Keep Calm and Write It Down

Keep Calm and Write It Down

Keep Calm and Write It Down

Have you ever been in that place where your mind is racing and the things you need to attend to are on a perpetual loop playing in your head, and you just can’t get anything done? If so, you will have experienced frustration, irritation, anxiety, and despair all at the same time. Keep Calm and Write It Down

If, in addition, you’re up against time constraints, deadlines, or some kind of retribution if you don’t get past this problem, it’s possible to go into a form of mental shutdown. If you don’t resolve the issue soon, it could have some serious consequences for your mental health.

The quickest and easiest route to alleviating the mental anguish of any challenge is:

> First, acknowledge it.
> Accept that it exists, right here, right now.
> Affirm that you will resolve it, just like you’ve resolved a zillion other issues in your life so far.
> Then, take action to resolve it.

The reason our head appears to be in this endless agitated loop is because we are allowing our subconscious mind to run our life. Now, this works very well for most of us, most of the time, but every once in a while, it gets out of hand. This is one of those times. Keep Calm and Write It Down

Commit Pen to Paper

We can stop our subconscious mind in its tracks simply by applying conscious thought to the issue. We need to interrupt our subconscious mind for a moment and get it back on track – our track, not its own track.

This is best done by writing down everything that comes to mind.

Using pen and paper for this exercise rather than your laptop, phone, or tablet works the best. There is something almost magical to be gained by the act of physically writing

The very act of consciously thinking and committing pen to paper is enough to interrupt your subconscious mind. Keep Calm and Write It Down

So initially, write down what it is that you are experiencing, how you are feeling, what pain you feel you are going through over this issue. Then detail the issue itself as best you can. Don’t worry about spelling, grammar or even the order you write this stuff down. It doesn’t matter.

If you want to have a rant on paper about the circumstances you find yourself in, so much the better. The more you get out on the paper the less you will have spinning around in your head. Keep going until you have as much on paper as you can reasonably expect to get out.

Then go for a walk. Thirty minutes at least. Keep Calm and Write It Down

While you are walking, you’ll have no need to allow your subconscious mind to revert back to its old self, because everything it was occupied with is now on several sheets of paper back on your desk. It’s gone.

Listen to the Birds and Bees

Be an observer of all that is going on around you on your walk: Keep Calm and Write It Down

> Listen and see how many distinctly different sounds you can hear: birds, bees, trains, planes, automobiles, and more.

> Look and see how many different forms of life you can see: people, dogs, cats, insects, and birds, all busily going about their day in their own way.

> How many different smells can you identify? Are there any that are familiar? Are there any that you just cannot place?

> How are you feeling right now? Warm? Cold? Somewhere in between? Do you notice anything else about yourself?

All of these things are causing you to engage your conscious mind. It’s like you’re giving your subconscious mind a much-needed breather.

Enjoy your walk and marvel at the fact that all of life is going on around you at the moment, all engaged in their own form of activities, all completely separate and yet all interconnected at the same time. Keep Calm and Write It Down

Back at Home – Tasks to Complete

Now that you’ve uncluttered your mind, read through the notes you wrote earlier. You’ll find that now you have greater clarity.

Write down the three most important things you need to get done today on a clean sheet of paper. Then: Keep Calm and Write It Down

> Choose one task from your 3 most important tasks. Choose any one. Make a decision on what you can do about it and take action to move it forward towards completion.

> Then, choose a second task and repeat the exercise.

> When that’s done, take the third task. Make a decision and take action on that one.

Then go for another walk, at least 30 minutes. Observe all the business of life itself while you are just walking. Keep Calm and Write It Down

When you get home, have a cup of coffee and relax. You’ll notice how your mental state has completely changed. Your mind is no longer racing, and you can feel good about yourself, knowing that you’ve handled the most important tasks of the day.

The next time that you find your head in a spin, remember: Keep Calm and Write It Down! Keep Calm and Write It Down

Keep Calm and Write It Down

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

Keep Calm and Write It Down

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Increase Your Success With Conscientiousness

Increase Your Success With Conscientiousness

Increase Your Success With Conscientiousness

Conscientiousness is one of the most reliable predictors of success. There are plenty of intelligent and talented people that struggle with life. However, an average person that possesses a high level of conscientiousness can be incredibly successful. Increase Your Success With Conscientiousness

Conscientiousness is the quality of doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and doing it well and thoroughly.

Using these strategies will help you to be more conscientious:

1. Start by planning your time. Make a schedule for yourself based on the most important tasks that need to be done. The crucial things will get done, and you’ll be much less likely to waste time. Increase Your Success With Conscientiousness

2. Schedule your life maintenance tasks. Being conscientious means taking care of your personal business. This includes all of those like maintenance tasks like paying bills, laundry, cleaning, shopping, and mowing grass. Have a schedule for all of these responsibilities and stick to it.

3. Have a grooming routine. One pretty reliable way to determine if someone is conscientious is to look at their grooming and wardrobe. Maybe you can’t judge a book by its cover, but you can tell a lot about a person by their appearance. If you tend to look a little on the disheveled side, create a routine. Increase Your Success With Conscientiousness

> Only wear clean clothes that fit and are in good condition. Get rid of the rest. You don’t have to be known as the best dresser at the office, but it may help to be in the top 25%.

4. Declutter. Scale back on your possessions and ensure that everything that’s left has a place. Put everything back in its place when you’re done using it. This is enough to remove all the clutter in your life. Increase Your Success With Conscientiousness

5. Be on time. Conscientious people are aware of time and stick to their plans. They don’t make other people wait. Be prompt and courteous. Show yourself and others that you’re in control of your time and your life.

6. Finish what you start. Those at the low end of the conscientious distribution have a habit of failing to finish what they start. You can’t win if you don’t finish. You can’t accomplish anything until you complete something. Develop the habit of seeing things through to completion. Increase Your Success With Conscientiousness

> You can do this with any task in your life for practice.

7. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Have a bedtime and stick to it. Get up at the same time every day. This takes a little discipline, but it’s worth the effort.

8. Learn to control your impulses. Poor impulse control and conscientiousness do not go hand in hand. Conscientiousness is doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, regardless of whether or not you feel like doing it. Increase Your Success With Conscientiousness

> Following an impulse is doing what you feel like doing regardless of any other concern.

We all know that person with all the intelligence and talent that anyone could ever hope for, but for some reason they can’t live a successful life. The most common reason is a lack of conscientiousness.

This can be a challenging quality to develop if it doesn’t exist in you naturally, but the benefits clearly outweigh the time and effort it takes to develop it.

The best first step is to schedule your day and follow your schedule. Keep to the schedule no matter what. You can become a conscientious person! An easier, less stressful life is waiting for you. Increase Your Success With Conscientiousness

Increase Your Success With Conscientiousness

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

Increase Your Success With Conscientiousness

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Create One Great Habit a Month and Have a Great Year

Create One Great Habit a Month and Have a Great Year

Create One Great Habit a Month and Have a Great Year

You don’t need to have 100 good habits to make your life better. Just 12 habits are plenty to completely turn your life around.

Of course, it’s important to choose effective habits. The right habits put your success on autopilot. If you’re doing the right things each day, good things happen. It’s as certain as gravity. Create One Great Habit a Month and Have a Great Year

Use this process to enhance your life one habit at a time:

1. Know your goals. You can’t choose the best habits to add to your life without knowing your goals. The best habits support your goals and make them much more likely to come to fruition. Make a list of your goals and prioritize them.

2. Make a list of all the habits that would aid in reaching those goals. Take a look at your most important goals and consider all of the habits that would help you to reach those goals. List every possible habit you can think of no matter how small it might be. We’re not judging them yet, so list them all. Create One Great Habit a Month and Have a Great Year

3. Prioritize those habits. Some habits are far more effective than others. Take your list of habits and put them in order from most effective to least. Take as much time to do this as you need. Be honest with yourself. The most effective actions are often the least enjoyable.

> Choose the 12 habits that will make the biggest impact in your life over the next year. Make sure that you have these 12 habits in a logical order that makes sense for you.

4. Make a plan. Start with the first habit and develop a plan for how you can implement it in 30 days. Let’s suppose that your first goal is to go to the gym each day for 45 minutes and alternate days between cardio and lifting weights. You might decide to proceed this way: Create One Great Habit a Month and Have a Great Year

> Day 1. Find a gym close to the house that is convenient for me and affordable.

> Days 2-7. Go to the gym for at least 15 minutes. I’ll let myself do whatever I want when I get there.

> Days 8-14. Go to the gym for at least 25 mins. At least half of that time must be spent on cardio.

> And so on. Just be sure to be at full speed by day 30.

5. Start with only one goal. Keep it to one goal. It might seem more effective and much faster to put all the habits into action at once, but it works better, and the results are more long-lasting to do it one at a time. Twelve good habits over a year are life changing.

6. Put all of your energy and focus on that one goal. That one goal has to be a huge priority. This is your life you’re talking about. Be 100% determined to be successful this time. Create One Great Habit a Month and Have a Great Year

7. Do it daily. Daily actions are easier to turn into habits that things you only do a few times a week.

8. Plan your energy. People often plan their time without considering their energy levels. For example, going to the gym in the morning is either much better or worse than going to the gym in the evening for you. Everyone is different. Create One Great Habit a Month and Have a Great Year

> Plan your time, but plan around your energy.

9. Keep your eye on the big picture. These habits might not be enjoyable in the short term. However, if you keep your attention on the benefits you’ll gain, it will make things easier.

10. Track your results. Track your results. You might be tracking pounds of body weight, dollars, pushups, or hours of piano practice. Tracking your results is motivating. Create One Great Habit a Month and Have a Great Year

After 30 days, add another habit. Keep going until you’ve added all 12. Just 12 habits will make a huge difference. Instead of trying to change everything about your life at once, try tackling life one habit at a time. Which habit will you choose? Create One Great Habit a Month and Have a Great Year

Create One Great Habit a Month and Have a Great Year

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

Create One Great Habit a Month and Have a Great Year

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Affirmation I stand in my Authentic Power.

Affirmation I stand in my Authentic Power.

Check out this week’s affirmation: I stand in my Authentic Power.

Being your authentic self can feel risky now in our screen-obsessed world. We’re just trying to fit in, be liked, and be accepted by other human beings. And as a result, the image we present (on our social media profiles and IRL) have become mere presentations of who we think we should be and not reflections of who we really are.

Authenticity and purpose are closely linked: A deep sense of purpose can help you to express your authenticity, while developing authenticity will often help you discover your purpose. Affirmation I stand in my Authentic Power.

I stand in my Authentic Power.

I value myself completely. I avoid waiting for the external acknowledgment to say that I have value. I realize that now is the time to seize my personal power.

I see that out in the World many things are quietly taking people’s power away from them. I refuse to allow that to happen to me. I determine my own outcomes. Affirmation I stand in my Authentic Power.

I seize my power back from Fear. I refuse to feel afraid any longer.

I have clarity about what is really going on. I am a visionary. I see how Fear likes to erode people’s self-esteem. However, Fear lacks any sort of power over me.

I feel this inner strength well up inside me that is overwhelming. I have newfound strength and determination. Affirmation I stand in my Authentic Power.

I feel larger than life. I know nothing can defeat me.

I refuse to fall prey to Fear. I remember the acronym of the word FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real.

I feel invincible. I have slain the dragon of Fear forever. Affirmation I stand in my Authentic Power.

Having overcome many dragons of the past, I stand tall at the top of the mountain. I plant the flag of invincibility. Nothing can stop me.

I feel like the Statue of Liberty. I feel solid as a stone in my resolve.

Today, I am stalwart in standing in my Authentic Power. I have the courage to present my true self to the world. I can overcome any challenge that dares to step in my way. Affirmation I stand in my Authentic Power.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What can I do to uphold my new standard of Authentic Power?

2. How can I show that I will be stalwart in my self-determination?

3. Who all needs to see this new me?

Affirmation I stand in my Authentic Power.

Affirmation I stand in my Authentic Power.

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Do Your Goals Support Your Values?

Do Your Goals Support Your Values?

Do Your Goals Support Your Values?

If you’re struggling to be as successful as you’d like to be, there’s a great chance that a discrepancy exists between your goals and your values. If our goals are antithetical to our values, success is all but impossible. We don’t like to behave in ways that are counter to our values. If a mismatch exists, something has to give. Do Your Goals Support Your Values

If you’re forever coming up short when it comes to achieving your dreams, your values might be at odds with your goals.

Use these techniques to set goals that support your values:

1. List your current values. Have you ever taken the time to examine your values? Most people have never given their values a second thought. This is a shame, because a person’s values guide their thinking, decisions, and actions. Do Your Goals Support Your Values

> Take 30 minutes and list your values. Put them in order of their priority to you.

> Ask yourself if your behavior is aligned with your values. If there’s a mismatch, what set of values would actually represent your behavior?

> Most of us have an idealized impression of our intentions, values, and qualities.

2. What are you trying to accomplish? What are your goals in life? What do you want to accomplish? Do you want to be wealthy? Get a six-pack? Write a screenplay? Save the whales? Build a real estate empire? The first step to any great success is to identify your objectives. Do Your Goals Support Your Values

3. How do your current values impact your goals? If your values and goals don’t match, the odds of success are dismal without something changing.

> For example, if you believe that wealthy people are fundamentally bad, you’ll never accumulate a significant amount of wealth.

> If comfort is a high priority for you, that six-pack will never materialize.

> Do you value having a lot of leisure time? A goal that requires a lot of work isn’t going to happen. Do Your Goals Support Your Values

> Look at your goals and look at your values. Do your goals support those values? Do your values support your goals?

4. What would be the perfect set of values to support your goals? Imagine you could build a person from scratch that would be perfect for accomplishing your goals. What values and qualities would they possess? How would you be different if you had these values?

> Think about the people you know that have accomplished what you want to accomplish. How would you describe them?

5. How close can you come to matching those values? How well can you rearrange your values to match that ideal set of values? The closer you’re able to come, the greater the odds of your success. Do Your Goals Support Your Values

6. Reinforce the values that matter. Imagine that your goal is to save $20,000 for a down payment on a home. Let’s suppose that you’ve determined that you need to be someone that values saving money over spending. How can you build this value in yourself and make it a part of you?

> Prove to yourself that you’re that type of person: For example, pick up pennies you find on the ground and save them. Cut coupons. Find new ways of dealing with stress other than shopping. Save part of your income as soon as your paycheck hits your bank account.

> When you keep proving to yourself over and over again that you possess a value, those actions will build and reinforce that value. Do Your Goals Support Your Values

Are your goals and values a good match? It’s important that they are. When a mismatch exists, it’s important to either alter your values or your goals. There’s only so much resistance a person can overcome. Success is much easier when your values and your intentions are highly compatible. Do Your Goals Support Your Values

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Affirmation: I release fear and embrace faith

Affirmation: I release fear and embrace faith

Check out this week’s affirmation: I release fear and embrace faith.

Learning how to overcome fears of failure can be challenging for everyone. Affirmation: I release fear and embrace faith

Fortunately, all fears are learned. No one is born with fears. Fears can therefore, be unlearned by practicing self-discipline repeatedly with regard to fear until it goes away.

The most common fears that we experience, which often sabotage all hope for success, are the fear of failure, poverty, and loss of money.

These fears cause people to avoid risk of any kind and to reject opportunity when it is presented to them. They are so afraid of failure that they are almost paralyzed when it comes to taking any chances at all. Affirmation: I release fear and embrace faith

I release fear and embrace faith.

I know the word “FEAR” is just an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. I face my fear head on now and know that it is just an illusion. Affirmation: I release fear and embrace faith

I now have the courage to face my fears.

I am grateful for that added strength. I am happy that fear lacks power over me now. I can look fear in the eye and know that I am the powerful one.

With that knowledge comes the power to embrace faith. Affirmation: I release fear and embrace faith

I use faith to overcome my fears. I use faith to embrace my little scared child. I comfort and hold my inner child. I allow my inner child to cry.

I let out old trapped emotion in order to process the fear and transform it into faith.

Fear is just a teacher. Once I understand and listen to my fear, I can transmute it into faith. I am proud that I have the bravery to face my fears and overcome them. I feel strong and courageous now. Affirmation: I release fear and embrace faith

As I take the time to confront my fears and realize that many of them are unfounded, I transform these little lies into what is true.

Each time I overcome a fear, I gain greater faith.

Today, faith is my predominant state of mind. Through my newfound faith, all things are possible. I stand taller. I breathe deeper. I stride confidently into my future.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What fears am I ready to transform now?

2. What do I need to do to increase my faith?

3. How can I make faith my default emotion?

Affirmation: I release fear and embrace faith

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings