Why You Never Have Enough Time And How To Overcome It

Why You Never Have Enough Time And How To Overcome It

Why You Never Have Enough Time. Are you always wishing you had more time available to you? The truth is, you probably have plenty of time. You’re just not focused, and you’re not using your time wisely.

Everyone receives 24 hours each day. There’s a reason why some people are accomplishing much more than you are and are still able to be on time for all of their commitments.

These reasons could be why you never have enough time:

1. You fail to prioritize. What’s the most important activity you must do in order for you to accomplish your objective? If you’re not asking yourself this question regularly, you’re not getting the most bang for your time and effort. It’s easy to stay very busy but fail to accomplish much.

> Ask yourself, “What is the most important thing I need to accomplish?”

> Then ask yourself, “What is the best way for me to accomplish that?”

2. You waste time. This could be due to procrastination. It could be due to inefficient work habits

> Make the choice to avoid wasting time, period.

3. You’re disorganized. When you’re not organized, everything takes longer than it should. You spend time looking for a pair of clean socks, your car keys, searching for files on your computer, and trying to pull off things at the last minute.

> Disorganized people never seem to have enough time, and they’re frequently late with their work.

> Make an effort to organize your life and yourself. There are many resources dedicated to organization. Use them.

4. You have too many distractions in your life. It could be low-quality social interactions, TV, needlepoint, your baseball card collection, noisy kids, clutter, or your prize-winning rose bushes. Having too many things in your life takes too much time.

> Remove the things from your life that are unnecessary. Minimize the distractions you can’t remove, like your noisy children!

5. You don’t start your day early enough. Most of us do little in the evening. That time is largely wasted just lying around the house or staring at your phone. That’s why so many highly successful people skip the evening hours by going to bed and waking up extra early.

> Your brain tends to shut down by the late afternoon, whether you started your day at 9:00AM or 5:00AM. Give yourself a few extra productive hours by getting up early and going to bed early.

6. You fail to track your time. Track how you spend your time each day. Switch tasks when appropriate so everything receives the time it requires.

> Keep a simple journal and make a record each hour of how you spent the last 60 minutes.

7. You don’t have a plan for your day. Your day shouldn’t be random or determined on the fly. To get the most out of your time, it’s necessary to have a plan for the day.

> Make a detailed plan for your day before you go to bed. Spend your day executing that plan as well as you can. Why You Never Have Enough Time

8. You’re not focused. You’ve been told to “focus” or “concentrate” since you started kindergarten. Too bad the education system never taught you how. If you sit down to work on something for an hour, how many minutes is your attention truly focused on that task?

> You probably have plenty of time to accomplish everything you need to do each day, but you just need to focus at a higher level. Practice meditation. Practice focusing on whatever it is you’re doing. Focus is built through practice.

Make the most of your time by prioritizing, removing distractions, and learning how to focus. You have all the time you need, if you’re willing to make the necessary adjustments to yourself and your life.

You have 24 hours each day. Ensure that you’re using them wisely!

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Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Selena the Self- Confident Snake Fable

Selena the Self- Confident Snake Fable

A story about loving your true self…

Short Story

Growing up in the jungle with her friends in the animal kingdom brought Selena Snake a lot of joy. It warmed her heart to know she made forever friends. But, would she be able to keep those friends as she grew?

Sometimes, Selena couldn’t help but notice one glaring difference between her and the other jungle animals: She would shed her skin as often as four times per year.

“I wish my body wouldn’t constantly change as much as it does,” she said to her mom one day. “I just don’t know if my friends will love me the same with every change.”

Having lived through the same concerns in her younger days, her mom was empathetic. She shared some motherly wisdom with her daughter.

“Selena, honey, the only beauty that truly matters is the beauty inside.” She continued, “Your friends love being around you because you have a big heart.”

Selena stopped to take in her mom’s advice. She thought back to the endless times her friends hugged her so tightly because she was so kind to them.

“Y’know, mom,” she said, “I think you might be right!” My friends have never shied away from me because my skin sheds.”

Selena began to accept that her friends gravitated towards her because she was a wonderful person on the inside.

From that day onwards, Selena developed a deeper love for her character. Over time, her confidence grew and so did the bond with her childhood friends..

Moral: The beauty you exude from the inside shines brightly on the outside.

Personal Reflection

What Selena was faced with growing up is the same thing that has probably affected you at some point in your life. Falling victim to never feeling good enough is a truth that is lived by so many.

With societal pressures constantly projecting images of how you should look and act, it becomes difficult to embrace the true beauty that comes from within.

The minute you accept the positive energy that being your true inner self brings, you’ll see a complete transformation in how you feel about yourself.

The world is filled with so many cues that falsely define beauty. Some are focused on body weight, while others on sense of style. But those things are truly unimportant.

What matters most is the content of your heart. Your natural instincts to be kind to others makes you beautiful.

Waking up each morning with positive intention sparks the value that you’re meant to give to the world. By positively impacting the lives of others, you show your true, beautiful colors.

Give little regard to how your inner beauty is packaged. It’s what it generates that leaves a lasting impression on those around you.

So, the next time you feel a little self-conscious about how you look, remind yourself of how you’ve helped others. Focus on being a beautiful person on the inside and your self-confidence will soar.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I encourage myself to accept my flaws and shortcomings?
  2. What impact do motivational influences have on my confidence?
  3. What is my favorite definition of true beauty?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Affirmation: Staying On Track Takes Discipline

Affirmation: Staying On Track Takes Discipline

Affirmation: Staying On Track Takes Discipline.

When life throws curve balls, my world sometimes changes. I sometimes lose my footing, but only for a short while. I have the discipline to stay on track.

A typical workday is sometimes interrupted by unexpected challenges, but I take it in stride. Instead of becoming frustrated and losing my composure, I take a breather. This disciplined approach to stress keeps me from breaking down. Affirmation: Staying On Track Takes Discipline

Meditation is a consistent part of my daily routine. It balances me and clears my mind, so I regularly take the time to meditate. It is a practice that takes discipline to form and maintain.

My diet goals are sometimes challenging when my days are difficult. I remind myself that it is easy to fall off track and harder to stay on. I prefer to conquer something difficult through focus and consistency. Affirmation: Staying On Track Takes Discipline

Although work hours are often unpredictable, I always make time for exercise. It is far from enough to say that I only have time for one or the other. Affirmation: Staying On Track Takes Discipline

I get creative with my workouts. In between meetings, I do effective yoga stretches that both strengthen and relax me. A modified workout is of greater benefit to me than a nonexistent one. I affirm that something is always greater than nothing at all.
Today, I take on the challenges of life through a focused and disciplined approach. My daily endeavors are successful because I remind myself of the importance of consistency. I feel good about myself when I am able to stay on track.

Self-Reflection Questions: Affirmation: Staying On Track Takes Discipline

  1. How much discipline is required to maintain a consistent sleeping pattern?
  2. Which area of my life poses the greatest challenge to consistency?
  3. How do I encourage myself to eat healthily when I am feeling

Affirmation: Staying On Track Takes Discipline

Affirmation: Staying On Track Takes Discipline

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

Affirmation: Staying On Track Takes Discipline

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

5 Keys To Managing Your Unhelpful Thoughts

5 Keys To Managing Your Unhelpful Thoughts

5 Keys To Managing Your Unhelpful Thoughts

It never seems to fail. You’re trying to concentrate on your work, but your mind wanders off to a completely unrelated topic. Or, maybe you’re about to go on a first date, but all you can think about is how horrible your last few dates have been. These are examples of unhelpful thoughts.

Unhelpful thoughts can be distractions or be destructive. Neither is helpful.

Your mind is a terrible thing to waste, and if you can’t manage your thoughts, you’re not using your mind to your advantage. Imagine how powerful you would become if you could ignore or replace your negative thoughts! You could accomplish more and get greater enjoyment from your life. 5 Keys To Managing Your Unhelpful Thoughts

Use these strategies to manage thoughts that don’t support you:

1. Maintain space between yourself and your thoughts. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to engage with your thoughts. You don’t focus on every person, tree, and car you pass when you’re driving down the road. Most of these things pass through your awareness without you pursuing them further.

> You can do the same thing with your unhelpful thoughts. Allow them to simply pass on by. 5 Keys To Managing Your Unhelpful Thoughts

> Your thoughts are simply something that you experience. You are not your thoughts. If something doesn’t serve a purpose in your life, ignore it. What is the point in dwelling on it?

2. Understand that it is your brain’s nature to produce random thoughts. The thoughts you experience say little about you. It’s the nature of your brain to produce thoughts. It’s always going to give you something to think about.

> Occasionally those thoughts are useful. Frequently, they’re frivolous. Sometimes, your thoughts can be quite disturbing. Understand them for what they are and then move on. 5 Keys To Managing Your Unhelpful Thoughts

3. Meditation is a helpful tool for understanding the nature of your mind. The first thing you notice when you attempt to meditate is the random and restless nature of your mind.

> Focus on your breathing. When you find yourself fuming about your boss, wondering what happened to your high school friends, or making a mental grocery list, simply redirect your attention back to your breathing.

4. You can focus your attention on a thought of your choosing. You can think about anything you choose to think about. You can think about riding a flying bicycle, eating a lemon, or what you need to accomplish today. 5 Keys To Managing Your Unhelpful Thoughts

> When you’re experiencing an unhelpful thought, you can decide to think about something more useful. Recognize that you have the power to direct your thinking as you see fit.

5. Apply logic. Poor thinking leads to poor decision making. When your thoughts are leading you astray, put your logical mind to good use. Ask yourself what a sensible person would do in this situation. What is a logical, intelligent decision for your circumstances? What would you advise a friend to do?

Are negative or distracting thoughts getting in your way on a regular basis? You’re not alone. The human brain loves to stay active and will wander from one idea to another if you fail to take control of it. 5 Keys To Managing Your Unhelpful Thoughts

The key is to focus your attention on what you intend and avoid getting too involved with your random thoughts. Just allow them to pass.

If you’ve never meditated before, this can be an excellent way to learn how your mind works and how to deal with random, intrusive thoughts. Most importantly, remember that you are not your thoughts. There’s no reason to take them personally.

5 Keys To Managing Your Unhelpful Thoughts

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

5 Keys To Managing Your Unhelpful Thoughts

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

5 Keys To Managing Your Unhelpful Thoughts

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Say Goodbye to Impostor Syndrome

Say Goodbye to Impostor Syndrome

Say Goodbye to Impostor Syndrome

Do you feel like a fraud in danger of being exposed when someone praises your work? Do you think your achievements are just a matter of luck? If so, you may be experiencing Imposter syndrome.

That’s the term psychologists invented in the 1970s when they were studying successful women. Now, they know that men are just as likely to be affected. Say Goodbye to Impostor Syndrome

In fact, an estimated 70% of adults experience the symptoms at least occasionally. You may be especially vulnerable when you’re trying something new or celebrating an important occasion like a job promotion.

Impostor syndrome may be caused by your personality or the way you grew up. Whatever the reasons, you can stop undermining yourself. Learn to experience doubts without letting them interfere with the happiness and success you deserve. Say Goodbye to Impostor Syndrome

Changing Your Thinking: Say Goodbye to Impostor Syndrome

1. Remember your achievements. Review your track record. Putting your victories in context will show you that they’re not flukes.

2. Give yourself credit. Change your self-talk. When you catch yourself becoming critical, congratulate yourself, instead. Reframing your thoughts will help you to view yourself in a more positive light.

3. Accept uncertainty. Impostor syndrome is often associated with perfectionism. Embrace yourself unconditionally, including your strengths and weaknesses. Set realistic goals and expectations. Say Goodbye to Impostor Syndrome

4. Validate yourself. Live up to your own standards rather than relying on approval from others. Be mindful of your thoughts and feelings so you can manage them effectively.

5. Appreciate effort. Do you regard struggling as a sign of weakness? In reality, success often requires careful planning and hard work.

Changing Your Behavior: Say Goodbye to Impostor Syndrome

1. Talk it over. Impostor syndrome can be a difficult cycle to break because your first impulse is to cover it up. On the other hand, revealing your insecurities will help you to put them in perspective.

2. Build support. Ask family and friends for help. Having the courage to be vulnerable will boost your confidence and strengthen your relationships.

3. Fight stereotypes. Feeling like an outsider can contribute to impostor syndrome. For example, maybe you’re much older or younger than your coworkers. Look for ways to turn that diversity into an advantage instead of feeling awkward about being different.

4. Be spontaneous. You may be putting unnecessary pressure on yourself if you frequently over-prepare for various events. Throw a party with takeout pizza instead of spending an entire day in the kitchen.

5. Accept compliments. Can you receive praise graciously or do you secretly want to run and hide? Practice saying thank you sincerely. You’ll create a more pleasant experience for yourself and your admirers.

6. Find a mentor. Changing long-standing habits can be tough work. Working with a mentor will give you the benefit of ongoing feedback from someone you trust. You may also feel more accountable knowing that someone else is monitoring your progress, too.

7. Teach others. Recognizing your areas of expertise can be tricky when knowledge and skills build up slowly over time. Instructing others is an excellent way to learn more about yourself while providing a valuable service.

8. Stay relaxed. Challenging situations are likely to trigger any defense mechanism. You’ll find it easier to be authentic if you manage daily stress. Block out time for meditation and physical exercise. Slow down and take a deep breath if you find yourself starting to question your worth.

9. Take risks. Impostor syndrome can hold you back from trying new things. Make a list of projects that excite you and take pleasure in learning as you go along.

Build your confidence and sense of belonging. Overcoming imposter syndrome will help you to feel more comfortable with yourself and take more satisfaction in your achievements.

Say Goodbye to Impostor Syndrome

Say Goodbye to Impostor Syndrome

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

Say Goodbye to Impostor Syndrome

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

Say Goodbye to Impostor Syndrome

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

8 Tips for Avoiding Indecision and Overthinking

8 Tips for Avoiding Indecision and Overthinking

8 Tips for Avoiding Indecision and Overthinking

The quality of your decisions affects the quality of your life. Making better decisions is one of the most effective ways to enhance your life. However, making a good decision requires actually making a decision. Too many people avoid making decisions, or they spend far too much time and energy making a decision. 8 Tips for Avoiding Indecision and Overthinking

A great decision doesn’t require a lot of time or energy the vast majority of the time:

1. Know your purpose. Your purpose makes the best option more obvious. For example, if your purpose is to be an ultramarathoner, it’s easier to decide what to eat and how to spend your time away from your regular job. 8 Tips for Avoiding Indecision and Overthinking

> Where should you live? If you want to be a dairy farmer, the city won’t work. If you want to write a book, in what environment do you write most effectively?

2. Be logical. Most people make decisions based on emotion. Logic is only used to justify the decisions they made emotionally. Most people are prone to making poor decisions. You don’t want to be like most people in this regard.

> The best decision is often clear if you apply logic to the situation. Consider how you would advise a friend to proceed. That’s probably your best option. 8 Tips for Avoiding Indecision and Overthinking

3. Plan your day the night before. It’s easier to make smart decisions in advance. For example, it’s easy to say, “I’m going to meet my mother for lunch tomorrow.” However, you might be less enthusiastic when the sun comes up. Avoid changing your mind. You already made the decision, so stick with it.

> We make great plans in the evening for the following day. We plan out our days. We make plans to eat a good lunch, hit the gym, and finish that report. The next day, we start overthinking everything and blow it.

> You don’t need to make perfect decisions. You need to make decent decisions and stick with them. Do your thinking at night. Execute your decisions the following day.

4. Know your values. The best option is often obvious if you know your values.

> Take the time to examine your values and then list them in order of priority. When you’re faced with a tough choice, take a look at your list of values and apply your values to your decision. You’ll probably find that an answer is easier to find. 8 Tips for Avoiding Indecision and Overthinking

5. Give yourself a deadline. A good decision can often be made very quickly. Avoid taking longer than you need to make a choice. A deadline can be an effective way of making a decision quickly. Give yourself a few minutes to a few days, to make up your mind. Pull the trigger and move on.

6. Know that if you’re indecisive, any option is probably acceptable. When you’re torn between a couple of choices, there’s probably not a “best” option. Just pick one and move on. Flip a coin if necessary.

7. Consider the reason for your hesitation. Why are you hesitating? What’s holding you back? What are your concerns? What are you afraid might happen?

> Is there a way to mitigate this fear so it doesn’t impact your decision process?

8. Forget about trying to be perfect. Perfection leads to procrastination and indecision. Worry about being good. Worry about being smart. That’s as close to perfection as you need to be.

Indecisiveness puts your life on standby. You can dramatically enhance the quality of your life by making better and quicker decisions. Making a decision isn’t a race, but what are you going to accomplish by waiting if you already have the information you need to decide?
Be clear on your purpose and values. Avoid the need to be perfect in your decisions. Make a wise choice and get busy living your life.

8 Tips for Avoiding Indecision and Overthinking

8 Tips for Avoiding Indecision and Overthinking

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

8 Tips for Avoiding Indecision and Overthinking

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

8 Tips for Avoiding Indecision and Overthinking

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings