Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

Don’t you have dreams, visions or plans about things you’d love to have or accomplish? Having the dream is the easy part. Making it a reality can be more challenging. However, the good news is that there are proven techniques that can get you from where you are to where you want to be. Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

Follow this process to bring your dreams to fruition:

1. Turn your dream into a goal. When you have a goal, you have a true target. For a greater chance of success, your plan should have a deadline and it must be measureable.

> It has been said that dreams are goals without a deadline. Give yourself the gift of setting a deadline and things will start to happen.

> You want your goal to be measurable because, if you can’t measure it, how will you know when you’ve succeeded? Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

> For example, this goal is measurable and has a deadline: “On or before June 1, I will weigh 150 lbs. or less.”

> Make your goal as desirable as possible without being unrealistic. If you feel that your goal is unreasonable, it’s much more difficult to encourage yourself to actually pursue it. Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

2. Prioritize your goal daily. Read and write your goal each day.

> You give instructions to your brain thousands of times a day. Let your mind know that your goal is something more important than, “I feel like eating a ham sandwich,” or “I need to stop at the grocery store on the way home.”

3. Make a list of negative associations. You probably have negative associations with achieving your goal; otherwise you’d already have it. So make a list of all the negative stuff that pops into your mind when you think about achieving your goal.

> Examine that list and think of ways to work around those challenges.

> Each time you notice a new negative association with your goal, add it to your list. Things will tend to change over time, and new challenges will reveal themselves. Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

4. Make a list of all the positives about reaching your goal. How would it make you feel? How would it change your life? How would it change your perspective of the world and yourself? What would your next goal be? Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

> Make your goal as attractive as possible. Envision your life after achieving the goal. This will help to keep your motivation levels high.

5. What do you need to make your goal a reality? Do you need to special license? Do you need a laptop? Is there some knowledge you must acquire? Make a list of what you need and figure out how you’re going to get it.

6. Catalog your available resources. Who do you know that could be helpful? What expertise or items do you need that someone else might have? Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

> Achieving difficult goals can rarely be accomplished alone; you’re likely to need some help and guidance. Look at the list you made in step 5 and see what you already have in your life that could help you on your path.

7. Track your progress. Measure your progress each day.

> Tracking is critical to making continued progress. You can only adjust your approach if you know how you’re doing. Consider making a chart if that’s applicable to your goal.

In many ways, working toward a goal is like baking a cake: if you follow the recipe, you’ll always pull a perfect cake out of the oven. Likewise, if you follow the above steps, you’ll find it much easier to achieve your dreams. Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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The 7 Most Important Things for Achieving Goals

The 7 Most Important Things for Achieving Goals

The 7 Most Important Things for Achieving Goals

Everyone has heard of goals and the power of goals to shape your future. But most people don’t have a good understanding of how to achieve goals. Consequently, most never even set goals. The 7 Most Important Things for Achieving Goals

Understanding what it takes to achieve a goal will greatly enhance your odds of success.

Consider these ideas:

1. A proper goal. Most people don’t have goals to begin with. Those that do have goals often have goals that are ineffective. You can’t achieve a goal without having a goal.

> Meaningful. Avoid setting goals that don’t excite you. What’s the point? It’s easier to achieve a goal that you find motivating.

> A clear conclusion. How will you know when you’ve achieved your goal? Be specific and have a way of measuring your progress.

> A deadline. Goals never seem to be accomplished without a deadline attached. You can keep waiting for “tomorrow” to get started if you don’t have a deadline to meet. Then, that “tomorrow” never comes. The 7 Most Important Things for Achieving Goals

2. Visualization. Goals are more likely to be achieved if you regularly visualize yourself being successful. Imagine what it will be like when you meet your goal. The inability to picture the achievement of your goal suggests that you don’t believe you can do it.

3. Affirmations. Affirm that you’re the type of person that can achieve your goal. Think of the attributes you need to have to be successful. Write several affirmations that support those attributes and use them daily. Recite them to yourself at least three times each day, preferably aloud. The 7 Most Important Things for Achieving Goals

4. The right information. Imagine you have a goal of playing a difficult piece of music on the piano, but you believe the best way to do that is to do 1,000 push-ups each day. You might have a great goal and be super motivated, but you don’t have a clue how to achieve your goal. You need the right knowledge.

5. Action. There’s a great appeal to the idea of making your wishes known to the universe and then just relaxing until some mystical force delivers what you want. However, action is also necessary to bring about a real change. Figure out what you need to do and do it.

6. The ability to deal with discomfort. Pursuing any significant goal will create discomfort. There’s no way around it. It’s necessary to learn how to minimize that discomfort as much as possible and be able to deal with whatever remains. The 7 Most Important Things for Achieving Goals

> Discomfort can come in many forms. It might be the fear of failure. It might be some actual failure. It could be the discomfort of making cold calls and dealing with rejection. It might be the discomfort of learning something you’ve never done before.

> Perhaps giving up your favorite distractions so you have time to work on your goal creates discomfort.

> Whatever your reason for discomfort in pursuing your goal, it’s important to discover ways you can overcome it.

7. Perseverance. Goals can take time. Big goals take more time. Add in a little failure and a little discomfort, and suddenly quitting can be appealing. You can’t achieve a goal if you quit before it’s accomplished. Perseverance is one of the most important traits anyone can possess. The 7 Most Important Things for Achieving Goals

There are many things you can do to make achieving your goals more likely. All of the items in this list are useful characteristics and tactics for a wide variety of life situations. Whether you’re trying to follow a diet or make a million dollars, these items are helpful.

Include these seven things and your results will be greatly enhanced and come more quickly.

The 7 Most Important Things for Achieving Goals

The 7 Most Important Things for Achieving Goals

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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7 Tips to Embrace and Accept Change

7 Tips to Embrace and Accept Change

7 Tips to Embrace and Accept Change

Change is inevitable. Look at your hobbies, friends, clothes, taste in music, TV shows, family, and career. Many of those things have changed. The people around you have changed. The political climate has changed. There’s change everywhere. 7 Tips to Embrace and Accept Change

Change can bring fear, doubt, and uncertainty. However, it’s not helpful to view change negatively. In order to survive, it’s necessary to adapt to change.

There are new experiences and understandings to be gained as a result of the changes in your life. If you never changed, you’d still be playing in the sandbox at the playground and eating dirt. 7 Tips to Embrace and Accept Change

If you’re finding it difficult to embrace changes in your life, using these strategies can help:

1. Understand that life is always changing. Life is change. Life is always evolving. It’s the very nature of life. Think about how much you’ve changed since you were an infant.

>. Your body and view of the world have changed considerably over the years. Change is a natural part of life. 7 Tips to Embrace and Accept Change

2. See change as a positive thing. Imagine how bored you would be if nothing ever changed.

>. Change expands your comfort zone.

>. Change provides opportunities.

>. Change provides new experiences.

>. Dealing with change teaches you about yourself.

3. See the opportunities that this change provides. There are positive aspects to the changes you’re currently facing in your life. You just have to look for them.

>. For example, losing a job provides many opportunities. You can change careers. Find a better company. Find a better paying job. Get away from that annoying coworker. Move someplace new. You’ll have more free time for a while to spend on your family and hobbies. 7 Tips to Embrace and Accept Change

>. A divorce can be traumatic, but it also brings new opportunities. You can find a more suitable partner. You can move to a new house. You have more control over your free time. You can put a challenging relationship behind you.

4. Imagine a positive outcome. It’s easier to deal with change if you can visualize a positive outcome. See a compelling picture in your mind. When you feel stressed, go back to that picture. A positive expectation for the future can be motivating.

5. Pay attention to what you can control. Any situation that involves change has elements that can be controlled and others that cannot be controlled. You can control your attitude, decisions, actions, and usually several other things. There are also elements beyond your control. 7 Tips to Embrace and Accept Change

>. It’s important to spend your time and energy on the things you can control.

>. Focusing on the things you can’t control can leave you feeling depressed and powerless.

6. Change makes you stronger. The organisms that have survived the most successfully are those that are best able to adapt. Organisms that can’t adapt become extinct. Humans are excellent at adapting. They just don’t like to do it! Every change you overcome makes you a stronger person.

7. What other options do you have besides making the best of it? Chances are, they will all involve some type of change too. Many times, you can choose which change you want, and you can take action to make it happen. 7 Tips to Embrace and Accept Change

Most people avoid or fight change when it occurs, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Change can bring amazing opportunities!

Change is all around you. Change brings you new ideas, people, and experiences. Life is too short to live the same day over and over. Be grateful for the changes happening in your life. You might be on the path to something new and wonderful.

