My Heart And Mind Are In Sync

My Heart And Mind Are In Sync

My heart and mind are in sync.

Feeling and thinking are two important actions that I utilize each day. At times, I am tempted to follow either my heart or my mind, but I act wisely. I rely on both of them to guide me through life.

Synchronizing my heart and mind means reconciling the things that I desire with logical priorities in my life.

It is my dream to travel extensively. But it is unwise to follow my heart at the expense of my financial stability. Instead of fully giving in to my desires, I put a financial plan in place to achieve them in due course.

That means allocating a small portion of my earnings to my travel goals while taking care of my monthly commitments.

It is possible to have what my heart seeks without disrupting the practical flow and balance of my life. I commit to the discipline it takes to put priorities first and enjoy the fruits of my labor later.

I am realistic about what my body is able to handle. Although I like to challenge myself with workouts, I am wise about what I choose to do.

It is pointless to overextend myself and lose the ability to do anything at all. Smart decisions take me further in life than impulsive ones. I use that fact to remind myself to take it easy at the gym.

Today, I continue to work on balancing the desires of my heart with practical decision-making. It is this ability that allows me to achieve greater things in life.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. When is it okay to indulge a little?

2. How do I reward myself for achieving major milestones?

3. What is the thought process that I undergo when making a decision?

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

12 Practical Ways to Practice Gratitude

12 Practical Ways to Practice Gratitude

Gratitude isn’t a common habit, but without gratitude, life is more challenging than it needs to be. Feeling grateful resets your perspective, and this is a gift you can give yourself each day. If you find yourself feeling pessimistic or overwhelmed, a little gratitude can get your attitude back on the right track.

Gratitude is free, enjoyable, and effective.

Practice gratitude each day with these actions:

1. Write it down. Make a daily habit of writing down a few things that you can be grateful about. Ideally, you’ll do this early and late in the day. It gets your day off on the right foot and sets you up for a good night of sleep.

2. Be grateful for the little things. There are plenty of small things you can be grateful for each day. A great cup of coffee, the sound of birds in the morning, or the fact that you have a new set of tires on your car can all uplift your mood.

3. Go for a gratitude walk. This is a great way to get out of your head. Go for a walk and look for things that you can be grateful for. A beautiful tree, a child playing in her yard, a friendly dog, or a nice, cool breeze are all things you could choose to feel gratitude about.

4. Avoid making comparisons. When you compare one thing to another, you demean it. Be grateful for something exactly as it is. This applies to people and things.

5. Tell people you’re thankful. Show people that you’re grateful for thanking them. Whether it’s your neighbor for keeping his yard so nice or the cashier at the store. Be thankful and let them know about it.

6. Enjoy your pet. Pets give us plenty of reasons to feel gratitude. Give your pet some extra attention. You’ll both feel great.

7. Donate your time or money. Give your resources to something that you think is valuable to the world. It could be a charity or other organization. Time and money can have a great impact.

8. Make a list of things that impress you about yourself. Have a little gratitude for yourself, too. What are you impressed by when you take a long, hard look at yourself? You’ll not only be expressing gratitude, but you’ll also be doing wonders for your self-esteem.

9. Write a positive review for a business you appreciate. Business owners love positive reviews. It makes them feel good and can boost their business. Be supportive and express your gratitude.

10. Meditate on the things that you’re grateful for. Put your focus and attention on those things you’re most grateful for. You might develop an even greater appreciation for them.

11. Minimize judging and complaining. Judging and complaining are the opposite of gratitude. People that do this aren’t enjoyable to be around, either. Keep your negative thoughts and opinions to yourself. Avoid judging others and you’ll find that you’re happier and less stressed.

12. Be thankful at meal times. Since you eat at least one meal each day, this a great way to develop a habit of expressing gratitude. Be grateful for your food and the people sharing it with you.

Be grateful for everything you have. Even if you’re struggling to survive below the poverty level, you’re still living better than the vast majority of the world’s population. That doesn’t mean you have to be satisfied with your current situation, but you can still be grateful for what you do have.

Practice gratitude. Your mood and perspective will be lifted. Your opportunities for success will increase. And you’ll receive even more good things to be grateful for!

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Being myself is liberating.

Being myself is liberating.

Being myself is liberating.

At a time when there is so much pressure to conform to norms, I am happy about my individuality.

I feel free when I focus on the version of myself that I am happy with. It is pointless to listen to the opinions of others regarding my choices. Whatever feels good in my soul forms the truth that I live.

It takes away any obligation to watch what I say or how I act. As long as I maintain honorable values, I am at peace with the things that I say and do. It feels good to maintain consistency and honor my integrity.

I feel comfortable being myself because sincerity is easy.

I am honest about who I am and what I believe in. Betraying my morals goes against my character, regardless of the potential benefits.

Regularly testing my limits allows me to see what I am comfortable with. Whenever a particular approach feels uncomfortable, I stay away from it.

I know that I am loved just the way I am. The special people in my life deserve to feel sure about me. Their loyalty to me dictates that I am always honest with them.

Today, the only person that I am committed to being is myself. My mantra each morning is to put the best version of myself forward and make a positive impact on the world.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  • What do I consider my most admirable trait?
  • How often do I commit to expressing myself freely?
  • When is it okay to consider another person’s advice about my approach to things?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

How To Solve Big Challenges

How To Solve Big Challenges

Life comes with challenges. How you handle challenges says a lot about your life. Big challenges can be especially intimidating.

Many people feel overwhelmed when faced with adversity, but this is unnecessary. All challenges, both big and small, can be handled with the same basic strategy.

When you feel confident that you can handle any challenge, you have more opportunities available to you.

Use this process to deal with the challenges in your life proactively:

1. Set a goal. Goals are helpful in many situations, including overcoming a big challenge. If you want to be successful, set a goal. Setting a goal accomplishes several things:

– It focuses your time and attention on a solution, rather than putting your attention on the problem.

– It makes it clearer how you should be spending you time.

– It gives you the best chance to overcome your big challenge.

– It makes you feel like you have some control over your life.

If there’s nothing you can do about the challenge you’re facing, avoid spending any time or energy on it. Work on something else instead.

2. Avoid wasting time. If you have a big challenge in your life, you can’t afford to waste your time on silly things. Identify you biggest time-wasters and commit to spending that time on your solution instead. You might find that overcoming your challenge wasn’t as difficult as you thought it would be.

3. Create a plan. You have a goal, and you’re not going to waste time. So, now you need a plan that will help you accomplish your solution.

– What has to happen immediately before you accomplish your goal? Keep working back until you reach an action you can take today. Now, all you have to do is perform that action. What could be simpler?

Just keep going like this, step by step, to make a successful plan.

4. Get help. The more resources you can utilize to make your solution a reality, the better the odds of success. It will also speed up the process greatly. Get whatever help you can. Now isn’t the time to be bashful. You can always repay the favor at a later date.

5. Visualize success. Visualization makes your objective clear. It also gives you a boost of confidence and keeps you focused. See yourself successfully overcoming this challenge. Visualize a few times each day.

6. Persevere. If you have a plan, you’re working your plan, and you’re not wasting time, the only thing left to do is hang in there. There’s not much you can’t accomplish if don’t give up. Keep working your plan and persevere!

7. Determine how to avoid a similar situation. If the treads came off your tires, now you know to replace your tires sooner. If your ex-boyfriend stole all of your money, you know that you need to protect your finances better.

– Consider how this challenge came to be, and how you can prevent it from happening again. It would be a shame to go through all of this grief and not learn from it. Use your challenges to ultimately become more capable.

– Just be sure to solve your challenge before taking this last step. Focus on your solution first. Worry about prevention later.

The bigger your goals and aspirations, the bigger the challenges you’ll face. It’s important to have a strategy for dealing with challenges when they arise.

The worst thing you can do is nothing. If there’s a solution, it’s important to actively pursue it rather than sitting around worrying. Your success is largely determined by your ability to overcome challenges.

If you’re facing a big challenge, do what you can to find a solution. Avoid the tendency to sit around and worry about the situation. Be solution-focused!

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

The New Job

The New Job

The New Job the story of a ‘people pleaser’ who pleased no one.
Sarah was new in town and went out of her way to help others. Unfortunately, Sarah took on more than she could do…

Short story.

Sarah was on top of the world! She had recently graduated from college and landed a great job with an exciting company.

Even though her new job was in a city far away from her family and friends, she thought, “No problem. I’ll make new friends at work!” She was really looking forward to her first day on the job. It all started very well.

Everyone at the office was friendly. During the first week or two, almost everyone came by her desk to introduce themselves. Sarah was very happy to meet them and eager to please. Nearly every day, at least one of the nice people Sarah had met would call or e-mail her, asking if she would help them out with a little project – reorganizing files, stuffing envelopes, or other small things.

Hoping to make friends, Sarah always said, “Yes.” The projects started building up. Sarah took longer and longer to complete them until she just had too many to keep track of. Every day a couple of people would call her to check on their delayed projects. They always spoke angrily and were very upset with Sarah for being late.

She wasn’t making any friends at all! In fact, now no one seemed to like her! Sarah wondered how this could have happened – she had tried so hard to make everyone happy.

MORAL: Take on only what you know you can do. Say “no” when you should.

Personal reflection.

Oh, the people pleasers! We all know leaders and followers alike who try so hard to make everyone happy that they can’t satisfy anyone!

Are you one of those people who say “yes” to everyone? Do you feel that saying “yes” will bring you friends? If these thoughts ring true, reflect on this story carefully. It may help you pinpoint the basis of some frustrations in your life.

No one can do everything. Trying to be everything to everyone is a sure way to please no one and disappoint everyone, including yourself.

By saying “yes” to everyone, Sarah was was unable to focus on her own job, and she created an expectation of failure and unreliability among her coworkers. Not the way to make a great first impression!

There are respectful and thoughtful ways to say “no.” Learning those techniques and when to use them are important life skills.

Each of us has limits on our time and abilities. Knowing those limits is not a sign of weakness; instead, it signals great self-awareness and understanding.

If you really want to make friends and become a valuable member of a community, Sarah’s situation can remind you about what’s important in building relationships.

You may have to say “no” from time to time so when you say “yes,” you really mean it.

Being reliable and trustworthy will earn you the respect and admiration of those around you. Plus, you’ll gain a sense of accomplishment and worth.

Isn’t that what we all want from our relationships – trust, meeting expectations, a sense of accomplishment, and mutual respect? Knowing what you can and can’t do, and making those expectations clear, are important steps toward establishing healthy and comfortable relationships.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Am I constantly overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to do?

2. Do I find myself agreeing to do “just one more project” when inside I’m really saying, “No! I can’t!”

3. Have I ever been told that I need to learn to say “no”?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

I accept others just the way they are.

I accept others just the way they are.

I accept others just the way they are.

My relationships are based on respect and understanding.

I focus on the positive. I look for qualities that I value and admire.

I notice if someone excels at their job or goes out of their way to be helpful. When I recognize their strengths, I feel friendlier towards them and enjoy their company.

I deepen my understanding. I avoid making assumptions about others based on limited knowledge.

I remember that they are complex individuals. Even if they yelled at me in traffic, they may perform many great deeds.

I open up my mind. I become more flexible. I recognize that there are many different ways to approach the same situation.

I cultivate humility. I realize that I have flaws too. It is easier to be patient and forgiving when I recognize that I have the same needs.

I treat others with compassion. I think about how their behavior affects them instead of concentrating on myself alone. I want them to be happy.

I appreciate diversity. I imagine how boring the world would be if each of us was the same.

I pursue my own goals. When I make my life more meaningful and satisfying, I find that I am less critical of others.

Today, I am loving and kind. I let go of the desire to change others. I respect their right to be who they are. I experience fewer conflicts, and I feel more connected.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I maintain healthy boundaries while accepting others?
  2. What is the difference between accepting someone and agreeing with them?
  3. How do I feel when someone accepts me?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings