Podcast: 13 Habits That Increase Patience
13 Habits That Increase Patience
Life is full of bumps in the road. Construction holds up traffic on your way to work. Your child loses their homework folder about once a month, and your boss blames you for a decision they made.
Sometimes you can change your circumstances. More often, you’ll need to change your attitude so you can run into obstacles without losing your cool.
Basic Exercises for Increasing Patience
♦. Spot your triggers. Figure out what frustrates you and why. It could be certain events or words. Ask your family and friends for feedback if you’re not sure about what usually sets you off.
♦. Keep a journal. While you’re trying to develop more patience, it helps to keep a record of your activities. Use your phone or a notepad to count the number of times you feel stressed and describe the situations.
♦. Slow down. Rushing around creates more tension. Pause for a moment when you feel overwhelmed, so you can resist the urge to speed up.
🎧 Listen to this podcast episode for more strategies on increasing patience.
Podcast: 13 Habits That Increase Patience
Advanced Exercises for Increasing Patience
Delaying gratification can help you develop patience. Practice waiting for what you want by postponing purchases or taking a walk before eating dessert.
Technology has conditioned us to expect instant results, but important projects require time and effort. Adjust your expectations accordingly.
Gratitude and generosity are the ultimate tools for patience. Focusing on what you can share with others helps keep minor irritations in perspective.
Podcast: 13 Habits That Increase Patience
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Podcast: 13 Habits That Increase Patience
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I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose
Podcast: 13 Habits That Increase Patience
https://www.calm.com/blog/how-to-cultivate-patience-in-your-daily-life https://health.clevelandclinic.org/how-to-be-patient https://zenhabits.net/15-tips-for-becoming-as-patient-as-job/ https://www.nbcnews.com/better/lifestyle/how-train-yourself-be-more-patient-ncna1022356 https://7mindsets.com/developing-patience/