Max the Honest Marker Fable

Max the Honest Marker Fable

A story about why honesty is always the best policy.

Max the marker longed to show his beautiful color. Luckily, when the twins joined the class, he got his chance.

But why did he have to wait so long?

Short Story…

Being part of an assortment of colored dry erase markers made Max happy. He thoroughly enjoyed working in the first-grade classroom where kids would come up to the whiteboard and write with him.

Two of Max’s colleagues, Red Rhonda and Green Gerald, did whatever they could to get chosen by the kids. Most times, they’d roll to the top of the pack just so they could get chosen. As a result, almost everything the children wrote was red or green.

“Why are you guys using trickery to get selected?” Max asked them. “It would be nice if you gave the rest of us a chance.”

But Red Rhonda and Green Gerald continued to give themselves an unfair advantage. That is, until twins named Aden and Adele joined the class. Their favorite color was blue, which happened to be Max’s color.

Whenever the teacher invited either Aden or Adele to come up to the board, they always chose Max. They noticed that the colors used on the board were mainly red and green, so they always chose to add rich bursts of blue.

“Hey, how come that blue guy is getting so much attention when we’ve been hanging out at the top of the pile?” asked one of the dishonest markers.

Immediately, Max replied, “Well, that’s because someone finally noticed that you guys have been giving yourselves an unfair advantage.”

Instead of trying to be what he wasn’t, Max portrayed himself exactly as he was – a brilliant blue. Eventually, someone saw him for his true self and gave him more opportunities than he’d ever imagined.

Moral: Portraying yourself in an honest light always pays off.

Personal Reflection…

Max loved being one of the dry erase markers in the children’s classroom. He was always bursting with his brilliant blue color and looked forward to being the marker that kids chose to write with.

Many times, Max would get overlooked, but he never let that get him down. He continued to put his best self forward in positive anticipation.

Eventually, the students saw Max for what he truly was and gave him his moment to shine.

Seeing others get ahead of you is sometimes daunting, but their progress is hardly a reflection of your worth. It’s important to maintain integrity and avoid the temptation to do dishonest things to propel yourself to the top.

Honesty always leads to fitting opportunities for you to excel. Be patient with yourself and allow your blessings to come to you in due course.

As you wait for what is rightfully yours, ignore the efforts of others to gloat about their advantage over you. Anything achieved dishonestly is short-lived. Pay little attention to the reign of people who get to the top by compromising their integrity.

Remain committed to your beliefs and trust the timing of your life. The time you spend waiting on your chance to shine is time to be used honing your skills.

At the end of each day, be content with your achievement of staying true to yourself. It is one of the most difficult things to do in a world where people rarely stand for anything. Being you has its value. Trust that the time is coming for your value to be recognized.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I stay true to myself amidst temptation to impress others?
  2. How do I go about selecting my role models?
  3. How do I feel when someone else is awarded an opportunity over me?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Selena the Self- Confident Snake Fable

Selena the Self- Confident Snake Fable

A story about loving your true self…

Short Story

Growing up in the jungle with her friends in the animal kingdom brought Selena Snake a lot of joy. It warmed her heart to know she made forever friends. But, would she be able to keep those friends as she grew?

Sometimes, Selena couldn’t help but notice one glaring difference between her and the other jungle animals: She would shed her skin as often as four times per year.

“I wish my body wouldn’t constantly change as much as it does,” she said to her mom one day. “I just don’t know if my friends will love me the same with every change.”

Having lived through the same concerns in her younger days, her mom was empathetic. She shared some motherly wisdom with her daughter.

“Selena, honey, the only beauty that truly matters is the beauty inside.” She continued, “Your friends love being around you because you have a big heart.”

Selena stopped to take in her mom’s advice. She thought back to the endless times her friends hugged her so tightly because she was so kind to them.

“Y’know, mom,” she said, “I think you might be right!” My friends have never shied away from me because my skin sheds.”

Selena began to accept that her friends gravitated towards her because she was a wonderful person on the inside.

From that day onwards, Selena developed a deeper love for her character. Over time, her confidence grew and so did the bond with her childhood friends..

