I have high standards for myself and my life.

I have high standards for myself and my life.

I have high standards for myself and my life.

I believe that we receive in life what we are willing to tolerate. Having high standards is very important to me. My income, health, performance, and the quality of the people in my life are mostly determined by my standards

When my standards are high, I am more successful, and my life is more enjoyable.

I only allow people into my life that bring kindness and support. I am willing to let go of those people that fail to treat me the way I deserve to be treated. I know there are plenty of great people out there that are available to be my friend or partner.

I have high standards for my diet and exercise routine. The foundation of my health rests on these two things. I focus on healthy foods and an effective method of exercise. I am very consistent when it comes to my diet and exercise.

I maintain very high standards regarding how I use my time. My success and progress are controlled by how I spend my time. Having a high standard in this area is critical to my life.

Today, I hold myself to a higher standard in all parts of my life. I behave in a way that makes happiness and success more likely. I have high standards for myself and my life.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. In what areas of my life are my low standards causing me harm or limitation?
  2. From whom did I learn these standards? Are they a good role model?
  3. What do my current standards say about me?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

How to Gain Laser Focus in a World Full of Distractions

How to Gain Laser Focus in a World Full of Distractions

Our ability to focus has been reduced dramatically. We’ve never had more distractions to deal with. And as disheartening as it sounds, many of the distractions we face were engineered to be as distracting as possible.

Our brains quickly become addicted to these distractions and our ability to focus on important work suffers.

Learning how to focus is a vital skill if you want to be productive and successful.

Overcome the distractions in your life and get things done with these strategies:

1. Single-tasking beats multitasking. Avoid fooling yourself. You’ll get more done and feel more relaxed if you focus on a single task at a time. It’s not easy for your brain to switch back and forth between different things. Set your priorities and complete them in order.

2. Do deep focus activities early in the day. Your ability to focus deeply is greatest in the morning and decreases throughout the day. A few people also do well late at night if their day isn’t too demanding.

– Schedule your more demanding mental tasks earlier in the day. Save the simpler items for later when your focus is weaker.

3. Practice focusing. You can’t be good at something you don’t practice. It’s harder to focus deeply than you think.

Try setting a timer for 15 minutes and keep your attention entirely on performing a task. Notice how stray thoughts constantly interfere. Notice how strong the urge to check your email, text messages, social media becomes.

– Over time, you’ll be able to focus for longer periods of time before you need a break.

4. Remove distractions. Make life easier for yourself by removing as many distractions as possible. Put your phone away. Turn off the TV. Block any websites that you find compelling. Close any computer tabs you don’t need. Remove any distracting sounds. Turn off the radio.

5. Learn to be comfortable with being bored. When you’re focused and working, it can also be boring. Most of us choose to distract ourselves because we’re bored. The better you can handle boredom, the easier it is to avoid engaging in those distractions.

– When you have the urge to distract yourself, force yourself to wait 15 minutes longer. After a few days of this, try 30 minutes. Keep building on this.

6. Plan time for your most common distractions. You don’t have to avoid your favorites distractions 100% of the time. Simply schedule time for those activities after your work has been completed for the day. Put a reasonable limit on how long you’ll spend on them.

7. Get enough sleep. Sleep is important for focus and energy. Your brain needs at least seven hours of sleep to be at its best. Have consistent times for going to bed and waking up.

– Try sleeping for seven hours each night for a week and rate your ability to focus. The following week try 7.5 hours. If you see an improvement, try eight hours. Keep going if necessary and find the optimum amount of sleep for you.

8. Eat healthy foods. Your body and brain function better when you eat in a healthy manner. Your focus improves with a healthy diet. Start by eliminating everything you know isn’t good for you – one at a time will work.

Life is a never-ending series of distractions. The most successful people are able to focus in spite of distractions. It takes practice to focus intently in the face of other things vying for our attention. Incorporate these tips into your daily schedule and you’ll see your ability to focus grow.

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

I accept a challenge.

I accept a challenge.

It is uncommon for me to pass up opportunities because of their level of difficulty. Taking on something that tests my drive and creativity is good for my overall development.

Consistent fitness is difficult to maintain with my hectic work schedule, but I commit to it. I know that there are benefits to be gained by staying in shape.

Each week, I choose to make my workouts more intense than the week before. That is the way to gain continued benefit from the routines. When I sense my body getting used to a particular level of intensity, I increase it to challenge myself.

The triumph of completing the new level successfully brings a sense of pride. It reminds me that I am a warrior. I am strong enough to take on anything.

Competition is healthy because it allows me to test my resolve. In competitions, I focus on myself instead of others. The race is between the old me and the version that is committed to reaching higher heights.

The thrill in accepting a challenge is seeing whether I am able to bypass my past performance and set new records.

I keep that goal in my mind each month when I set my targets at work. Instead of worrying about how well my co-workers are doing, I concentrate on my own performance. I know that I have the ability to dig deeper to produce outstanding results.

Today, any challenge that comes my way is a chance to reinforce what I already know about myself. I have the ability to take on any tough situation.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are some of the toughest challenges that I face at work?
  2. How do my personal relationships challenge me?
  3. How do I know when it is time to concede victory to a competitor?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

7 Tips For Being Honest Without Negativity

7 Tips For Being Honest Without Negativity

Being honest and being kind can be tough to do simultaneously. There are times that it’s easy to be honest, while other times can require far more tact. There are even times when it’s best to keep your opinions to yourself. It’s not always easy to know when you should speak up and when you should keep your mouth shut.

Even when you’re trying to be helpful, your honesty can backfire. Proceed with caution.

If you’ve decided to speak the truth, there are several things to keep in mind:

1. Be gentle. There are many ways to say something. For example, you could say to your spouse, “Of course it doesn’t fit. You’ve been eating a lot for the last three months. What did you expect would happen?”

– You could also say, “Well, we haven’t been very healthy lately. Maybe we need to skip dessert and start taking a walk after dinner. It might be fun.”

– Avoid the temptation to harm the other person. Focus on relaying the necessary information in a way that is kind to the other person. There are many ways to get your point across to someone. Consider your options before you speak.

2. Ask yourself, “Does this help the other person?” Sometimes, the truth will be ignored even if you choose to share it. Sometimes, the truth only causes problems. If you’re quite certain that being honest isn’t going to be beneficial, it’s best to keep your comments, opinions, and advice to yourself.

3. Start with the positive. Before you say something that might hurt the other person’s feelings, start with a few positive statements. Spend a moment talking about the positive before diving into the negative.

– This can be a great way for dealing with an employee. “We love how you do xyz, and we’re grateful to have you as an employee. But it would be better for the company if you did abc this way instead.”

– Leading with praise or compliments can greatly lessen the sting of constructive criticism. Make it a point to say something pleasant before delivering a harsh truth.

4. Have your conversation in private. Some honest conversations are best done in private. Having the wrong conversation in front of others can create a lot of negativity. That same conversation might not be a big deal if done one on one.

5. Focus on the behavior or situation instead of the person. If you’re addressing someone’s behavior, keep the honesty focused on the behavior instead of making it personal.

6. Question your motivation. Before unleashing your honesty on the other person, ask yourself what your true motivation is. Are you trying to be helpful? Or, are you trying to even the score? Are you doing it because it will benefit the other person, or are you trying to make them feel bad?

7. Think about the likely outcome. Be realistic and ask yourself what the likely outcome will be from your conversation. Do you expect things to go well or poorly?

Examine your true motivations for being honest in each situation. We’re often just doing it for ourselves or causing more harm than good to the other person. You might consider yourself an “honest” person, but there are times when you should consider keeping your comments to yourself.

Each situation is unique, so it’s impossible to have a single rule that always applies. Use your common sense before offering your two cents.

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

The Party The story of a conflict resolution gone good.

The Party The story of a conflict resolution gone good.

The Party The story of a conflict resolution gone good.

Bill and Jane had competing priorities.

For one to be happy, the other would have to give-in, but there had to be another way…

The Story

Bill and Jane were having an argument while waiting for their mom to come back from the store.

Bill wanted to go eat. He had been playing soccer all afternoon and was hungry. Jane was dying to go to the beach. She had a new swimsuit she wanted to try out.

“I want to go swimming,” Jane said. “This is the first day all week that the weather has been nice.”

“But I’m starving! Can’t we go to the beach later?”

“No way! We only have a couple of hours till the sun sets!” Jane exclaimed, hoping to get a bit of a tan before the day was over.

They went on arguing like this until their mom came in carrying several grocery bags.

“Hey guys!” she said. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m starving!” Bill said loudly. “But she’s trying to drag me to the beach!”

“We can go eat later!” retorted Jane. “It’s a great day for swimming!”

“Wait a second,” their mother replied. “You can do both! Our neighbors are having a pool party today, and there’ll be plenty of food. They’re new in town and would love to meet you two.”

Bill and Jane loved the idea! Thanks to their mom, they both got what they wanted.


Personal Reflection.

Who says you can’t get what you want? When resolving conflicts, a good solution doesn’t have to mean that no one gets exactly what they asked for.

It may simply be that the ultimate solution is hidden at first. But once everyone brings out their ideas, you may discover the perfect solution for all.

No one person has all the facts. Collaboration brings together the best ideas from everyone, and then creates a synergy that may produce an even better idea than anyone imagined.

Bill and Jane were limited by what they knew. As they saw it, they had only two options, and clearly either option required the sacrifice of one of the parties involved. There was no way for both of them to be happy with the solution. Or so they thought!

When they added their mom to the equation, she brought not only another point of view, but also additional knowledge. Because she knew something they didn’t, she was able to propose a solution that worked for everyone.

Bill and Jane could never have come up with the perfect solution on their own because they were too stubborn with their demands.

Do we ever get so attached to our ideas that we don’t allow others to come in and address an issue in a new way?

The medical profession, schools and courts have all found that, by bringing in people with a variety of knowledge and ideas, they create collaborations that produce solutions that work.

Their resulting solution would never have been dreamed up by any single individual. It often takes group collaboration and all the expertise to think in new ways and chart a new course.

Be willing to collaborate and you may find that the best solutions are in the group, not in yourself.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Am I open to learning from others?
  2. When others have ideas, do I listen and see what I can add to them?
  3. Is there an area in my life where collaborating with others may help me find a better solution?


What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

I celebrate myself and what I have achieved.

I celebrate myself and what I have achieved.

My life has been filled with successes. Everything is on track and I am excited about the direction my life is headed. All of my hard work pays off and brings me closer to my goals. I am proud of myself for all that I have achieved.

I know that even more achievements and accomplishments are coming my way. I deserve to be pleased with myself, and I am.

Life is sometimes less than perfect. I occasionally fail in the short term, but that is okay. I learn from my mistakes and keep trying. I am confident I can be successful if I persevere.

I am building a great career. I am accomplishing great things at my job. My career is on course to meet my goals. I am respected and successful. I celebrate myself for thriving in my work environment.

I am becoming healthier each day. I am making great strides in how I treat myself. I prioritize my health. I look great and continue to look even better each week. I celebrate myself for putting my health first.

Today, I am feeling pleased with myself as I recall all the things I have accomplished to this point in my life. I am celebrating myself and what I have achieved so far. I plan on achieving even more.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are my greatest achievements so far? How do they make me feel? Am I proud of myself for what I have accomplished?
  2. What are my plans for the future? Will I be happy with myself if I am successful?
  3. What could I be doing each day to ensure that I respect myself?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings