actions or something positive. Thinking about failing will freeze you in your tracks. Fear of Failure: The Greatest Threat to Your Success

7. Consider the cost of doing nothing. Taking action might be a little scary, but what will happen if you do nothing?

> What will you feel about failing to take action?

> What if you’re stuck in your current life for the next decade or more?

> Maybe taking a risk is far more attractive than remaining where you are.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid of failing? Probably a lot more than you’re currently doing! How much has the fear of failure limited your life?

We’ve all allowed the fear of failure to influence our decisions. We’ve allowed this fear to stop us from trying new things or taking risks. We all have smaller lives than we could because we’re too concerned with what others think. Fear of Failure: The Greatest Threat to Your Success

Rejecting the fear of failure is one of the greatest things you can do for your future!

You can start today. What are you going to do today that you’ve been afraid to try?

Fear of Failure: The Greatest Threat to Your Success

Fear of Failure: The Greatest Threat to Your Success

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

Fear of Failure: The Greatest Threat to Your Success

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings