Affirmation: I am free to make my own decisions.
Check out this week’s affirmation on making your own decisions. Affirmation: I am free to make my own decisions.
Decision-making is about problem-solving in the dual sense that the decision you are trying to make is a solution to an emotional or practical problem, and the process itself is a problem-solving exercise.
Affirmation: I am free to make my own decisions.
My decisions are mine to make. I am the one in control of my life. I exercise that control by making decisions each day. Affirmation: I am free to make my own decisions.
I reject the idea of someone else guiding my life. I allow others to make their own decisions, and I take responsibility for making mine.
There might be people in my life that want to make my decisions for me. But I am firm in telling them that I choose to make my own decisions.
I might ask for advice when I need it, but I ultimately decide which course of action I plan to take. Affirmation: I am free to make my own decisions.
I am free of the need for approval from others. I avoid even trying to find out what others might think of my decisions. Whatever I decide is fine by me, and I am the one whose approval matters.
I use my experience and my best judgement to make the wisest decisions I can. If I am wrong, I can accept that. I am just more determined to make a better decision next time.
I live my life as I choose and make my own decisions. Affirmation: I am free to make my own decisions.
Today, I make the best choices I can. I take responsibility for all my decisions. I take control of my life by exercising my power of choice.
Self-Reflection Questions: Affirmation: I am free to make my own decisions.
1. Is there anyone that wants to control my life? Who? Why? How do I feel about that?
2. What do I need to make a decision about? Why am I waiting?
3. When do I allow others to make decisions for me? Why am I hesitant to take responsibility for my life?
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