Affirmation: My heart is joyful.

Affirmation: My heart is joyful.

Affirmation: My heart is joyful.

I am happy and calm. I think positive. I look on the bright side in challenging situations. I believe in myself and my abilities. My self-talk is kind and compassionate.

I cultivate gratitude. I live mindfully and notice small miracles. I keep a journal to remind myself of my blessings. I express my thanks and let others know when they make a difference in my life. Affirmation: My heart is joyful.

I set goals and work towards them consistently. My life has purpose and meaning. My actions align with my values. I am motivated to overcome obstacles and continue learning.

I surround myself with family and friends who care about me. Connecting with loved ones helps me to feel nourished and secure. Affirmation: My heart is joyful.

I keep my mind and body strong and fit. I eat a wholesome diet and exercise regularly. I manage stress and get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.

I create opportunities to laugh and play. Having fun is a priority for me. Affirmation: My heart is joyful.

I practice my faith. Through meditation and prayer, I discover what makes me happy. Inspirational readings and spiritual friends provide me with guidance and support.

I give generously. Sharing my resources with others makes my own life richer. I volunteer in my community and donate to worthy causes. I reach out to others, so I can listen to their stories and offer constructive feedback and practical assistance.

Today, I recognize that true happiness comes from within. I listen to my heart and embrace the joy that is available to me each moment. Affirmation: My heart is joyful.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What does happiness mean to me?

2. How has my definition of happiness changed over the years?

3. What is one thing I can count on to make me smile?

Affirmation: My heart is joyful.

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How to Discover Your Hidden Talents

How to Discover Your Hidden Talents

Discover Your Hidden Talents

You have at least one incredible talent that lies completely beyond your awareness. You might even have more than one. There are so many things you’ve never tried, or even considered, that it’s practically guaranteed that you don’t even know what your greatest talent might be.

Imagine how much fuller your life could be if you were able to find a few of these hidden talents. You don’t know what you’re missing! Discover Your Hidden Talents

Discover your talents and learn more about yourself with these strategies:

1. Follow your interests. There’s one approach to life that is built on the belief that your interests will lead you to find your talents and purpose. All you have to do is get off the couch and pursue these interests and see where they take you.

Whether you have a nagging urge to learn computer programming or a fascination with jazz piano, follow those breadcrumbs and see where they lead.

Make a list of all the interests you’ve never actually tried. Start with those that have been long-time interests and make plans to finally do them. Just pick one and do it. See what happens. Discover Your Hidden Talents

2. List your strengths. What are you good at? What can you naturally do that others seem to struggle at? What are strengths you’ve developed over the years? Given all of those strengths, what else do you think you’d be good at? This can be an effective way to identify talents you’ve never considered.

3. Ask for advice. Your friends and family know plenty of things about you that you don’t know about yourself. Ask them what they believe your strengths are. Ask them what they believe your talents are and how you could best use them. Most of your friends and family would be happy to do this for you. Discover Your Hidden Talents

4. What do you like to talk about? What do you like to talk about with your friends? Is there a topic that you always seem to mention every time you hang out? Do you like to share the latest scientific news with your friends? Are you always telling them how you’d like to visit Egypt someday?

5. What talents do you most admire in others? For example, if you are a huge fan of art, determine if you have a hidden artistic talent. Do you love good writing? Try your hand at some short stories.

6. Take an aptitude test. An intelligence test measures intelligence. An achievement test measures how much you know. An aptitude test determines what you would be good at. In a sense, it’s a test that will reveal your talents.

There are plenty of aptitude tests you can take online. Take one and see what you discover. Discover Your Hidden Talents

7. Review your movie, book, and music collection. What kinds of movies do you like? Where do your reading interests lie? What type of music inspires you? Is there one idea that ties your media collection together? How can you leverage this interest?

8. Keep an open mind. Most of us made up our minds about ourselves a long time ago. Be open to discovering talents you never knew you had. It’s hard to discover anything with a closed mind. Discover Your Hidden Talents

How many talents do you currently know that you possess? What if you don’t even know about half of them? What if there are several amazing talents you don’t know about?

Given how limited everyone’s experience is, there’s no possible way you’ve found all your talents!

Have you ever been surfing? Tried playing the tuba? Tried making Baked Alaska? Tried your hand at oil painting? Attempted to write a horror novel? Maybe it’s time to finally follow your interests and see where they lead you. Discover Your Hidden Talents

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I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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Affirmation: I am filled with gratitude for today

Affirmation: I am filled with gratitude for today

Affirmation: I am filled with gratitude

I have plenty of reasons to feel grateful each day. I find beauty in many simple things in life. I can enjoy a sunrise, sunset, or a good book. I am grateful for the nature I see and experience each day. Affirmation: I am filled with gratitude

Life provides endless opportunities to feel grateful every day.

Today is a great day to work on enhancing my life. I have many opportunities for self-enhancement. I can use today to better my life and become the person I want to be.

I am grateful for my friends and family. I am loved! I have other people to love. I have people I can count on. My friends and family are a huge source of gratitude and appreciation. Affirmation: I am filled with gratitude

I am grateful for my health. My health might be short of perfection, but it could be much worse. I am grateful for all the things my mind and body are able to do. I enjoy using my mind and body in a variety of ways to enjoy my life and accomplish my goals.

Today, I appreciate all the things, people, and capabilities I have in my life. I am dedicating today to feeling grateful and expressing my gratitude. I am filled with gratitude today. Affirmation: I am filled with gratitude

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What can I choose to be grateful about in my life right now? What is great about my life?

2. What would I be grateful for if I had it in my life? What do I believe my life is lacking?

3. If I chose to feel grateful each day, how would that affect my outlook on life? Affirmation: I am filled with gratitude

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Adopt These 5 Habits and Develop the Mindset of a Fit and Healthy Person

Adopt These 5 Habits and Develop the Mindset of a Fit and Healthy Person

Mindset of a Fit and Healthy Person. Why is it that some people find it so easy to exercise and eat a healthy diet while so many others struggle? One of the reasons is a difference in mindset.

If you view yourself as someone that can’t follow a diet, you’ll find it very challenging to eat well. Do you see yourself as a person that doesn’t go to the gym? If so, you probably won’t be able to find your way to the gym with any regularity.

Someone that eats well doesn’t view food, or himself, in the same way an unhealthy, overweight person views those things. Mindset of a Fit and Healthy Person

With the appropriate mindset, you can do anything! Mindset of a Fit and Healthy Person

These habits will help turn you into someone who’s naturally fit and healthy:

1. Make healthy choices and recognize them as such. The best way to think of yourself as someone that makes healthy choices is to make them regularly.

Whenever you make a healthy choice, notice it and announce to yourself, “I’m the kind of person that chooses healthy food over unhealthy food.” Or, “I’m one of those people that goes to the gym even if it’s raining.” Mindset of a Fit and Healthy Person

When you view health and fitness as part of your identity, the behaviors that support that belief occur naturally.

2. Consider how each decision impacts your health and fitness. Most people never consider the impact a decision has on their health. They choose food based on what they happen to feel like eating at that moment. Or, they search for a parking spot as close to the door of the store as possible out of convenience.

When faced with options, ask yourself, “Which option best supports my health and fitness?”. When you begin asking this question, you’ll begin the process of changing your mindset. Mindset of a Fit and Healthy Person

3. Do your grocery shopping the way a healthy person would. Before you head for the grocery store, make a list of everything you want to buy. Review that list and ensure that you’re making healthy choices. Remove any items that aren’t healthy and replace them with healthier options.

Stick to your list. The only reason to stray from your list is if you remember something that you need. Avoid the temptation to pick up anything that fails to support your health. Mindset of a Fit and Healthy Person

4. Make time for exercise. Avoid the mindset of, “I’ll exercise today if I have time.” Make time in your regular schedule for exercise. Plan out your week and decide when and where you’re going to work out. You can certainly arrange for 30 minutes of exercise a few times each week. Mindset of a Fit and Healthy Person

5. Use affirmations. Write five affirmations that affirm your commitment to health and spend a few minutes each day reciting them. Here are a few examples:

I consider the impact every decision I make has on my health.

I make my health a priority.

I find it easy to stick to a healthy diet.

I love to exercise and keep my body fit and healthy.

My mind and body want to be healthy.

Possessing a mindset that supports your goals is a critical part of becoming a healthier person. We consistently live up to our expectations and beliefs about ourselves. If you believe you’re one of those people that eats poorly and can’t stick to an exercise routine, any effort to change this reality will be a tremendous struggle.

If you can develop the mindset of a healthy and fit person, you’ll become healthier and fitter. You couldn’t stop yourself from making progress even if you tried. Change your mindset and your life will change, too.

Mindset of a Fit and Healthy Person

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I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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Affirmation: This is a great day.

Affirmation: This is a great day.

Check out this week’s affirmation on Having a Great Day. Affirmation: This is a great day.

For most people, getting into–and staying in–a better mood comes down to the actions they take, rather than the rules they follow.

Affirmation: This is a great day.

I am certain that today is going to be a great day. I have the highest of expectations for the day in front of me. I expect every day to be a great day, and that includes this day.
I plan on accomplishing a lot today. I have a plan for today that is aligned with my goals. I am looking forward to feeling great tonight when I think of everything I did today.

Today is bringing me closer to achieving my goals and living my dreams. I am making progress today. Affirmation: This is a great day.

I fully expect to enjoy today. Each day brings pleasant surprises that make me smile from ear to ear. I also plan time into my day that is focused on my enjoyment. I deserve to enjoy my life and to enjoy each day. Affirmation: This is a great day.

Each and every day has the potential to be a great day. When I expect to have a great day, it is more likely to happen.
I remember the wonderful days I have enjoyed in the past and create a positive mindset that allows today to be the best it can be.

Today, I am allowing myself to have the best day of my life. I fully expect to enjoy an amazing day. This is a great day. Affirmation: This is a great day.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What needs to happen each day for me to have a great day?

2. What can I do each evening to increase the odds of having a great day the following day?

3. What was the best day of my life? What made it so great?

Affirmation: This is a great day.

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Affirmation: This is a great day.

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

8 Revealing Ways to Become More Self-Aware

8 Revealing Ways to Become More Self-Aware

8 Revealing Ways to Become More Self-Aware. One of the major obstacles to maximizing your success and happiness is a lack of self-awareness. You know your friends’ flaws better than they do. It’s human nature to not have an accurate view of yourself.

We’d rather stick our heads in the sand and remain oblivious to our shortcomings. We’d prefer to believe that we’re unlucky rather than taking the wrong approach.

This presents a huge challenge, because if you can’t see yourself and your behaviors accurately, how can you grow and evolve optimally? 8 Revealing Ways to Become More Self-Aware

If you’re brave enough to develop a keen sense of self-awareness, you’ll be more likely to have a successful and rewarding life. 8 Revealing Ways to Become More Self-Aware

Try these techniques to learn more about yourself:

1. List your values. Taking an hour to identify and prioritize your values will tell you a lot about yourself. You’re bound to find a few surprises if you take the time to do this exercise. 8 Revealing Ways to Become More Self-Aware

2. Write down your goals. Defining what you’d like to have, do, and experience in your lifetime is also very revealing. Most of us are too busy surviving from one day to the next to consider our goals. Make time to determine the type of life you want to experience, and you’ll become more self-aware.

3. Keep a journal. There are entire books written about journaling. Read one of them and develop your own journaling process. Writing is different from the incessant chatter happening between your ears all day long. Self-awareness is only a notebook and a pen away.

4. Have a heart-to-heart with a close friend. Your friends and family know more about you than you know about yourself. They can see your flaws and strengths quite clearly. Be brave and ask them to tell you about yourself.

5. Meditate. If you want to understand your mind, meditate. You’ll be shocked by what you find. Meditation is great for your physical health, emotional health, and self-awareness. Thirty minutes a day will reveal a lot about you.

6. Use your imagination. Imagine you’re a fly on the wall and visualize how you interact with others. Remember both stressful and happy experiences. How do you think your coworkers, friends, family, neighbors, and others view you? How do you come across? How do you think a stranger in the store views you? 8 Revealing Ways to Become More Self-Aware

7. Take personality tests. There are many personality and aptitude tests available online, many of them for free. Take these tests and see what they have to say about you. Before dismissing anything that seems way off base, really think about it. Then, ask a close friend if they think the assessment is accurate.

8. Identify the traits in others that bother you. What do you dislike about others? What does this say about you? Try to be objective and see if you have these same traits. We are often turned off by people that exhibit characteristics we don’t like in ourselves.

How self-aware are you? Do you know how others view you? Do you understand your flaws? What are your greatest strengths? In what type of environment do you thrive? What are your values? What are your goals? How did you contribute to the failure of your past relationships? 8 Revealing Ways to Become More Self-Aware

If you can’t answer these questions quickly and easily, developing greater self-awareness will benefit you. Until you understand yourself well, your life will appear to be determined by forces beyond your control.

Become more self-aware and regain mastery over your life! 8 Revealing Ways to Become More Self-Aware

8 Revealing Ways to Become More Self-Aware

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

8 Revealing Ways to Become More Self-Aware

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

8 Revealing Ways to Become More Self-Aware

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings