Affirmation: I seize life

Affirmation: I seize life

Check out this affirmation: I seize life.

Seizing life is about embracing the present, taking charge of our own destiny, and making the most of every opportunity that comes our way. It involves living with purpose, intention, and a sense of adventure.

When we seize life, we refuse to let fear, doubt, or complacency hold us back. Instead, we choose to step outside of our comfort zones, pursue our passions, and create a life that is meaningful and fulfilling. Affirmation: I seize life.

In this fast-paced world, where time seems to slip through our fingers, seizing life becomes even more important as we strive to make the most of our limited time and create memories that will last a lifetime.

I seize life.

I realize that life is precious.

I see opportunity in each new moment. Affirmation: I seize life.

I relish the chance to experience all that life has to offer me. I embrace my potential.

My potential is limitless.

I understand that life is a wonderful gift to be savored. I make it my goal to notice each moment.

I feel the warmth of the sun as it tingles on my skin. I experience each drop of rain as the water hits my skin. Affirmation: I seize life.

I feel the breeze in my hair. I understand I am part of the planet, and the planet is part of me. I realize I can do anything I put my mind to.

I am here to enjoy every part of life and embrace and celebrate all it offers.

I understand and appreciate that the world is beautiful and deserve to experience all its joy and happiness. I accept the gift of life.

I acknowledge the responsibility I have to make the most of each crucial and beautiful moment.

I understand I have a duty to share love, hope, and acceptance. I make this my primary goal. Affirmation: I seize life.

My life is in my hands, and it is up to me to create and shape the life I want.

I take full responsibility for my destiny. I know life is exciting and full of endless possibilities. I know I can chase any dream I want to. I deserve happiness.

Today, I seize life and celebrate the beauty all around me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Am I trying hard to be the best version of myself?

2. Am I enjoying the small and the large parts of life?

3. Am I taking time to celebrate myself?

Affirmation: I seize life.

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Affirmation: I seize life.

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I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

Affirmation: I seize life.

affirmation: I attract success.

Affirmation: I can make my dreams happen.

Affirmation: I can make my dreams happen.

Check out this week’s affirmation: I can make my dreams happen.

Everyone has dreams. Some are much larger and more complex than others, but they all have value. The dreams that you have are there for a reason: to be realized as a part of fulfilling your life purpose. Affirmation: I can make my dreams happen.

Many people give up on their dreams because they don’t see them coming to pass when planned. Have patience! Although your dream may not have come to pass yet, it can still be realized.

Making Your Dreams a Reality

While you can’t force dreams to happen, you can take steps toward actualizing them. Maybe you want to travel to a specific place. Do you know anything about the culture and language there? Affirmation: I can make my dreams happen.

Are you saving money each week or month toward your trip? You won’t magically arrive there. You must plan and work toward what you want.

The same is true if you want to have a family, write a successful book, help others, move to another state, or anything else that interests you. Even if you try and fail, keep trying.

Your dreams have value. Keep moving toward them, even if you face setbacks and challenges.

I can make my dreams happen.

I have the power to manifest my dreams. Affirmation: I can make my dreams happen.

I recognise that dreams only come true if I take charge of my destiny. The power for change lies within me.

I know that I have the strength and ability to create the life I deserve.

I am special, and I know my dreams are within reach.

I have the tools I need to succeed. I am powerful. I tap into my inner strength to make my thoughts a reality. I create the world around me. Affirmation: I can make my dreams happen.

I appreciate my friends and family. Their unwavering support helps me achieve anything I want to. I follow my plans and follow my heart.

I am unstoppable. My dreams are within my reach. I have the power to bring positive change to my world. I have the confidence to build my dream life. Affirmation: I can make my dreams happen.

I can turn my dreams into reality.

The only obstacle is my own mind. I am undefeatable.

I reflect on every decision and allow my thinking to heal me. Every experience is a special one.

I see challenges as opportunities to make memories and build success. I see obstacles as rungs on the ladder I am climbing. I am able to get to the top. Affirmation: I can make my dreams happen.

Today, I am making my dreams reality.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What does my dream life look like?

2. Am I seeking emotional support?

3. What are my specific dreams?

Affirmation: I can make my dreams happen.

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Affirmation: I can make my dreams happen.

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .


Affirmation: I can make my dreams happen.

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

affirmation: I attract success.

Affirmation I stay positive

Affirmation I stay positive

Check out this week’s affirmation: I stay positive.

Broken down to essentials, caring about something is the foundation of focus. After all, the more passion you have about something, the easier it is for you to pay attention to it. Focusing on something that holds no meaning to you can be very challenging. Affirmation I stay positive.

If you look at anything spectacular that you’ve ever done, it probably involved something that you cared about very deeply. This isn’t just a coincidence. Focus isn’t about discipline; it’s about passion

I stay positive. Affirmation I stay positive.

I am full of optimism and hope. I expect to be successful. I set challenging and realistic goals that motivate me to keep trying. I dream big and aim high. Thinking boldly helps me to accomplish more.

I focus on solutions. I view challenging situations as opportunities to learn and grow.

I develop healthy habits. Keeping my mind and body strong gives me the energy and resources I need to stay active and engaged. I eat a balanced and nutritious diet. I go to bed and wake up early. I exercise regularly. Affirmation I stay positive.

I remind myself that setbacks are temporary. When I lose one thing, I may gain another that is even more fulfilling. Life is full of ups and downs. I remember my purpose and continue to pursue my goals. Affirmation I stay positive.

I know that, with hard work and determination, I can turn things around.

I choose to be happy. When I lose my car keys, or my cat coughs up a hairball on my favorite rug, I can still be joyful. I am in charge of my outlook on life. I keep a gratitude journal. Writing about my blessings helps me to be content with what I have.

I feed my mind with encouraging affirmations. I repeat uplifting statements to myself and contemplate their meaning.

I help others. Taking the focus off myself makes me happier and more fulfilled.

Today, I look on the bright side. I have confidence in myself and my ability to handle anything that comes my way. I feel excited about my life. Affirmation I stay positive.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are some of the health benefits of being optimistic?

2. Why is optimism empowering?

3. How can I stay focused on the things that I can control?

Affirmation I stay positive.

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> Discover How to Live an Awaken Life

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Affirmation I stay positive.

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .


Affirmation I stay positive.

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

affirmation: I attract success.

Affirmation: I keep going.

Affirmation: I keep going.

Check out this week’s affirmation: I keep going.

Would you rather be talented or be tough? It’s an interesting question. The athletes and actors we see on TV seem to have a lot of talent, and many of them do.

But having the resolve to continue under any circumstance can be much more valuable and can be applied to all areas of life. In other words, your athletic ability won’t do anything to help your scholastic efforts. Affirmation: I keep going.

I keep going.

I make progress each day. Affirmation: I keep going.

I think positive. I look on the bright side. I surround myself with family and friends who lift me up. I believe in myself and my abilities. I see the glass as half full.

I increase my motivation. I remember my purpose. I set specific goals that excite me. I focus on the things I can control. I visualize success and find joy in giving.

I boost my energy. I adopt lifestyle habits that keep me in top shape. I eat a healthy diet. I exercise regularly and sleep well. I stimulate my mind by reading and learning new things. I cut back on nonessential commitments. Affirmation: I keep going.

I persevere through obstacles. Life is full of ups and downs. Even when I feel stuck, I can turn things around if I keep trying.

I let go of perfectionism and judgements. I silence my inner critic. I give myself credit for making an effort.

I take breaks. I pause before I become fatigued, so I can recover from stress and maintain my performance. I chat with my coworkers in between meetings. I stop to drink a cup of tea when I am running errands. Affirmation: I keep going.

I start small and build momentum. I break big projects down into manageable steps. I set short term goals that give me a sense of accomplishment and help me to evaluate how I am doing.

Today, I charge ahead. I am driven to take on challenges and reach my goals. I make things happen. I feel hopeful and determined. Affirmation: I keep going.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What inspires me to keep going?

2. Why do I sometimes doubt myself?

3. What are some activities that energize me?

Affirmation: I keep going.

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> Discover How to Live an Awaken Life

> Develop Positive Relationships

Affirmation: I keep going.

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .


affirmation: I attract success.

Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success

Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success

Check out this week’s affirmation: I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

What is Success?

To many, success is obvious. It’s a life that includes a nice car, fine home, impressive job, and attractive spouse. Yet, people with all of these things aren’t any happier than those with less impressive lives. It’s because all of those achievements only serve to impress others. They do little to enhance the quality of your life. Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

Those with large homes still spend 80% of their time in just a couple of rooms. A $20,000 car provides just as reliable transportation as an $80,000 car. Even the most attractive people can become tiresome after a short period of time.

Success in the western world is too focused on showing off to your friends, family, and neighbors. It doesn’t focus on what will make you happy. You can’t find happiness by trying to impress others. You only show yourself that your own interests aren’t important. Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

I am thankful for focusing on what matters most to me, and I am so focused on my career pursuits and financial security. Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

Setting goals helps me achieve great things in all aspects of my life, and because I do this, I achieve great success in every part of my life.

I have a sense of pride and gratitude for creating an outstanding track record. Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

It takes courage to pursue my dreams. It takes courage to push through the doubts and naysayers. I use my energy to stay focused on my goals. I learn how to ignore distractions.

I know that I can eventually reach my goals if I work hard. I refuse to let setbacks stop me from working harder and overcoming obstacles – I just keep going until I succeed. Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

I am determined to reach my goals. I continue to pursue my life dream because I know that I can succeed.

I commit to reaching my personal and professional goals, and regardless of how long it takes to see results, I keep going, which is why I stick with my plan and commit my time and effort.

I am aware of my potential and conscious of my actions. I am confident in the direction of my life, and I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

Today, I am committed and dedicated to achieving my dreams. Whatever it takes, I keep moving forward persistently. I can genuinely say that I have succeeded.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How does one become successful in all aspects of their life?

2. What are some ways that I can improve my performance?

3. Where can I apply persistence to achieve my highest level of success?

Get Our 3 Week 3 eBook Series

> Learn to Make Space for a Positive Mindset

> Discover How to Live an Awaken Life

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What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .


I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

affirmation: I attract success.

Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

Check out this week’s affirmation: I have more power than I realize.

Your self-image is the way you view yourself. You might view yourself as a parent, construction worker, friend, blonde, sports fan, intelligent, impatient, and middle-aged. But you’re more than your career, gender, and age. You’re more than your parents’ opinion.

You’re a unique person with nuances that are unique to you! Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

When who you are aligns with what you do, you’re living authentically. But most of us view ourselves as one way and live another. Authentic people act honestly and congruently. Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

I have more power than I realize.

As a human being, the possibilities that I possess are as yet untold. I learn how to handle situations in a way that brings me success.

I now understand the concept of personal power. I recognize that I am mighty. When I decide on a course of action, it creates an effect in the universe.

The power I have comes through the conscious manifestation of my desires. My beliefs create my reality. If I believe that I am powerless, I become powerless. Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

An opportunity to take action and affect my reality is created and put in motion by each thought I have. Now I understand this, and I choose my thoughts wisely.

As I grow older, I understand the power of my mind, but I also accept that I can control every aspect of my life.

My choices and my actions are what create my results. I learn how to set goals and achieve those goals. Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

The only possible reason I can fail is that I choose to give up on my dreams. I choose the direction of my life.

Thinking you have power and actually having the power to take action are two very different things. I focus on awareness of this fact in life.

Today, I am intentional in manifesting what my desires are in life. I work to increase my awareness. I learn to love myself first before loving others. Self-love breeds the most beautiful energy. This is my path. Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. When was the last time I felt more power than I thought possible?

2. How do I feel when I realize I have control over my life?

3. What part of my belief system does empowerment play in my life?

Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

Get Our 3 Week 3 eBook Series

> Learn to Make Space for a Positive Mindset

> Discover How to Live an Awaken Life

> Develop Positive Relationships

Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .


I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

affirmation: I attract success.