Moral: The beauty you exude from the inside shines brightly on the outside.

Personal Reflection

What Selena was faced with growing up is the same thing that has probably affected you at some point in your life. Falling victim to never feeling good enough is a truth that is lived by so many.

With societal pressures constantly projecting images of how you should look and act, it becomes difficult to embrace the true beauty that comes from within.

The minute you accept the positive energy that being your true inner self brings, you’ll see a complete transformation in how you feel about yourself.

The world is filled with so many cues that falsely define beauty. Some are focused on body weight, while others on sense of style. But those things are truly unimportant.

What matters most is the content of your heart. Your natural instincts to be kind to others makes you beautiful.

Waking up each morning with positive intention sparks the value that you’re meant to give to the world. By positively impacting the lives of others, you show your true, beautiful colors.

Give little regard to how your inner beauty is packaged. It’s what it generates that leaves a lasting impression on those around you.

So, the next time you feel a little self-conscious about how you look, remind yourself of how you’ve helped others. Focus on being a beautiful person on the inside and your self-confidence will soar.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I encourage myself to accept my flaws and shortcomings?
  2. What impact do motivational influences have on my confidence?
  3. What is my favorite definition of true beauty?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

The Climb Fable

The Climb Fable

The Climb

the story of a teeny tiny lion cub

Leonard the lion cub entered into the tree climbing competition…

…but his size was the talk of the tribe!

Short Story

The annual lion cub tree climbing competition was just around the corner. The cubs lined up to enroll themselves in the race.

All cubs were growing at the same rate, well, all except Leonard. He was the teeny tiniest cub in town!

As Leonard joined the enrollment line, another cub said, “Hey shrimp, do you actually think you’ve got a shot?”

“Well, I sure do think I have a shot at winning, or at least placing second,” said Leonard.

“Ha! This kid actually thinks he has a shot at winning! He’s so naïve!” screamed one of the cubs while the whole clan laughed in unison.

“This race is for lion cubs, not kittens. Scram, little one!” yelled another cub while barely holding back his laughter.

Leonard felt embarrassed, but he stood in line and enrolled in the race

The ridicule lit a fire under Leonard. He was determined to win the race!

Every day until the race, Leonard practiced climbing trees for hours. He felt his body becoming stronger and his agility increasing with each climb. Soon enough, he was climbing in record time!

When the race rolled around, the other cubs ridiculed Leonard. But Leonard remained focused on his goal.

As the lion cubs waited impatiently for the results, the judges declared Leonard the winner! Because of his hard work, Leonard climbed the tree in 22 seconds! The cub that took 2nd place clocked in at 47 seconds.

While Leonard proudly wore his metal, the other contestants swept him off his paws. They carried him in the air while chanting, “Leonard! Leonard! Leonard!”

MORAL: Remain confident in yourself, even if you are different from others.

Personal reflection.

Leonard didn’t allow the mean- spirited comments about his size to get him down. Instead of feeling sorry for himself and walking away, he chose to prove himself to everyone and faced his challenge head on.

Because of his confidence and hard work, he prevailed. He won the race by a wide margin.

Like Leonard, almost everyone has a feature or shortcoming that others can easily tear apart.

Surprisingly, those who poke fun at others are generally trying to cover up their own insecurities by bullying someone else.

Maybe you think you’re too short, too fat, too thin, or too tall. To compensate for your insecurities, you likely seek approval from others. But you are the only person who can really make you feel good about yourself. All the complements in the world are of no use to a person who doesn’t believe them

Make today the day that you stop chasing approval from others.

Even if you are short, tall, fat, or thin, so what? Will this stop you from living a fulfilling life or chasing that promotion? It certainly shouldn’t.

Unfortunately, too many people allow their insecurities to dictate their worth. Don’t be one of these people; you can be the exception!

You are the boss of your life. And only you can determine whether you fail or succeed.

Chase every dream you have! Go for the girl, pursue that promotion, buy that house, or start your own business. With the proper amount of confidence and skill, the sky is the limit!

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are your unique assets?

2. What are your insecurities and what can you do to overcome them?

3. How do you respond to those who intentionally put you down?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

The Earnest Elephant Fable

The Earnest Elephant Fable

A story about the value of pushing for what you want until you get it.

Ethan Elephant was just a child, as far as elephants go, but he was learning important elephant skills each day. Then, one day, he realized that all his cousins seemed to know things that he didn’t!

Would he be ostracized by his friends? Would they think of him as a baby? What could he do?

Short Story:

The elephant wildlands were always buzzing with activity, especially on bright, sunny days. Little Ethan and his elephant cousins would spend their afternoons playing in the fields until they were exhausted and thirsty.

As young elephants, they didn’t yet know how to siphon water with their trunks, so they always crouched down to the river and drank directly with their mouths.

One day, Ethan noticed that his cousins started squirting water into their mouths and he thought, “Awesome! I must be able to do that too!”

But when Ethan tried to do it, it wasn’t working out like it did for his cousins. Although he was a little disappointed, he spent the next few hours by the river trying to do it.

That’s when his mom yelled, “Ethan, time to come in for dinner!” But Ethan wasn’t ready. He was committed to learning how to drink like his cousins and said, “Not now, mom. I have to figure this out today!”

Sensing her son’s determination, she said, “Okay, let’s make a deal. If you agree to pick twigs and leaves for your little sister, I’ll give you two extra hours each day to practice.”

Ethan only liked grazing for himself but was willing to help his mom take care of his little sister. And with that extra time each day, he finally learned how to siphon and squirt water into his mouth.

The added bonus of Ethan’s determination was becoming seasoned at taking care of others. He felt so proud that he mastered two new skills by sticking to his original goal.

Moral: Perseverance often leads to unexpected wins.

Self-Reflection Questions:

Ethan was a pretty self-confident little elephant, but he lost a little of that confidence when he saw his cousins doing something he was unable to do. Still, he blocked negative self-talk and focused on working towards achieving it.

Instead of choosing to give up, Ethan showed strong conviction in his ability to conquer a challenge.

Many times, the feelings that you allow to take over gain control of the outcomes of the situations you encounter. By choosing to maintain positive thinking, you realize that the answers to each challenge you face become more and more apparent.

Developing one skill also expands your aptitude for everything else. You can achieve more goals by learning skills that are useful in other areas.

So, when one approach seems like it’s unable to provide the outcome you seek, be open to other options. Your persistence will pay off in the end. Not only will you achieve that goal but becoming proficient in one area will boost your self-confidence and propel you to success in other areas as well.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Which of my goals am I most passionate about? How can I persevere to achieve this goal?

2. What are some encouraging things I tell myself when I feel like giving up?

3. What are some additional achievements under my belt as a result of persevering?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

The Pursuit Of Happiness

The Pursuit Of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness A story about a small pup with big dreams

Chester the pup goes after his dreams and fulfills his destiny despite the doubters

Short Story

Chester was a tiny little Chihuahua. He was excited to start pup school, but he was also nervous because he had no idea what trade he wanted to pursue.

After months of waiting, he finally realized he wanted to be a guard dog.

Chester’s mom had given him all of the time in the world to choose what trade he wanted to learn. But her patience was wearing thin.

“Chester, have you decided what you want to do with your life? All of your brothers and sisters have already gone off to pup school and graduated. Why are you taking so long to blossom?” asked his mother.

“Mom, I want to be a guard dog,” Chester blurted out.

“Honey, you’re so small. You can’t be a guard dog; you’ll get eaten alive.” remarked Chester’s mother.

This lit a fire under Chester. He was determined to pursue his road to happiness, no matter how long and hard the journey may be. “Mom, I’ve made up my mind. I am going to be a guard dog,” said Chester before he skipped away.

The very next morning, he enrolled in pup school as a guard dog. His classmates were German Shepherds, Pit Bulls and only the toughest dogs. But Chester felt confident in his ability to succeed.

When he got home from school, Chester would exercise to build up his strength. It was tough, but he stuck to his guns. He knew he could do it.

At his final examination, he had to run an obstacle course in under 45 seconds. And, because of his hard work and small size, he was able to complete the obstacle course in 20 seconds!

Against all odds, Chester became a guard dog.

MORAL: Chase your dreams, regardless of how unlikely success may seem.

Personal reflection

Initially, Chester’s fear of failure kept him from pursuing his dream of being a guard dog. And, when he finally worked up the courage to follow his passion, he was criticized. Nonetheless, Chester stuck to his guns and achieved exactly what he set out to do.

He pursued his happiness and won.

Surely, you’ve encountered a situation where your lack of confidence has stopped you from chasing something you know you would love to do. However, if you don’t even try, you’ve already lost the battle.

Maybe you couldn’t give that executive your elevator pitch because you thought he wouldn’t spare a second to talk to you. Or you may have even opted for a “safe” college major rather than what you truly love to do.

It’s important to remember that every day is an opportunity to succeed. And pursuing your happiness can effectively be done just one step at a time.

If you want to be a doctor someday, the first step is showing up to class. If you want to work as a bridal consultant, the first step is handing out resumes. And if you want to start a family, the first step is trying to conceive with your spouse.

Once you take the first step, the ones that follow seem to fall into place!

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I have the confidence to chase my dreams?

2. Have I sat down to truly define what my dreams are?

3. What is my day-by-day game plan in order to ensure my success?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

The New Job

The New Job

The New Job the story of a ‘people pleaser’ who pleased no one.
Sarah was new in town and went out of her way to help others. Unfortunately, Sarah took on more than she could do…

Short story.

Sarah was on top of the world! She had recently graduated from college and landed a great job with an exciting company.

Even though her new job was in a city far away from her family and friends, she thought, “No problem. I’ll make new friends at work!” She was really looking forward to her first day on the job. It all started very well.

Everyone at the office was friendly. During the first week or two, almost everyone came by her desk to introduce themselves. Sarah was very happy to meet them and eager to please. Nearly every day, at least one of the nice people Sarah had met would call or e-mail her, asking if she would help them out with a little project – reorganizing files, stuffing envelopes, or other small things.

Hoping to make friends, Sarah always said, “Yes.” The projects started building up. Sarah took longer and longer to complete them until she just had too many to keep track of. Every day a couple of people would call her to check on their delayed projects. They always spoke angrily and were very upset with Sarah for being late.

She wasn’t making any friends at all! In fact, now no one seemed to like her! Sarah wondered how this could have happened – she had tried so hard to make everyone happy.

MORAL: Take on only what you know you can do. Say “no” when you should.

Personal reflection.

Oh, the people pleasers! We all know leaders and followers alike who try so hard to make everyone happy that they can’t satisfy anyone!

Are you one of those people who say “yes” to everyone? Do you feel that saying “yes” will bring you friends? If these thoughts ring true, reflect on this story carefully. It may help you pinpoint the basis of some frustrations in your life.

No one can do everything. Trying to be everything to everyone is a sure way to please no one and disappoint everyone, including yourself.

By saying “yes” to everyone, Sarah was was unable to focus on her own job, and she created an expectation of failure and unreliability among her coworkers. Not the way to make a great first impression!

There are respectful and thoughtful ways to say “no.” Learning those techniques and when to use them are important life skills.

Each of us has limits on our time and abilities. Knowing those limits is not a sign of weakness; instead, it signals great self-awareness and understanding.

If you really want to make friends and become a valuable member of a community, Sarah’s situation can remind you about what’s important in building relationships.

You may have to say “no” from time to time so when you say “yes,” you really mean it.

Being reliable and trustworthy will earn you the respect and admiration of those around you. Plus, you’ll gain a sense of accomplishment and worth.

Isn’t that what we all want from our relationships – trust, meeting expectations, a sense of accomplishment, and mutual respect? Knowing what you can and can’t do, and making those expectations clear, are important steps toward establishing healthy and comfortable relationships.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Am I constantly overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to do?

2. Do I find myself agreeing to do “just one more project” when inside I’m really saying, “No! I can’t!”

3. Have I ever been told that I need to learn to say “no”?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings