Learn the Power of Habit: How You Do One Thing is How You Do Everything

Learn the Power of Habit: How You Do One Thing is How You Do Everything

“Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.” – Arthur Ashe

Practicing mindfulness is a simple self-improvement technique, but complicated and difficult to execute while living a modern day-to-day life. A simple method for practicing mindfulness or self-awareness is for a person to realize that how they do one thing in life is how they carry out every other action.

It is more valuable for an individual to understand their behavior patterns, rather than the person focusing solely on achieving a set of goals without conscious awareness: the process of mindful living naturally leads a person towards accomplishing their goals. A mindful person understands that if they are going to do something, it should be performed to the best of their ability.

More often than not, and due to modern pressures, a person is compelled to complete a task to 80% of their ability to get the project done and stop working when it is sufficient. However, by sacrificing their integrity in order to keep up with the fast pace of modern life, cutting corners, and not performing to the best of their ability, an individual begins to develop the habit of laziness and mediocrity. By accepting mediocrity in one area of life, a person accepts mediocrity in all other areas of life. Mindful living is practiced when a person does their best without being a perfectionist.

For individuals who are consistently late with deadlines at work and have the habit of not paying close attention to details, chances are these characteristics are seen in their personal life and relationships. People who often find themselves having conflict with friends and family will probably discover that there is strife in other areas of life.

A mindful person who realizes that how they do one thing in life is how they carry out all other actions, wakes up every morning ready to kick life in the ass, regardless of what they are faced with each day. Mindful people approach every challenge as the most important thing. They talk to each person as if they were the most important person. Treat each client as if they were your most important client.

Maybe if you begin to practice mindful living with the understanding that if you are going to do something, it should be performed to the best of your ability, you will begin to live your dream life. May all beings be happy and free, and may all our thoughts, words and actions contribute in some way to the happiness and freedom of all.

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

How to Fill Your Bucket, Before Exhaustion

How to Fill Your Bucket, Before Exhaustion

Have you ever, established lofty goals with the best intentions, and then discover two months later, that you have not achieved one new aspiration for the year? While living your life, going through your daily routine do you find yourself, exhausted with little or no energy to achieve your dreams and reach your highest best version of yourself?

Exhaustion is the by-product of exceeding a person’s capacity for emotional stress. Most individual experience exhaustion, even when we’re not aware that we’ve depleted our emotional reserves. Experience suggests most people feel completely alone, but every person in the modern world has pushed themselves to states of exhaustion. Persons liken themselves to others through social media and use clichés’ like “Being super busy” as a status symbol.

It is important to notice these signs of emotional exhaustion to avoid further interpersonal, work, school, or other social and spiritual problems. It is important to notice the signs of exhaustion to prevent unnecessary physical or emotional hardship. When a persons’ bucket is full, it is easier to find grace in the day, to find pleasure in the days ahead and manage the trials in life.

When a person’s bucket is empty, it is more problematic to cope with the obstacles that arise while living in the material world. Perhaps the most important thing an individual can do to live a mindful and spiritual life is to maintain his or her emotional bucket.

Energy is a person’s capacity to work in the material and contribute to the betterment of all beings. When a person is on a spiritual quest in this chaotic material world, and he or she is having a crisis of consciousness about his or her ability to face their inner demons and greatest life fears, where should he or she turn? A person has the best of intentions when it comes to connecting with the divine, yet more often than not a person seems to be unable to meet his or her expectations in life.

The purpose in life is to know and understand the inner self; a person’s life mission, values, vision of how to live mindfully and spiritually, and discovering true fulfillment. Knowing a person’s true self requires a high level of introspection and self-awareness.

By maintaining and continuing to fill a person’s spiritual and emotional bucket it becomes easier to find clarity to at least half of what is listed above. At the same time, the process of discovery never ends – it’s a life-long journey.

It’s often difficult to be attentive to a person’s emotional and spiritual bucket because he or she is often too tired and too disconnected to care. By being aware of our mind and body, we can detect the signs of emotional exhaustion early and work on ways to avoid a total breakdown.

If we pass the point of no return and we hit our stress peak, we have the opportunity to recover and start again. We can empty our emotional tanks of negativity and begin filling them with the things that matter most in life.


Here are a few Suggestions to help you restore, renew and refill your emotional and spiritual bucket:


  1. Get active rest: Rest is a required and is a basic human need.
  2. Check your Emotional State: A negative attitude that keeps you focused on everything wrong in life, and that is consistently looking for future problems, is a huge energy drain.
  3. Make time for Fun. Fun takes away restrictions and eliminates deadlines and stretches your muscles like nothing else.
  4. Find a touch of nature. No matter where we are, adding a little bit of nature to our day can awaken our creative cells like nothing else—even a strong cup of coffee.
  5. Meditate Daily
  6. Spend time with other People that Fill our Buckets and Bring out the best version of ourselves
  7. Spend time in Gratitude being thankful

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Living a Joyful Life with the Practice of Gratitude

Living a Joyful Life with the Practice of Gratitude

In a culture where success is praised above all other qualities of life, it is easy for a person to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of climbing the achievement ladder, forgetting to take a moment to give thanks for all he or she has accomplished and to those individuals who have helped along the way.

People tend to take for granted the good that is already present in their lives and have the habit of comparing oneself to other peoples’ success. By practicing gratitude and taking a moment to appreciate what has been achieved, a person gradually shifts their focus from what is missing in life to an awareness of abundance that is already present

Folks who practice gratefulness daily experience more positive emotions; have improved sleep; express more compassion and kindness towards other people and other beings; have stronger robust immune systems; and have less day-to-day stress.

By taking the time each morning and evening to sit and reflect on what a person is grateful for in life boosts a person’s overall well-being. Rather than becoming resentful towards people who have more money or better jobs – which is a major factor in reduced self-esteem – grateful people can appreciate other peoples’ accomplishments.

Gratitude provides a person with the instruments to live a simpler and happier life. A person who is grateful for the things they own will waste less energy seeking more stuff thereby creating feelings of copiousness. Gratitude gives a person the experience to find fulfillment in the treasures he or she already possesses rather than looking outside themselves for contentment.

Gratitude allows a person to be happy for what he or she has in life. When a person shifts awareness towards gratefulness, he or she will begin to have a higher frequency of appreciation for the simple pleasures of what a person has accomplished. Gratitude should not be just a reaction to getting what you want, but rather practiced regularly.

Start bringing gratitude to your experiences, instead of waiting for a positive experience in order to feel grateful. In this way, you’ll be on your way toward becoming a master of gratitude. May all beings be happy and free, may all our thoughts words and actions contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

A How to Guide on How to Take the Time To Reset Life and Live Life on Purpose

A How to Guide on How to Take the Time To Reset Life and Live Life on Purpose

In the age of technology and multi-tasking, where a person is more connected to work and life outside the home, it has become more challenging for an individual to slow down in life and allow oneself time to reflect on how he or she is living life with awareness, rather than remaining on autopilot, responding to every curve ball and obstacle.

It is understandable that a person’s goals occasionally go astray when he or she is continuously reacting to every challenge and obstacle in life, rather than taking time out of his or her demanding schedule to reflect on their life and make active life choices.

Every now and then, a person has the potential to become overwhelmed by life’s responsibility, taking on too many projects and becoming frustrated, and at these times, it is essential for an individual step back, reflect, and reboot.

Every person battles feeling inundated, frustrated, and exhausted by the burdens of the material world, given how hectic people’s tech-fueled, multi-tasking lives are and the speed at which everything occurs these days.

Living consciously with a spiritual intention, a person actively notices the typical pressures to overwork, overdo, over-commit, and over-schedule life, running from place to place, activity to activity, and never allowing a moment of freedom to breath and reflect.

Society frequently romanticizes a simpler life, desiring the good old days when life was easier. By living life on purpose, a person occasionally steps out of life’s routines to evaluate themselves, examine how he or she lives, and reboot with new intentions to live mindfully with the goal to achieve their dreams.

A person has the habit of becoming trapped in a pattern of living re-actively to life, without making conscious, mindful decisions for too long. An individual must give himself or herself permission to step away from a busy schedule and allow space to reflect.

This period time, which can be as simple as a few quiet hours every week or every month, can provide a person with the means to reboot and recharge. Whatever the reason, remember, every person and every being is special and deserve to be happy in life.


Below are a few suggested tips on ways to stop and reflect on how a person lives life.


  1. Take on fewer projects and responsibility. It’s challenging to slow down and reflect when a person is attempting complete multiple tasks. Rather, a person should make the conscious choice to do less and focus on quality rather than quantity. Allow time between projects and appointments to move through the days at a reasonable pace.
  2. Single-task. The opposite of multi-tasking. Focus on one thing at a time. When you feel the urge to switch to other tasks, pause, breathe, and pull yourself back. Schedule each task in a calendar or task management software and allow no other distraction.
  3. Schedule Tech free Time. Allow for a time through the day and evening, when you do not check or respond to emails or phones unless required and urgent. Schedule time each day to follow up on emails, but do not respond to emails as they appear in your inbox. 1 – 2 hours before bed, turn off all electronics and create a bedtime routine that includes reading and reflecting on the day.
  4. Follow the Principles of the Miracle Morning: Read the book and implement into practice The Miracle Moring by Hal Elrod. Take time each morning to follow the morning SAVERS Hal created and explains in this book. The Life SAVERS to complete first thing each morning are Silent Mediation, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing (writing).
  5. Do not compare to others. Avoid FOMO (fear of missing out). There are ups and downs to every situation. Trust you are where you are supposed to be and that everything happens for a reason. Do not compare your success or failures to others

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Why Love is the Only Solution

Why Love is the Only Solution

A person’s emotions, influences their thoughts, behaviors and actions towards other people and other beings in this material world, thus creating a personnel belief system on how the material world is structured.

This internal belief system that a person considers to be the absolute truth filters how this individual perceives events, views the value of other people and other beings, and even filters what they hear.

Consequently, this internal belief system fostered by emotions controls how people behave and interact with the world. Many different components form a person’s life, including the influences of family, friends, career, spiritual history and present spiritual practices, but an individual’s internal belief systems created by their feelings are a major factor that controls a person’s quality of life

People’s emotions are relentlessly shifting due to the continuous flow of new ideas and beliefs, which are internalized into the subconscious mind and shape a person’s behavior and reactions to life’s circumstances. This internal process of filtering data controls how an individual feels towards other people and beings.

Hatred, an emotional extreme dislike for another person or being, can easily tear us down and more often then not accompanies feelings of anger, disgust and hostility. This emotion can turn happy moments into bad memories, turn us into a person that other people no longer want to be around, and limits our potential for greatness in this world.

Every person and every being is beautifully unique and has something special to offer the world to make it a better place, without exception. Each person’s experiences shapes their beliefs, thoughts, actions, like and dislikes.

However, because we each experience the world separately and form our own distinctive internal belief system based on our emotions, no two people will agree on everything. These disagreements and differences that make the world magnificent can at times cause feelings of indignation and anger.

In these challenging circumstances where societies beliefs are tested, it is easier to foster feelings of hatred toward the opposing individuals. However, a more productive habit is to consider each person’s background.

Remember, every person and every being is different. Each individual sees things differently. Once a person takes a walk in another individual’s shoes, it become easier to be sympathetic to the situation. Rather then causing feelings of hatred and animosity, these differences have the potential to provide an opportunity for growth and to learn to be a better being.

The only solution to hate is love. Hate comes in a variety of forms and it is not always easily identified. Hatred typically arises when our belief systems become too rigid and inflexible. These feelings can stem toward a person’s family, a physical object, another culture, an idea, race, or even to a person’s self.

By practicing compassion for all people and all beings including an individual’s self, a person can begin to understand the difference that make this world unique and special. Understand that every being is perfectly imperfect.

Indeed, a person should love everyone, even those who disagree with his or her beliefs.

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings