5 Steps to More Progressive Goals and Greater Success

5 Steps to More Progressive Goals and Greater Success

5 Steps to More Progressive Goals and Greater Success

Finding it too easy to hit your goals? Maybe you have goals that simply don’t challenge you – and in this case, are they really goals at all?

When it comes to making goals that help you in the long run, it’s important to ensure that they are progressive. By this, we mean that they are steppingstones to greater success.

If you would like to embrace more progressive goals, take a look at this 5-Step process to ensure that your goal planning will result in the success you deserve.

5 Steps to More Progressive Goals and Greater Success

Step 1. Think About What Matters Most

Before you jump into any huge goal setting strategies, it’s important to think about what matters most – to you, and no one else.

Many people start off by looking at their goals from a monetary perspective, only to find that when they get the raise they’ve been working for, it brings them no more success or happiness.

What’s most important to you? Structure your goals around this desire.

5 Steps to More Progressive Goals and Greater Success

Step 2. Think Long-Term, Plan Short-Term

Thinking long term will allow you to see the big picture, but to a certain extent, you can never completely plan for a long-term situation or goal.

For this reason, it can be very effective to plan short-term goals that are centered around your long-term thinking. Each short-term goal, achieved one by one, brings you closer to what you want in the long term.

In this way, you’ve set yourself up for a complete and useful strategy for success.

5 Steps to More Progressive Goals and Greater Success

5 Steps to More Progressive Goals and Greater Success<br />

Step 3. Use Key Results

No goal setting is complete without key results. Key results are steppingstones to your goals.

For example; if you have a goal of saving five thousand dollars – what are the actual key results? What are the moves you take? What do you do in order for this to happen?

Having a goal is great, but what are the steps needed to reach this goal? Each goal you have should contain key results. In this way, you can better fulfil your progressions towards a goal.

5 Steps to More Progressive Goals and Greater Success

5 Steps to More Progressive Goals and Greater Success

Step 4. Think 10x Bigger

Many people are so focused on the small details.

For example, you hear investment bankers talking about percentages – finding 1% better here, 5% better here – and it might work for them, but the average person may not see actual, measurable benefits from this.

Instead, think ten times bigger!

Each time you write down a goal, think to yourself, “Is this the best I can do?”

5 Steps to More Progressive Goals and Greater Success

5 Steps to More Progressive Goals and Greater Success

Step 5. Think Ahead

Making a progressive goal will always require you to think ahead.

Understandably, sometimes you cannot think about all the outcomes of a particular situation, but you can still plan for some events that can change or unfortunate possibilities that don’t benefit you.

Thinking ahead will allow you to account for specific situations that are not beneficial, and in this way, will help you to make more actionable goals. You can plan for likely obstacles and determine solutions ahead of time in the event the obstacles materialize.

Suddenly, such an obstacle isn’t an obstacle at all, but simply a Plan B pathway to your goal!

Let the Process Work for You

If you’ve been feeling stuck or downhearted by your lack of progress, follow these five steps to make more progressive goals that get you back onto a path toward the success you seek.

5 Steps to More Progressive Goals and Greater Success

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5 Steps to More Progressive Goals and Greater Success

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

5 Steps to More Progressive Goals and Greater Success

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser. In a world where the pressure to conform and please others often outweighs our own needs, it’s easy to lose sight of who we are and what truly matters to us.

Constantly striving for the approval of others can leave us feeling exhausted, unfulfilled, and distant from our true selves. For those trapped in the cycle of people-pleasing, there’s a path to reclaiming one’s sense of self-worth and autonomy.

This guide aims to illuminate the steps to break free from the constraints of perpetual appeasement and live a life that resonates with your authentic self.

Whether it’s setting boundaries, boosting self-esteem, or learning the power of a simple “no,” the journey to self-respect and genuine connections begins here.

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

1. Have a purpose in life that interests you more than making everyone else happy.

Maybe what you need is something that means more to you than making other people happy. Spending so much time on other people takes your time away from other things. Set a few exciting goals or another purpose that is highly meaningful to you.

2. Work on your self-esteem.

If you cared about yourself more, you wouldn’t be so concerned with everyone else. People-pleasers are often lacking in self-esteem.

3. Start being a little selfish and see what happens.

Perform a little experiment. Be 10% more selfish for a week and see what the results are. If the results are positive, try 20%. Keep going as long as the results appeal to you.

♦. The most successful people in the world are considerably more selfish than the average person. If you’re a chronic people pleaser, a little selfishness would be beneficial.

4. Understand that people pleasers aren’t respected by others.

People-pleasers want to be liked, but they don’t realize that they aren’t doing themselves any favors. Those that put everyone else above themselves aren’t respected by other people, because they don’t respect themselves.

♦. Being a people-pleaser is counterproductive to getting what you really want.

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

5. Say “no” more often.

The easiest way to put a stop to people-pleasing activity is to say “no” more frequently.

♦. “I know we haven’t spoken in ages, but would you give me a ride to the airport at 6am on Sunday?”

♦. “No. Sunday morning is my only day to sleep in. I have a rule to never miss it.”

6. Ask others to do things for you.

Turn the tables and ask other people to do you a favor now and then. It’s good practice for you, and other people will begin to see you in a new light.

♦. Make it a point to not do favors for anyone that consistently refuses to do you a favor.

7. Pause.

“I’m not sure. Let me get back to you.” This is easier than just saying “no” to someone’s request. It also shows people that you’re not going to jump at the opportunity to give up your time for someone.

You can give a well thought out response after you’ve had some time to ponder the request.

8. Set boundaries.

Most people are willing to help out a friend to a point, but there’s a limit. Set your own limits. You might decide that you will never loan money to anyone.

Or, you don’t do favors on the weekend or after 9:00 PM unless it’s an emergency. Maybe you won’t let anyone crash on your couch.

♦. It’s up to you what boundaries you set. Boundaries show people that you respect yourself and make it less likely that people will use you.

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

In the vast tapestry of human interactions, the recurring theme is the desire for acceptance and validation. But it’s paramount to understand that true validation comes from within.

The journey from people-pleasing to self-assured autonomy is not about becoming dismissive or selfish in the traditional sense; it’s about rediscovering and honoring one’s own value.

When we constantly bend to the will of others, we lose our unique voice and the rich experiences and perspectives we bring to the table. By stepping away from the compulsion to always please, we find our true north and begin to navigate life with confidence and clarity.

Moreover, as we foster our inner strength and set firm boundaries, the relationships we cultivate become deeper and more genuine.

Those who truly value and respect us will appreciate our authenticity, and our connections will flourish based on mutual respect and understanding.

Embracing our authentic self is not a rejection of others but an invitation for them to meet us at a level of genuine engagement.

So, as we say “no” more, prioritize our needs, and demand the respect we deserve, we are not only setting ourselves free but also paving the way for more authentic and meaningful interactions in our lives.

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

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How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

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I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Attitude

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Attitude

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Attitude

We like to think we’re doing everything we can to be the best version of ourselves. Unfortunately, sometimes we don’t quite get it right. In life, it’s important to be mindful of others.

We can improve our attitude by boosting our mindset and letting positivity into our lives.

You never know what others are going through. Consider the tips below when you need to improve your attitude.

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Attitude

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Attitude

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Attitude

See Solutions To Your Problems

Mindset is such a significant part of what makes us happy. When you feel overwhelmed by life, it can be easy to give up and not see the way out of sad and difficult situations.

A positive outlook on your problems will make you feel happier and uplifted. Experiment with a new outlook. When you have a problem, consider writing it down and rationalizing it to give you some control.

Take your problems and turn them into solutions. Consider how you can fix the things that are worrying you, rather than dwelling on them and letting them overwhelm you.

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Attitude

Make Small, Meaningful Gestures

The smallest gestures in life are the ones that people are most grateful for. Are you generous with your time? Consider going on a coffee date with a friend who might be lonely. Maybe reach out to someone who needs company.

Perhaps a friend has something to celebrate or needs cheering up. If that’s the case, send them a gift or a message.

Make the first move. Call people before they call you to show them that you are thinking of them. The small, meaningful gestures we make can make someone’s day. These selfless acts can also bring you joy.

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Attitude

Acknowledge Your Faults And Learn

If you acknowledge parts of your personality that need to change, you are allowing yourself to grow and change. Taking ownership of your behavior and acting on your faults demonstrates maturity, personal growth, and compassion.

If you do your best to treat other people with kindness and respect, and you learn how to adapt your behavior, you are on your path to self-enlightenment and people will respect your refreshing honesty.

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Attitude

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Attitude

Be Accepting And Understanding

People might have an opposing opinion, or struggle to get on board with your views, just as you may with theirs.

You can improve your attitude by conversing with them to understand their point of view – perhaps constructively offering yours, but also accepting and respecting other people.

People may struggle to articulate their points or understand directions or instructions. Be kind. Be patient. Remember, everyone deserves to be heard.

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Attitude

Have Fun And Enjoy Life

There are many reasons to be serious in life, but also reasons to laugh and have fun! By having a positive, fun outlook on life you will find you start to enjoy yourself. Look forward to the small events and situations that make you smile.

Being upbeat and caring allows you to enjoy your own company and the company of others. Inspire and be inspired simply by laughing and enjoying every second you can.

Being kind, understanding and patient will make you feel happier and more fulfilled. Taking the time to work on yourself, appreciating what you can change, and engaging with others are simple but incredibly powerful ways you can work on your attitude to become the best version of yourself.

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5 Ways You Can Improve Your Attitude

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

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I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

How to Get over the Fear Factor & Start Living Your Dreams

How to Get over the Fear Factor & Start Living Your Dreams

How to Get over the Fear Factor & Start Living Your Dreams

Many people allow their fears to dictate their lives, resulting in a life of missed opportunities and unfulfilled dreams. There’s no denying that fear can be paralyzing. How to Get over the Fear Factor & Start Living Your Dreams

Whether it’s fear of the unknown, fear of failure, or fear of public speaking, that little voice in our head can talk us out of anything. But what if you could learn to overcome your fears and finally start living your dreams?

If you’re ready to break free from your fears and start living your dreams, try these strategies:

1. Identify and confront your fears.

First, identify the things that scare you—for example, public speaking, heights, or spiders. Once you know what your fear is, you can address it. How to Get over the Fear Factor & Start Living Your Dreams

♦ Think about what makes you anxious. Note situations that trigger feelings of fear and anxiety. Pay close attention and question the fear. Ask yourself why you feel this way. What is causing this fear?

♦. Pay attention to your physical response to fear (increased heart rate, sweating, and other responses) When you feel anxious, breathe deeply, close your eyes and imagine a peaceful scene. Try not to focus on the fear. Focus on the tranquil setting instead.

♦. Analyze the reasons you feel scared and make a list of the consequences of continuous fear. How will fear affect your life in the long term? When you realize that fear will stifle your progress, you might find the courage to combat your worries and anxiety.

♦. Make a plan to face your fear. If you can’t face it head-on, such as public speaking, start by doing small things that will help you build confidence, such as giving a speech in front of a mirror or practicing with friends.

♦. If your fear is something you can confront directly, such as heights, start by gradually exposing yourself to something that scares you.

♦. For example, if you’re afraid of heights, start by standing on a chair, then move on to a stool, and eventually work your way up to standing in a tall building.

♦. The key is facing your fears head-on and taking small steps until they no longer have power over you. With time and practice, you’ll be able to conquer your fears and start living a more fulfilling life.

How to Get over the Fear Factor & Start Living Your Dreams

2. Take a series of small steps to overcome your fear.

When you’re working on overcoming your fears, it’s essential to set small goals that you can achieve to help you stay motivated and focused on your journey. How to Get over the Fear Factor & Start Living Your Dreams

♦. Start by setting a goal that is realistic and achievable. For example, if you’re afraid of public speaking, your first goal might be to give a speech in front of one person.

♦. Once you’ve achieved your first goal, set a new goal that is slightly more challenging. For example, if you give a speech in front of one person, your next goal might be to provide an address in front of five people.

♦. Continue setting goals that challenge you and help you build confidence. You’ll be one step closer to conquering your fear with each goal you achieve.

♦. Get support from friends and family. One of the best ways to overcome your fear is to have friends and family support. These people will believe in you and help you through tough times.

♦. Find a group or community of people who are facing similar fears. There are many online communities that you can join or look for local groups in your area.

♦. Live your life with intention. Once you’ve overcome your fears, it’s essential to live your life with purpose. Try to live in the present moment, avoid comparison, and focus on living a purposeful life.

Fear can be a debilitating emotion that prevents you from achieving your goals and living your dreams. But it is possible to overcome the fear factor and start living a more fulfilling life.

By paying attention to your fear, analyzing its reasons, and taking small steps to face your fears, you can conquer your anxiety and start living the life you want. How to Get over the Fear Factor & Start Living Your Dreams

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How to Get over the Fear Factor & Start Living Your Dreams

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .


I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

How To Be More Confident At Work

How To Be More Confident At Work

Being more confident at work has a number of advantages. You’ll be able to advocate for yourself more easily, be taken seriously by your colleagues, and in many cases, improve your performance. How To Be More Confident At Work

If you’re looking for tips to boost your workplace confidence, then read on.

Watch The Way You Talk To Yourself

If you’re not careful, it can be easy to fall into a spiral of negative self-talk, and this can seriously damage your confidence at work.

While it’s good to consider your flaws and consider ways you could improve your work, make sure that you keep this constructive and helpful.

When you find yourself thinking negatively, ask if your thoughts are reasonable or if you’re being too harsh on yourself. How To Be More Confident At Work

Share Ideas With Co-Workers

The idea of speaking up and sharing your ideas with your co-workers may feel intimidating, but the more you do it, the easier it will get. And once your colleagues start to listen to and implement your ideas, your confidence will soar.

Have a few sentence starters on hand to help boost your confidence and get you started. And remember that a rejection of your idea is not automatically a criticism of you. How To Be More Confident At Work

Ask For Help When You Need It

Nobody is born with innate confidence. Just as with any skill, it needs to be practiced, and there’s no shame in asking someone for guidance.

The trick is to find a mentor – someone who you respect and admire – and ask for their advice and tips. You can also use them as inspiration. Just remember to retain your own identity. How To Be More Confident At Work

Remember: if you don’t feel it, fake it until you make it.

Look The Part

Humans are primarily visual creatures and, rightly or wrongly, we are all judged on the way that we look and present ourselves. By making sure you’re dressed smartly and look professional at all times, you increase your chances of being taken seriously by your colleagues.

Think of your work outfits as a uniform, and you will soon learn to associate putting these outfits on with confidence. How To Be More Confident At Work

Acknowledge Your Own Success

Acknowledging and owning your own success can be difficult, especially if this is not a skill that comes naturally to you. However, it’s an important part of feeling more confident in your abilities and achievements.

Learn how to accept compliments and praise with grace, rather than automatically shrugging them off and undermining your own achievements.

Learn From Your Failures

We all have weaknesses and areas we need to improve on. This is nothing to be ashamed of, and working on weaknesses is a key element of growing and evolving. How To Be More Confident At Work

When you make a mistake, take a look at it from a more detached perspective.

What exactly went wrong? Where was the failure? What would you do differently were you to carry out this task again? By separating yourself from the error, you can view it professionally, and feel confident that you won’t make the same mistake again.

Final Thoughts

Developing more confidence at work doesn’t only have the advantage of making you happier. It can also help you to enjoy more successful working relationships, ensure that your voice is heard, and could even get you a raise! With just a few simple changes, you will be feeling confident and in control in no time. How To Be More Confident At Work

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How To Be More Confident At Work

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .


I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

How To Stop Worrying All The Time

How To Stop Worrying All The Time

Worrying is part of human nature. We all have such stressful lives, and sometimes we can find ourselves a little bit overwhelmed. How To Stop Worrying All The Time

Although a bit of worrying is healthy, as it shows concern, too much worrying is unhealthy and should be addressed.

Take a look at these simple tips to identify how you might be able to stop worrying all the time and work towards a more relaxed, stress-free lifestyle.

How to stop worrying constantly: How To Stop Worrying All The Time

1. Prioritize your concerns.

Stop your thoughts from constantly racing around your head. Take some time to sit down and work out exactly what is concerning you.

    • By writing down your concerns, you are creating space in your head for new calming, relaxing thoughts.
    • Writing down the things that are worrying you can help you organize them. From there, categorize and prioritize.

2. Remember to relax.

It’s important to have some time off from your busy schedule to relax and free your mind of excess worry. How To Stop Worrying All The Time

    • Consider starting a new hobby, spending time with a friend, or doing something that you enjoy that takes your mind off your worries.
    • Find a hobby or an activity that relaxes you, and allows you to destress. By having time to yourself, you will be far less likely to feel anxious and worried constantly, as you are finding the balance between stress and relaxation.

3. Share your problems.

Sometimes, simply talking to somebody about our concerns and worries is enough to help offload the guilt and burden we can sometimes feel. How To Stop Worrying All The Time

    • Once you express your thoughts and share your worries with the people you trust, they can help advise you and ease the load. By discussing exactly what you are feeling, you will be taking control of your concerns and others can take a proactive approach to support you.
    • This will make you feel much calmer, but also allow you to receive advice and suggestions from different perspectives that you may not have considered before. You don’t have to worry in silence.

4. Consider exercising.

It’s well documented that exercise has fantastic health benefits, and it could be the perfect way for you to let off some steam and really destress. How To Stop Worrying All The Time

    • If you have something you are worrying about unnecessarily and you just don’t know how to stop worrying about it, consider hitting the gym, doing some exercise, or going for a run.
    • Exercise makes you feel great both physically and mentally. You can channel nervous energy and stress into positive mental and physical fuel for your workout.

4. Slow down and reflect.

Consider exactly what you are worried about and if it is rational or irrational.

    • Decide on the steps you might take to tackle this concern and create an action plan.
    • By doing this, you are seizing control of your worries and trying to tackle them, in order to eliminate them. Work out what you can and can’t control in the short- and long-term, and progress from there.
    • Work out exactly what is concerning you and then identify how you will deal with it. You’ll be much more likely to feel in control as you can tackle your worries one at a time rather than letting them overwhelm you.

Exercising, writing down your thoughts, prioritizing and facing your worries, and sharing concerns with friends are some simple ways of reducing stress and living a happier, more relaxed life. How To Stop Worrying All The Time

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How To Stop Worrying All The Time

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .


I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose