The Earnest Elephant Fable

The Earnest Elephant Fable

A story about the value of pushing for what you want until you get it.

Ethan Elephant was just a child, as far as elephants go, but he was learning important elephant skills each day. Then, one day, he realized that all his cousins seemed to know things that he didn’t!

Would he be ostracized by his friends? Would they think of him as a baby? What could he do?

Short Story:

The elephant wildlands were always buzzing with activity, especially on bright, sunny days. Little Ethan and his elephant cousins would spend their afternoons playing in the fields until they were exhausted and thirsty.

As young elephants, they didn’t yet know how to siphon water with their trunks, so they always crouched down to the river and drank directly with their mouths.

One day, Ethan noticed that his cousins started squirting water into their mouths and he thought, “Awesome! I must be able to do that too!”

But when Ethan tried to do it, it wasn’t working out like it did for his cousins. Although he was a little disappointed, he spent the next few hours by the river trying to do it.

That’s when his mom yelled, “Ethan, time to come in for dinner!” But Ethan wasn’t ready. He was committed to learning how to drink like his cousins and said, “Not now, mom. I have to figure this out today!”

Sensing her son’s determination, she said, “Okay, let’s make a deal. If you agree to pick twigs and leaves for your little sister, I’ll give you two extra hours each day to practice.”

Ethan only liked grazing for himself but was willing to help his mom take care of his little sister. And with that extra time each day, he finally learned how to siphon and squirt water into his mouth.

The added bonus of Ethan’s determination was becoming seasoned at taking care of others. He felt so proud that he mastered two new skills by sticking to his original goal.

Moral: Perseverance often leads to unexpected wins.

Self-Reflection Questions:

Ethan was a pretty self-confident little elephant, but he lost a little of that confidence when he saw his cousins doing something he was unable to do. Still, he blocked negative self-talk and focused on working towards achieving it.

Instead of choosing to give up, Ethan showed strong conviction in his ability to conquer a challenge.

Many times, the feelings that you allow to take over gain control of the outcomes of the situations you encounter. By choosing to maintain positive thinking, you realize that the answers to each challenge you face become more and more apparent.

Developing one skill also expands your aptitude for everything else. You can achieve more goals by learning skills that are useful in other areas.

So, when one approach seems like it’s unable to provide the outcome you seek, be open to other options. Your persistence will pay off in the end. Not only will you achieve that goal but becoming proficient in one area will boost your self-confidence and propel you to success in other areas as well.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Which of my goals am I most passionate about? How can I persevere to achieve this goal?

2. What are some encouraging things I tell myself when I feel like giving up?

3. What are some additional achievements under my belt as a result of persevering?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Walking around in fear limits my potential.

Walking around in fear limits my potential.

Walking around in fear limits my potential.

When I look in the mirror, I see someone who is destined for greatness. I breathe confidence into myself to go after goals.

Excessive internalization puts doubts in my mind, so I act quickly when I make a decision. This keeps me from building up fear and shirking any commitments.

The world sometimes looks scary, but in reality, there is hardly anything to be afraid of. The possible outcomes of each situation are limited. I am willing to accept whichever one that comes because they are all outside of my control.

Doubting myself on the job prevents me from accessing great opportunities. Sales calls are intimidating, but the worst scenario is that I hear, “No.”

When I consider how insignificant that response is to my existence, I regain confidence. The person on the other end of the line has little significance to my life. Confidently calling one after the other eventually leads to success.

It is great to be liked by others, but that falls very low on my priority list. I act according to my own standards and beliefs. How another person views that is irrelevant.

I place very little focus on pleasing others. I present myself as I sincerely am. It is okay when only some people accept that. What matters is how I feel about myself.

Today, each step is guided by the belief that fear is a figment of my imagination. I challenge my mind to think positively and take courageous steps. My potential is immeasurable when I do that.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are the things that I tend to be fearful about?

2. How do I encourage myself to put aside feelings of nervousness?

3. How does it feel to overcome a fear?

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

7 Brain Hacks That Boost Productivity

7 Brain Hacks That Boost Productivity

Productivity is important because it relates to income and time. The more productive you are, the more money you can earn in many situations. You can also save time. That time can be spent on anything you like, including making more money.

There are many obstacles to productivity, such as a lack of focus, a lack of intention, a lack of stamina, and too many distractions, to name a few.

Hack your brain and increase your productivity with these strategies:

1. Set an intention. Most people can’t focus because they’re not truly clear on what they want to focus on or for how long. Give yourself a fighting chance by choosing a specific task for a specific amount of time.

– For example, you might decide you’re going to work on your tax return for 30 minutes. Set a timer and do your best for those 30 minutes.

– Your brain will do its best to give you what you want if you give it clear instructions.

2. Meditate. Meditation helps to build focus and calm your mind. Meditation is incredibly popular right now, so there is plenty of free information on how to meditate effectively. Educate yourself and get started. It’s simple and effective.

3. Take regular breaks. Experiment with break frequency and duration. The best option for most people is either 25 minutes of work and a five-minute break, or 50 minutes of work and a 10-minute break. Discover what works best for you and then stick with it. Timers can be powerful tools.

4. Avoid giving in to temptation. Most of us give in to the temptation of distraction far too easily. It’s a very difficult habit to break. We quickly go from feeling bored or stressed to amused. It feels good to check email or read a text.

– The most productive people are able to overcome the urge to break their attention from their work task.

– It’s important to avoid these distractions during your breaks, too. It’s too hard to get back on task, and your breaktime magically extends from five minutes to 25. Learn how to say “no” to your urges.

5. Alternate high and low-focus tasks. Many people report greater productivity when they alternate between cognitively intense activities and those that require less intellectual effort. It’s similar to interval training in the gym.

– Lower-level activities might include returning calls and emails, or other routine work. The lower-level activities give your brain a rest and the chance to recover. Soon, it’s ready for another round of more intense activity.

6. Drink plenty of water. Most people are partially dehydrated. The solution is to drink plenty of water. That doesn’t mean you have to be chugging 20 ounces of water every hour. But, a 20-ounce bottle of water every few hours would be beneficial to most.

– So many metabolic processes require water that you’re not at your best if you’re dehydrated.

7. Develop a positive mindset. A positive outlook on life makes you more productive. Studies show that mindset affects productivity. Work on having a positive outlook and you’ll accomplish more each day. You’ll also be a lot happier.

Productivity should be important to everyone. Time is your most valuable asset, so do what you can to maximize it. We can all be more productive, but it doesn’t happen by magic. It must be a priority if you want to see real results. Dedicate yourself to maximizing your productivity.

Give your brain every chance to be your ally on this important journey.

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

I face everything and rise

I face everything and rise

I face everything and rise

Fleeing is the last resort when I face difficulty. Running away does little to eliminate the issue but facing it is a testament to my strength.

Even the most trying difficulties are manageable when I face them bravely. The emotional ache that I feel slowly dissipates with time. I work with the belief that clouds eventually pass.

It is important for me to trust my ability to handle anything. I am responsible for my own well-being.

My commitment to myself is that I avoid the temptation of crumbling in fear. Maintaining my quality of life is a priority for me. That means being the best version of myself. My loved ones rely on me to be present for them.

Facing rejection is tough but I put on a brave face. Being able to rise above my emotions in that moment shows my strength.

I know that there is a time and place for everything. In each moment of difficulty, I do what is required to keep myself up. I use my quiet time to process the emotions of a past situation. It is easier to gain healing when I retreat to my quiet place.

With each challenge that I overcome, I become hardier. Fear of disappointment and hurt slowly fades when I consistently put on a brave face.

Today, I run towards my challenges instead of away from them. My bravery makes my experiences instructive for future issues that I face. With each situation, I build my repertoire of techniques to handle things.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are some of the most difficult situations to face?

2. What have I learned from past experiences that is useful in any type of challenge?

3. What role does my support team play in getting me over obstacles?

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

There are plenty of beliefs you hold that you allow to influence your life. You haven’t even given many of these beliefs a lot of thought.

For example, you probably have similar religious beliefs as your parents. Did you ever sit down and think about which religion best suits you? Or did you just continue with what you were exposed to as a child?

You don’t have to be a slave to your old beliefs!

Try these techniques to maintain only beliefs that support you:

1. Your previous beliefs and knowledge can prevent you from gaining new knowledge. If you think you know something already, you won’t be open to new views. Knowledge is great, but when it gets in the way of learning something new, it’s poison.

2. Ask more questions. Be curious. Avoid believing that you already know the answer because of your previous experience. You can learn while you listen. You can’t learn while you’re speaking. Ask questions and then be quiet and listen to the answer.

3. Pretend that you’re a beginner. For example, imagine that you make a living as a real estate investor. When a novice investor starts telling you about his latest deal, you probably don’t believe there’s anything you can learn from him.

– Pretend that you know absolutely nothing about a topic. Be open to everything you hear. Even if you’re a leading authority on something, there are still things you don’t know. If you pretend that you’re a mere novice, you’ll have a better chance of gaining that knowledge that eludes you.

4. Determine if your beliefs are truths, or merely just beliefs. Beliefs are personal, often unprovable, and often no more correct than another belief.

– Truths don’t require constant validation. For example, gravity is a truth.

5. Where did your belief come from? If you believe that women are better than men, how did you decide that? Or, if you believe that you’re not capable of managing money, where did this belief come from? What is the source of your belief?

– Many of our beliefs come from our parents. Most of us didn’t have parents that were Rhodes Scholars.

– Question the origin of your beliefs and determine if that idea is worth a second look.

6. Let go of your identity. Our identities are largely built around our beliefs. We might believe:

– “I’m an overweight person.”
– “I’m not intelligent.”
– “I’m the most intelligent person I know.”
– “I’m liberal.”
– “I’m someone that can’t learn math.”
– “I’m lazy.”
– “I’m a school teacher. That’s what I am.”
– We take our beliefs, good or bad, and associate with them. If you believe that you’re naturally overweight, it makes it challenging to lose weight. If you associate with being bad at math, you make it harder to learn math. It’s hard to achieve or believe something outside of your identity.

7. What is the cost of your beliefs? Some beliefs come with a heavy price. Look at your beliefs and consider the impact they are having on you.

Since beliefs are personal and alterable, think about which of your beliefs are making your life more challenging. When a belief doesn’t serve you, you’ll be more interested in letting go of it.

We’re all slaves to our beliefs. Unfortunately, many of our beliefs are unhealthy and unhelpful. Beliefs can be very limiting. Face the world with an open mind, and you’ll have an easier time of finding your truth.

Avoid allowing your old beliefs to control you. Be the master of your life, not a slave to your beliefs.

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

The Pursuit Of Happiness

The Pursuit Of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness A story about a small pup with big dreams

Chester the pup goes after his dreams and fulfills his destiny despite the doubters

Short Story

Chester was a tiny little Chihuahua. He was excited to start pup school, but he was also nervous because he had no idea what trade he wanted to pursue.

After months of waiting, he finally realized he wanted to be a guard dog.

Chester’s mom had given him all of the time in the world to choose what trade he wanted to learn. But her patience was wearing thin.

“Chester, have you decided what you want to do with your life? All of your brothers and sisters have already gone off to pup school and graduated. Why are you taking so long to blossom?” asked his mother.

“Mom, I want to be a guard dog,” Chester blurted out.

“Honey, you’re so small. You can’t be a guard dog; you’ll get eaten alive.” remarked Chester’s mother.

This lit a fire under Chester. He was determined to pursue his road to happiness, no matter how long and hard the journey may be. “Mom, I’ve made up my mind. I am going to be a guard dog,” said Chester before he skipped away.

The very next morning, he enrolled in pup school as a guard dog. His classmates were German Shepherds, Pit Bulls and only the toughest dogs. But Chester felt confident in his ability to succeed.

When he got home from school, Chester would exercise to build up his strength. It was tough, but he stuck to his guns. He knew he could do it.

At his final examination, he had to run an obstacle course in under 45 seconds. And, because of his hard work and small size, he was able to complete the obstacle course in 20 seconds!

Against all odds, Chester became a guard dog.

MORAL: Chase your dreams, regardless of how unlikely success may seem.

Personal reflection

Initially, Chester’s fear of failure kept him from pursuing his dream of being a guard dog. And, when he finally worked up the courage to follow his passion, he was criticized. Nonetheless, Chester stuck to his guns and achieved exactly what he set out to do.

He pursued his happiness and won.

Surely, you’ve encountered a situation where your lack of confidence has stopped you from chasing something you know you would love to do. However, if you don’t even try, you’ve already lost the battle.

Maybe you couldn’t give that executive your elevator pitch because you thought he wouldn’t spare a second to talk to you. Or you may have even opted for a “safe” college major rather than what you truly love to do.

It’s important to remember that every day is an opportunity to succeed. And pursuing your happiness can effectively be done just one step at a time.

If you want to be a doctor someday, the first step is showing up to class. If you want to work as a bridal consultant, the first step is handing out resumes. And if you want to start a family, the first step is trying to conceive with your spouse.

Once you take the first step, the ones that follow seem to fall into place!

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I have the confidence to chase my dreams?

2. Have I sat down to truly define what my dreams are?

3. What is my day-by-day game plan in order to ensure my success?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings