Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success

Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success

Check out this week’s affirmation: I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

What is Success?

To many, success is obvious. It’s a life that includes a nice car, fine home, impressive job, and attractive spouse. Yet, people with all of these things aren’t any happier than those with less impressive lives. It’s because all of those achievements only serve to impress others. They do little to enhance the quality of your life. Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

Those with large homes still spend 80% of their time in just a couple of rooms. A $20,000 car provides just as reliable transportation as an $80,000 car. Even the most attractive people can become tiresome after a short period of time.

Success in the western world is too focused on showing off to your friends, family, and neighbors. It doesn’t focus on what will make you happy. You can’t find happiness by trying to impress others. You only show yourself that your own interests aren’t important. Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

I am thankful for focusing on what matters most to me, and I am so focused on my career pursuits and financial security. Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

Setting goals helps me achieve great things in all aspects of my life, and because I do this, I achieve great success in every part of my life.

I have a sense of pride and gratitude for creating an outstanding track record. Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

It takes courage to pursue my dreams. It takes courage to push through the doubts and naysayers. I use my energy to stay focused on my goals. I learn how to ignore distractions.

I know that I can eventually reach my goals if I work hard. I refuse to let setbacks stop me from working harder and overcoming obstacles – I just keep going until I succeed. Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

I am determined to reach my goals. I continue to pursue my life dream because I know that I can succeed.

I commit to reaching my personal and professional goals, and regardless of how long it takes to see results, I keep going, which is why I stick with my plan and commit my time and effort.

I am aware of my potential and conscious of my actions. I am confident in the direction of my life, and I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Affirmation I set goals and persevere to achieve success.

Today, I am committed and dedicated to achieving my dreams. Whatever it takes, I keep moving forward persistently. I can genuinely say that I have succeeded.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How does one become successful in all aspects of their life?

2. What are some ways that I can improve my performance?

3. Where can I apply persistence to achieve my highest level of success?

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I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

Are you looking to change your life but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Many people feel overwhelmed when they think about making changes, especially if those changes are big and challenging. That’s why it’s important to start small. The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

Here, we’ll discuss the five-step method of starting small to improve yourself. By following these steps, you can make gradual progress towards your goals and eventually achieve them!

Here are five practical steps to help you start your self-improvement journey:

1. Don’t change everything at once. Start with one small goal that you can easily achieve. For example, if your goal is to eat healthier, start by adding one new healthy food to your diet each week. Or, if you want to exercise more, commit to walking for 20 minutes every day. The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

> Small goals are much easier to achieve than large ones, and they can help you build momentum.

> If you try to change everything at once, you’re likely to get overwhelmed and give up. So start small and be patient with yourself. Remember that progress is more important than perfection. The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

> Here are some useful tips to help you start small: Set realistic goals that you can achieve. You must only end up disappointed if you set big, overwhelming goals. Instead, set clear, targeted, realistic goals that you can achieve.

> For example, don’t set a goal to make $1 million in a week. Although it’s not impossible, it’s more realistic to set a small monthly goal: “I will earn $2000 a month from my online writing business by August 2022.”

> Setting specific, attainable goals is one of the best ways to improve yourself. If goals daunt you, you can set the goal and focus on the process instead. The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

> For example, if you need to lose weight, forget about the number on the scale and focus on the actions you need to take every day to lose weight.

> You will need to exercise often and eat healthy meals. Therefore, each day, you can set a goal to walk 10,000 steps and to eat one healthy meal. The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

2. Make a plan of action and stick to it. It will help you stay focused and motivated. Write your goals and action steps, and then put them somewhere you’ll see them often. Make sure your plan is specific and realistic to follow through with it. Also, track your progress and celebrate your wins.

> Break down your goal into smaller goals or action steps. It will make it seem more achievable, and you’ll be able to track your progress more easily. The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

> Take action every day. Even if it’s just a small step, working towards your goal is more important than taking sporadic giant steps.

3. Celebrate your wins. It will help you stay motivated and keep progressing towards your goal. Acknowledge even your smallest accomplishments and give yourself credit for your progress. Recognize that every step forward is a success, no matter how small it may seem.

> Some ideas for celebrating your accomplishments: Buy yourself something new as a treat, such as a new pair of shoes, a new handbag, gaming equipment, or a new book. Take yourself out for a meal or to see a movie.

> Do something you enjoy, such as taking a relaxing bath, playing your favorite sport, or going for a massage.

> Tell your friends and family about your accomplishments and ask them to celebrate with you. The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

> Write about your success in a journal. It is a great way to reflect on your progress and stay motivated. You can also start a YouTube channel to document your journey. People like to watch others achieve their goals.

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The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

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The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

4. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, and you’re bound to have setbacks along the way. What’s important is that you learn from your mistakes and keep going. Be patient with yourself and remember that progress takes time. The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

> Forgive yourself. It is essential to move on from your mistakes. Do this by practicing self-compassion. It’s vital if you want to improve yourself.

> Focus on the present. The past is in the past, and you can’t change it. All you can do is focus on the present moment and make the best of it.

> Learn from your mistakes. Make sure you understand what went wrong to avoid making the same mistake again. The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

> Let go of perfectionism. Accept that you’re human and that it’s okay to make mistakes. Perfectionism can be a massive obstacle on the road to self-improvement, so learn to let go of it.

> Practice self-care. It is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. When you’re taking care of yourself, you’re more likely to be in a better frame of mind and better able to improve yourself.

5. Be patient and keep working towards your goals, even when things get tough. It’s normal to have setbacks and feel discouraged. But don’t give up on yourself. Be patient, and keep working towards your goal, no matter how long it takes. Remember that progress is more important than perfection. The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

> Find a role model or mentor who has achieved what you want to achieve. It will give you some insight and inspiration. Talk to them whenever you need a boost, but ultimately learn how to motivate yourself.

> Join a community or group of people who are working towards similar goals. It will provide support and motivation. You can find online groups or meetups in your area.

> Create a vision board for what you want to achieve. It will help you stay focused on your goals and visualize what you want to achieve. You can create a physical or digital vision board to help you imagine and visualize your goals. The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

> Set weekly or monthly goals to track your progress and see how far you’ve come. It will help you stay motivated even when you do not see results immediately.

> Find a friend or family member who will support you on your journey. It is someone you can rely on for encouragement and accountability.

> Read motivational books or listen to podcasts. It is a great way to get inspired and learn new tips and tricks.

Starting small is a great way to improve yourself without feeling overwhelmed. Remember to set realistic goals, make a plan of action, and be patient. And don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments and practice self-compassion. With these five steps, you’ll be on your way to a better version of yourself. The Five-Step Method of Starting Small to Improve Yourself

Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

Check out this week’s affirmation: I have more power than I realize.

Your self-image is the way you view yourself. You might view yourself as a parent, construction worker, friend, blonde, sports fan, intelligent, impatient, and middle-aged. But you’re more than your career, gender, and age. You’re more than your parents’ opinion.

You’re a unique person with nuances that are unique to you! Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

When who you are aligns with what you do, you’re living authentically. But most of us view ourselves as one way and live another. Authentic people act honestly and congruently. Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

I have more power than I realize.

As a human being, the possibilities that I possess are as yet untold. I learn how to handle situations in a way that brings me success.

I now understand the concept of personal power. I recognize that I am mighty. When I decide on a course of action, it creates an effect in the universe.

The power I have comes through the conscious manifestation of my desires. My beliefs create my reality. If I believe that I am powerless, I become powerless. Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

An opportunity to take action and affect my reality is created and put in motion by each thought I have. Now I understand this, and I choose my thoughts wisely.

As I grow older, I understand the power of my mind, but I also accept that I can control every aspect of my life.

My choices and my actions are what create my results. I learn how to set goals and achieve those goals. Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

The only possible reason I can fail is that I choose to give up on my dreams. I choose the direction of my life.

Thinking you have power and actually having the power to take action are two very different things. I focus on awareness of this fact in life.

Today, I am intentional in manifesting what my desires are in life. I work to increase my awareness. I learn to love myself first before loving others. Self-love breeds the most beautiful energy. This is my path. Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. When was the last time I felt more power than I thought possible?

2. How do I feel when I realize I have control over my life?

3. What part of my belief system does empowerment play in my life?

Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

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Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

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I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

Affirmation I have more power than I realize.

How to Strengthen Your Sense of Self in Order to Reduce Negative Thoughts

How to Strengthen Your Sense of Self in Order to Reduce Negative Thoughts

Your sense of self influences your thoughts, emotions, and actions. At the same time, a sense of self refers to a person’s self as a product of their beliefs, ideas, and perceptions. How to Strengthen Your Sense of Self in Order to Reduce Negative Thoughts

Your personality traits, likes and dislikes, moral code, and belief system combine to define your unique identity.

A person with a strong sense of self finds it easy to understand and communicate these different aspects that form them. On the other hand, a person who finds it hard to express these characteristics tends to have a less defined sense of self. How to Strengthen Your Sense of Self in Order to Reduce Negative Thoughts

Regardless of which camp you fall in and whether or not you take the time to think about yourself, you’re still affected. A person who knows who he is lives with a great sense of self-confidence and self-esteem.

On the other hand, a person who is not sure of his identity or self will often act in ways that are inconsistent with their true feelings and beliefs. These people may feel mixed emotions and express themselves in ways that don’t match their true intentions.

The problem doesn’t stop there. If a person believes that they cannot change their personality traits or skills, they can become discouraged about life. How to Strengthen Your Sense of Self in Order to Reduce Negative Thoughts

That’s where negative thoughts can develop.

Try these strategies to reduce negative thoughts by clarifying your sense of self:

1. State or describe the nature of your values in detail. Values are the building blocks of a person’s identity. Some view their values as a set of universal principles that might be true for everyone. However, values are more personal.

> A person’s values come from their own family and beliefs. They may also derive from the environment in which they live, from their religious beliefs, and cultural influences. A person can have more than one set of values simultaneously. How to Strengthen Your Sense of Self in Order to Reduce Negative Thoughts

> The goal is to describe your value system in detail. That’s the first step.

2. Determine to make your choices, not those of others. The decisions you make should mainly benefit you and your health. If you have a spouse or kids, their needs also come into the picture. But that does not mean you should neglect yourself while taking care of others.

> Take time to focus on yourself without any distractions. Choose the activities that you enjoy and are in line with your values. How to Strengthen Your Sense of Self in Order to Reduce Negative Thoughts

> In the past, you might’ve allowed others to decide for you. Perhaps you wanted a different career path or a different partner. But you don’t have to do that now. It’s time to take control of your life.

3. Set healthy boundaries. Boundaries place limits on things that need your energy. They also help you manage your time. These resources are precious, but they don’t last forever. So, it’s essential to set and maintain your boundaries.

> You are the only one who can protect your sense of self. It requires an honest assessment of how you spend your time and energy. A person who sets healthy boundaries places importance on themselves. It causes them to respect themselves more and feel better about it.

> Healthy boundaries also help a person to sense their wants and desires. This self-awareness leads to enhanced self-confidence. When you achieve this, you are less likely to let others control your life. How to Strengthen Your Sense of Self in Order to Reduce Negative Thoughts

4. Use affirmations and practice positive self-talk. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself several times each day.

> The overall goal is to be more positive. That’s what will lead you to a stronger sense of self. And a stronger sense of self will help you reduce negative thoughts.

Remember to view difficulties as paths that can lead you to know yourself.

Dig deep and find out who you are. It’s time to get in touch with your identity — to give yourself a sense of self. Remember that it’s okay to fail at first but keep working on it because it will lead you to a stronger sense of self and a more fulfilling way of living.

How to Strengthen Your Sense of Self in Order to Reduce Negative Thoughts

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How to Strengthen Your Sense of Self in Order to Reduce Negative Thoughts

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I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

How to Strengthen Your Sense of Self in Order to Reduce Negative Thoughts

What Makes a Person a Success?

What Makes a Person a Success?

When people think of success, they typically think of those who have a lot of money, power, and fame. Although a person can have all of these things and still be unsuccessful, a person who is not wealthy, powerful, or famous can still be considered successful. What Makes a Person a Success?

For example, a person may have a successful business and a solid career. He may have a great job and be very well-respected by his co-workers. However, this person still may not have enough money to find a place in the top 10% earners. However, this does not mean that this person is not successful.

A person can achieve success in his life in many ways, even if he does not take the most prestigious jobs or reach a very high income. What Makes a Person a Success?

So, what makes a person a success? Consider these traits:

1. Truly successful people know the importance of forgiveness. To a successful person, forgiveness is not something they “should” do, but something that is “natural” for them. If someone offends them, they know that forgiveness will help them move forward.

> Rather than hold on to a grudge or allow the offense to affect their day-to-day happiness negatively, they choose to forgive the offender and move forward with their lives. What Makes a Person a Success?

> This trait makes them successful because their ability to forgive others relieves them of many of their negative emotions and allows them to focus on moving closer to the goals that they want to achieve.

2. They know when to stay or leave an endeavor. A truly successful person knows when to keep doing the things that they’re already doing and when it’s time to try something new. What Makes a Person a Success?

> When they’re working on something that they are currently passionate about, successful people stick with their projects and don’t get frustrated or burned out because they feel stymied or bored. When they realize that they no longer enjoy what they’re doing, they move on to something new.

> They rely on their intuition and gut instincts to determine what they should continue doing and which projects they should abandon.

> And usually, they’re right because they have a mountain of experience under their belts, so they can easily recognize when work is no longer worthwhile for them. What Makes a Person a Success?

3. Successful people don’t fear failure – they welcome it. A truly successful person knows that failure is not harmful. They understand that the only failure is giving up. They know that when they fail, it means that they’re not doing something right and that the failure helps them to learn and grow.

> Loss helps them figure out what they need to do to improve and then continue making progress.

> Many people buy into the concept of overnight success. But we all know that this is impossible. Success comes over a long period, requiring a lot of hard work and patience.

4. They build good habits that help them to succeed. It’s essential to live a balanced life, including eating nutritious food, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep. Successful people have healthy habits that help them maintain their overall health and vitality.

> They recognize that all of the work they put in now will set them up for tremendous success down the road. But that doesn’t mean you need to kill yourself in the quest to succeed. What Makes a Person a Success?

While money and power can be helpful, they are not essential to success. Success is not contingent upon becoming famous or making a lot of money.

Instead, the key to success is having beneficial habits and adopting positive behaviors. If you can do this, you will be fine regardless of whether you’re rich or poor. What Makes a Person a Success?

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What Makes a Person a Success?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

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What Makes a Person a Success?

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

How to Develop Healthy Habits That Last a Lifetime

How to Develop Healthy Habits That Last a Lifetime

You’ve read articles and books about how to develop healthy eating habits. You are trying to create new patterns and already have some eating habits that do not work. You have tried dieting, you are running, or you work out at the gym. How to Develop Healthy Habits That Last a Lifetime

You monitor what you eat, probably eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, and you are losing some weight. However, you still gain a few pounds here and there no matter what you do. Physical improvement is just one of many aspects on the path to creating positive habits.

You have heard of the importance of building new habits, and you know it is time to develop lifelong healthy habits that will work for you and the rest of your life. How to Develop Healthy Habits That Last a Lifetime

This habit-building process is challenging, but it is possible to create the patterns that will become powerful weapons in your arsenal. The key to establishing lifelong habits is to practice them daily.

So what else can you do to develop healthy habits that last a lifetime? Try these:

1. Try Jerry Seinfeld’s approach. Seinfeld says he attributes his success to writing for one hour each day. Once, someone asked him how he manages the writing discipline. He stated that he created a system. How to Develop Healthy Habits That Last a Lifetime

> Each time he’d write for an hour, he’d put an “x” mark on that date in his calendar. After weeks of marking “x” on the calendar, he reached the point where his body could not imagine breaking that habit. So he kept going.

> His intense need to keep marking “x” got stronger than his desire to skip a day. And that’s why he succeeded.

2. Discover your “why.” “Why” is the thing that’s going to push you to say “no” to yourself when temptation comes knocking. Why do you want to do this? What’s the payoff? Whatever it is, write it down.

> It’s important to remind yourself why this is so important to you—finding your “why” is so powerful because it provides you with a great excuse to keep going when things get tough. How to Develop Healthy Habits That Last a Lifetime

>That also means that you need to have a “why” that’s very strong, very personal, something that’s going to motivate you.

3. Begin small and then build on top. Many people make the mistake of uprooting their routines completely and piling one new habit on top of another until they can no longer keep track. That approach is the best way to burn yourself out.

> Instead, focus on taking small steps that will get you closer to your goals. Once you have a routine in place, you’re ready to add on the new ones you know for sure are going to make positive changes in your life. How to Develop Healthy Habits That Last a Lifetime

4. Set reminders. It’s always important to set some reminders on your path to habit building. A few ways to set reminders include writing them down on sticky notes or placing them in your planner, posted somewhere you’ll see them each day.

> You can also download an app to remind yourself throughout the day. Alarms are also great. You could set alarms that go off at set times throughout the day.

5. Give yourself rewards along the way. Everyone needs encouragement sometimes, so don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t start consistently practicing what you preach right away. Pat yourself on the back for each small step you take toward your goal. How to Develop Healthy Habits That Last a Lifetime

> For example, you could reward yourself at the end of each week or month you stick to your fitness goals. You don’t have to go crazy with your rewards. Choose something within a reasonable reach, but still something that will motivate you.

Developing healthy habits takes a lot of work, but it’s well worth it because it can change your life. If you’re not sure where to start, focus on one thing at a time. Let that become a habit, and then add other things in as you go along. How to Develop Healthy Habits That Last a Lifetime

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How to Develop Healthy Habits That Last a Lifetime

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How to Develop Healthy Habits That Last a Lifetime

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings