Affirmation: I Focus On What Is Important

Affirmation: I Focus On What Is Important

Check out this week’s affirmation on Learning to Focus on What is Important. Affirmation: I Focus On What Is Important

Do you get to the end of the day and feel that you’ve met your most pressing deadlines but haven’t accomplished anything that’s fundamentally important? You’re hardly alone.

Affirmation: I Focus On What Is Important

There are many things that vie for my attention, but I am able to maintain my focus on what is most important in that moment.
Modern life is full of distractions, but I am always developing and enhancing my ability to keep my concentration where it provides the greatest benefit. I avoid introducing too many distractions into my life or my immediate environment.

By keeping my life simple, but enjoyable, I enhance my ability to concentrate and focus on a single task. Affirmation: I Focus On What Is Important

I know what I want to accomplish. This makes it obvious how I should spend my time. Part of focusing on the right thing is knowing what the right thing is. I know what is important when I have a clear objective.
My ability to focus my attention is impressive. I am constantly honing my ability to place my attention on something and keep it there. I can focus like a monk.
I keep my attention on the long-term. I can see what is important and worthy of my attention when I consider the future.
Today, I let go of what is irrelevant and focus on what is most important. I am clear on what I need to do, and I am doing it.

Self-Reflection Questions: Affirmation: I Focus On What Is Important

1. What is the most important thing I should be spending my time and energy on right now?

2. What are the biggest distractions in my life? What can I do to minimize those distractions?

3. How would I rate my ability to focus? How can I strengthen this ability?

Affirmation: I Focus On What Is Important

Affirmation: I Focus On What Is Important

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

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Affirmation: I Focus On What Is Important

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The 6 Ingredients Necessary to Change Your Behavior

The 6 Ingredients Necessary to Change Your Behavior

Most of our behaviors weren’t consciously chosen. We just seem to find ourselves doing the same things each day, day after day. Change Your Behavior

It doesn’t matter if the behaviors are harmful, make zero sense, or take us further from our goals. It also doesn’t matter if the behaviors we want to do are good for our health, bank account, or the future. We can’t seem to get ourselves to do the positive behaviors regularly.

However, changing your behavior is the key to changing your life! Change Your Behavior

Want to change your behavior? The winning recipe includes these 6 ingredients:

1. A clear objective. For example, it’s insufficient to tell yourself that you want to eat less. What does that mean? How many calories is that? What is the breakdown of macronutrients? How often are you going to eat? It’s important to be specific. A few examples include: Change Your Behavior

> Eat fewer than 2,000 calories per day.

> Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.

> Eat whole fruits, such as apples, bananas, oranges, or berries for snacks.

2. Consistency. You can’t create a new behavior with a single effort. You haven’t quit smoking because you refused your urge one time. You don’t go to the gym regularly just because you’ve gone one time. Repeating a behavior over and over is necessary if you’re going to make a lasting change.

> The less time you’ve put in, the more likely you are to have a relapse and return to your old behavioral patterns. Change Your Behavior

3. Immediate rewards. New behaviors only last if there’s a reward for doing it, or a significant, immediate punishment for not doing it. Change Your Behavior

> Take your favorite unhealthy food as an example. You might love ice cream. There’s an immediate reward for eating ice cream. There is a punishment, but it’s more of the long-term variety. You’re not going to destroy your figure in a day by eating a bowl of ice cream.

> Consider most positive behaviors, such as going to the gym. The majority of the benefits only happen in the future. Avoiding the gym is actually rewarding in the short term, but harmful in the long-term. That’s why so many bad habits are hard to break, and good habits are hard to create.

> Work out a more immediate reward you can give yourself for changing your behavior. Avoid this step at your own peril. Willpower is in short supply.

4. Starting small. Avoid starting with the objective of going to the gym for an hour each day or meditating for 90 minutes straight. These are fine objectives but start slowly. Begin by meditating for 10 minutes, or just showing up at the gym and doing whatever is enjoyable to you.

5. Tracking progress. See how many days you can perform your new behavior in a row. Keep track of your results – all the pounds you lose, dollars you save, pages you read, or minutes you meditate, for example. Change Your Behavior

> Be sure to also track the benefits you notice as a result of changing your behavior.

6. Persistence. There will be plenty of bumps in the road. It’s imperative to stay the course for as long as it takes. Regardless of how many setbacks you endure along the way, you simply must keep trying. How could you possibly fail in the long-term if you never gave up? Change Your Behavior

It can be challenging to change your behavior. Unfortunately, many negative behaviors are enjoyable in the short term, and many positive behaviors are only positive in the long term. This makes it difficult to stop engaging in negative behaviors and difficult to create positive behaviors.

Define your desired behavior, give yourself rewards, and do your best each day. Success will be yours! Change Your Behavior

Change Your Behavior

Change Your Behavior

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

Change Your Behavior

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Max the Honest Marker Fable

Max the Honest Marker Fable

A story about why honesty is always the best policy.

Max the marker longed to show his beautiful color. Luckily, when the twins joined the class, he got his chance.

But why did he have to wait so long?

Short Story…

Being part of an assortment of colored dry erase markers made Max happy. He thoroughly enjoyed working in the first-grade classroom where kids would come up to the whiteboard and write with him.

Two of Max’s colleagues, Red Rhonda and Green Gerald, did whatever they could to get chosen by the kids. Most times, they’d roll to the top of the pack just so they could get chosen. As a result, almost everything the children wrote was red or green.

“Why are you guys using trickery to get selected?” Max asked them. “It would be nice if you gave the rest of us a chance.”

But Red Rhonda and Green Gerald continued to give themselves an unfair advantage. That is, until twins named Aden and Adele joined the class. Their favorite color was blue, which happened to be Max’s color.

Whenever the teacher invited either Aden or Adele to come up to the board, they always chose Max. They noticed that the colors used on the board were mainly red and green, so they always chose to add rich bursts of blue.

“Hey, how come that blue guy is getting so much attention when we’ve been hanging out at the top of the pile?” asked one of the dishonest markers.

Immediately, Max replied, “Well, that’s because someone finally noticed that you guys have been giving yourselves an unfair advantage.”

Instead of trying to be what he wasn’t, Max portrayed himself exactly as he was – a brilliant blue. Eventually, someone saw him for his true self and gave him more opportunities than he’d ever imagined.

Moral: Portraying yourself in an honest light always pays off.

Personal Reflection…

Max loved being one of the dry erase markers in the children’s classroom. He was always bursting with his brilliant blue color and looked forward to being the marker that kids chose to write with.

Many times, Max would get overlooked, but he never let that get him down. He continued to put his best self forward in positive anticipation.

Eventually, the students saw Max for what he truly was and gave him his moment to shine.

Seeing others get ahead of you is sometimes daunting, but their progress is hardly a reflection of your worth. It’s important to maintain integrity and avoid the temptation to do dishonest things to propel yourself to the top.

Honesty always leads to fitting opportunities for you to excel. Be patient with yourself and allow your blessings to come to you in due course.

As you wait for what is rightfully yours, ignore the efforts of others to gloat about their advantage over you. Anything achieved dishonestly is short-lived. Pay little attention to the reign of people who get to the top by compromising their integrity.

Remain committed to your beliefs and trust the timing of your life. The time you spend waiting on your chance to shine is time to be used honing your skills.

At the end of each day, be content with your achievement of staying true to yourself. It is one of the most difficult things to do in a world where people rarely stand for anything. Being you has its value. Trust that the time is coming for your value to be recognized.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I stay true to myself amidst temptation to impress others?
  2. How do I go about selecting my role models?
  3. How do I feel when someone else is awarded an opportunity over me?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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Affirmation: Staying Present Allows Me To Accomplish More

Affirmation: Staying Present Allows Me To Accomplish More

Affirmation: Staying Present Allows Me To Accomplish More

Being present means fully enjoying the moment that you are in. It is the moment when you are calm and you know exactly what you want. You are focused on what you’re doing without thinking about anything else.

That’s when life is more real. For how long have you not been present, living the moment you’re in, feeling the now completely? Affirmation: Staying Present Allows Me To Accomplish More

The mind wanders when I allow it and it is a beautiful thing. But I know the importance of balancing that with the here and now.
I fully embrace my life as it is today. Whenever I think about my goals and dreams, I soon come back to reality to take action to make them happen. Being conscious of what is in front of me spurs the energy to work towards that future life for myself.

I plan for my successes by intentionally focusing on what it takes to achieve them. I keep those things in mind as I move along the journey to winning. Affirmation: Staying Present Allows Me To Accomplish More

When I take stock of my progress towards a goal, I am reminded of what is left to be done. That reminder refuels me. It causes me to focus on what is in front of me. The journey is more important than the destination.
Focusing on what I have instead of what I desire gives me a sense of gratitude. Being truly thankful for what I have allows me to pursue goals without added pressure.

I go through life with the acceptance that I have enough today. That mindset shifts my motivation to succeed to one that sees future wins as icing on the cake. Challenges are easier to handle when I view the objective as just something extra. Affirmation: Staying Present Allows Me To Accomplish More

Today, I take my future with a grain of salt and choose to focus on life as it is today. My goal today is to make the most of the time that I have right now. Staying present causes me to really see the blessings in my life.

Self-Reflection Questions: Affirmation: Staying Present Allows Me To Accomplish More

  1. How does another person’s success affect my ability to stay present?
  2. What measure do I use to determine the level of my success?
  3. What are some of my biggest wins and what makes them valuable to me?

Affirmation: Staying Present Allows Me To Accomplish More

Affirmation: Staying Present Allows Me To Accomplish More

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

Affirmation: Staying Present Allows Me To Accomplish More

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Own The Day And You Own Your Life

Own The Day And You Own Your Life

Own The Day And You Own Your Life. Each passing day can seem inconsequential, but the totality of your days is your life. So, each day matters a lot. If you can get the most out of each day, you’re going to have an amazing life!

However, conquering the day doesn’t happen by accident. It requires focus and intention.

Learn how to master the day and in turn, your life: Own The Day And You Own Your Life

1. Realize the power of each day. A day doesn’t seem like much. You’ve experienced plenty of long days where it seemed you accomplished nothing. It’s true that a single day might mean a lot, but a small amount of progress each day can result in a dramatically different future. Own The Day And You Own Your Life

Realize the power and potential of each day and be determined to make the most of it.

2. Have a plan for the day. Have a detailed plan for the day and for the week before you even think about going to bed at night. When you wake up, grab your list of to-do items and get busy as soon as possible.

There’s an added bonus to planning out your day the night before. Your brain has a chance to think about your list of items as you sleep. Your brain will predict the challenges you’re likely to face and have a few solutions in mind.

Try it and you’ll find that your day goes much more smoothly. Own The Day And You Own Your Life

3. Wake up earlier. If you want to own the day, get started early. Successful people tend to get up pretty early. How successful do you want to be? A successful person doesn’t scramble around in the morning trying to find a pair of clean socks. Start your day as early as possible and grab it by the throat.

4. Focus. What are you going to do for the next hour? Ask yourself this important question each hour. Whether your objective is to write a report, return phone calls, or enjoy your favorite movie as much as possible, identify what you’re trying to accomplish and focus on doing it. Keep your mind on the identified task. Own The Day And You Own Your Life

5. Take breaks. You can get more accomplished each day if you take planned breaks. Working nonstop leads to slowing down later in the day. You’ll ultimately accomplish more if you take a break every couple of hours.

6. Remove distractions. Distractions will prevent you from owning the day and from owning your life. There’s no reason to rely on your will power to avoid the distractions in your environment if you have the ability to remove them instead.

Avoid trying to be tough and stoic. Just remove the distractions to the best of your ability. Own The Day And You Own Your Life

7. Review. You had a good day, but it could have been even better. Figure out what you could have done differently. Make a new plan for tomorrow and include this knowledge.

Reviewing your day is a pivotal part of developing your approach to life. So many people simply repeat the same mediocre days over and over. Mediocre days lead to a mediocre life.

Are you getting the most from each day of your life? Do you have a plan for the day? For the week? What are you committed to accomplishing today? What time did you get up today?
An amazing life is the result of amazing days. Spending your day focused on activities that lead to accomplishing your goals qualifies as an amazing day. An amazing life can be yours, but you have to create it one day at a time.

Own The Day And You Own Your Life

Own The Day And You Own Your Life

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

Own The Day And You Own Your Life

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

Own The Day And You Own Your Life

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Affirmation: I start my day with gratitude

Affirmation: I start my day with gratitude

Affirmation: I start my day with gratitude I wake up feeling thankful. Being grateful makes me happier and healthier. I experience more joy and healing. My relationships grow stronger and closer. I reduce my stress levels and boost my confidence.

I count my blessings. I meditate on the meaning and abundance in my life.

I appreciate my body and mind. Being able to think and move enables me to work towards my goals and enjoy my favorite activities. Affirmation: I start my day with gratitude

I cherish my loved ones. I treat my partner with kindness and respect. I play with my children and read them bedtime stories. I listen to a friend who is struggling.

I savor simple pleasures. I notice the taste and texture of my food. I appreciate objects and devices that provide me with comfort and convenience. I marvel at the beauty and power of nature. Affirmation: I start my day with gratitude

I keep a journal. I remind myself of my advantages to avoid taking them for granted.
I express my thanks. I tell others about the positive difference they make in my life. I return favors with my own acts of kindness or look for ways to pay them forward.

I live mindfully. I make peace with my past disappointments. I stay alert to the opportunities that surround me now. Affirmation: I start my day with gratitude

I practice my faith. I celebrate the presence of the divine in my life.

Today, I cultivate gratitude. I am thankful for my life and the riches that I enjoy. I feel calm and content. Affirmation: I start my day with gratitude

Self-Reflection Questions: Affirmation: I start my day with gratitude

  1. Why is it important to express gratitude in my actions as well as my words?
  2. What would my life be like without my family and friends?
  3. Why is gratitude transformational?

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

Affirmation: I start my day with gratitude

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings