Why You Need To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
In a fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in unhealthy, competitive cycles. Occasionally, when we’re feeling stressed or not at our best, we can start comparing ourselves to other people.
We might compare our lifestyles, jobs, physical appearance, houses, and even social lives.
We may start to feel inferior and we may feel that something is missing.
Let’s look at why it simply isn’t healthy to compare yourself to others, and why you should find inner satisfaction.
Social Media Can Portray A Lie
Why You Need To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

If you’ve seen your friends on social media posting about their fantastic night out, or their barbeque, or their new kitchen, you may feel disheartened and wonder why you aren’t achieving these things.
What you may not realize is that this picture has been carefully cultivated, edited, airbrushed, and selected for optimum impact.
You haven’t seen the financial struggles of the couple who posted it, or what happened before and after the social media post was published.
What we see on social media is a snapshot of other people’s lives. Most people only put the most perfect parts of their lives online and only share what they want people to see.
They likely have the same concerns, worries, and struggles as you, they just aren’t necessarily sharing them in a public space.
You Are Going At Your Own Pace
Why You Need To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

It can be overwhelming to see friends getting married, having children, moving into their dream homes, going on exotic holidays, and moving forward in life.
You may feel a bit lost, as though your life should be going at the same pace. No rule book says you must hit major goals in your life at the same pace as other people!
Life is all about happiness, and if you feel content, settled, and secure, then you’re on the right track. Settle down when you’re ready to, pursue your hobbies and goals, and find what interests you.
Surround yourself with people who support you. Regardless of what others are doing, take the steps you want to when you want to. After all, it’s your life.
You Are An Individual
Why You Need To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Even if it seems like everyone is making significant progress and you feel like you’re drifting, stop and think about the wonderful elements of your personality that make you unique.
There is nobody else like you in the world. You have thoughts, opinions, ideas, hobbies, and interests that make you completely different.
Everybody works through life in their way. You may compare yourself to others, but they may admire your freedom and passion for individuality.
Forced Fun Is A Pointless Endeavor
Why You Need To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

How many times have you seen a party posted about on social media? Or seen your friends on social media having a ‘wild’ night out? Or perhaps seen a friend having an amazing day out?
Before you get jealous, ask yourself whether you wanted to attend this event in the first place.
If it turns out you didn’t, there’s nothing wrong with that. You move at your own pace. Remember, your time is precious and others should respect that.
Make yourself break the cycle. It’s time to work toward a healthier mindset. Comparing yourself to others can be damaging to your mood and your self-esteem. Embrace your individuality and live life dancing to your unique beat!
Why You Need To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
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Why You Need To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
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I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose
https://www.ramseysolutions.com/personal-growth/how-to-stop-comparing-yourself-to-others#:~:text=Constantly%20comparing%20ourselves%20to%20others,ones%20who’ve%20accomplished%20something! https://www.betterup.com/blog/comparing-yourself-to-others https://zenhabits.net/lifes-enough-stop-comparing-yourself-to-others/ https://www.scienceofpeople.com/stop-comparing-yourself/ https://www.clevergirlfinance.com/never-compare-yourself-to-others/