7 Tips to Embrace and Accept Change

7 Tips to Embrace and Accept Change

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

7 Tips to Embrace and Accept Change

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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Top 10 Ways to Learn More About Yourself

Top 10 Ways to Learn More About Yourself

Top 10 Ways to Learn More About Yourself

You spend every minute with yourself, but you don’t know yourself as well as you think. You love to deceive yourself, whether you realize it or not. As they say, “You can’t handle the truth.”

Unfortunately, if you don’t know yourself, it’s hard to make progress. It’s like driving a car that doesn’t run well, but you refuse to look under the hood. There are issues under your hood that are in your way! Top 10 Ways to Learn More About Yourself

Try these techniques to get to know yourself better:

1. Take a personality test. There are plenty of tests available online. Some are better than others, so be sure to do some research. The more sophisticated and useful tests aren’t free, but you’re worth it!

2. List your values. What matters to you? What do you stand for? Make a list of your values and put them in order of which are most important to you. Do you live your life according to your values? Top 10 Ways to Learn More About Yourself

> Imagine you’re an acquaintance of yours. How would you order your values based on your words and actions?

3. Whom do you admire? Who are the people you admire the most? Why do you admire them? What character traits and skills do you admire in others? What you admire in others says a lot about you.

4. Whom do you despise and why? Just as informative are the people you strongly dislike. Why do you dislike them? What exactly about them is it that you dislike? Do you see any of those traits in yourself?

5. Ask your friends and family for input. Your friends and family know more about you than you think. They definitely know a thing or two about you that you don’t know. Ask them for assistance in learning more about yourself. Be prepared to be surprised.

6. Imagine watching yourself. Imagine observing yourself for a day. Imagine watching yourself eat. Imagine seeing yourself in your typical clothing. Note how you interact with others. Top 10 Ways to Learn More About Yourself

> You don’t appear to others the way you think you do. This is a chance to see what everyone else sees. If possible, consider setting up a video camera.

7. If you could be granted one wish, what would it be? Imagine being given a wish. What would you do with it? What can you infer from that?

> Wishing for a billion dollars is different from wishing for world peace. Wishing for a loving spouse is different from wishing for the ability to fly or for a new sports car.

> Your answer will tell you a lot about what’s most important to you.

8. What do you believe is the meaning of life? If you had to sum up the meaning of life in one sentence, what would it be? How did you come to that decision? Top 10 Ways to Learn More About Yourself

9. What is your biggest regret? What is the one thing you wish you could go back in time and do over? Why do you regret it so much? How would your life be different if you could redo a few decisions?

10. What makes you anxious? What causes you stress? What makes you worry? Why do these things upset you? What does your anxiety cost you? How does it limit you? How would your life change if you felt much less anxiety?

Knowing yourself is a great challenge. You’ve probably never seriously considered why you think and behave the way you do. We spend a lot of time contemplating people and situations outside of ourselves, but little time investigating ourselves.

If you knew yourself better, you could make a few adjustments and enjoy an easier and more successful life. You’d also be in a better position to deal with old emotional wounds.

Be courageous and take a long, hard look at yourself. Getting to know yourself is challenging, but in the long run, you’ll find that it’s worth the effort.

Top 10 Ways to Learn More About Yourself

Top 10 Ways to Learn More About Yourself

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

Top 10 Ways to Learn More About Yourself

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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Calm the Chaos in Your Life With Just 4 Easy Habits

Calm the Chaos in Your Life With Just 4 Easy Habits

Calm the Chaos in Your Life With Just 4 Easy Habits

Becoming organized has so many benefits. Perhaps the greatest is the ability to turn days filled with chaos into days of focus and effectiveness. Stress has a very negative impact on health. When you’re organized, you’ll no longer worry about all the little things that might be slipping through the cracks. Calm the Chaos in Your Life With Just 4 Easy Habits

With greater organization, you’ll also be more trustworthy in all aspects of your life. Trustworthiness is the cornerstone of all relationships, both business and personal.

Consider these adopting these habits:

1. Have a place for everything. This habit also relates to your papers, electronic clutter, and even the desktop on your computer. Calm the Chaos in Your Life With Just 4 Easy Habits

>. Try to limit yourself to just a couple of email accounts. Consider one for business and another for personal emails. If you frequently fill out web forms that result in a lot of spam, another email account could catch all those.

>. Find a solution for your scheduling. One calendar is ideal. It makes sense to use an electronic system if you have a smart phone. Gmail, Yahoo email, and many other free systems are available that can integrate your email, to-do lists, appointments, and calendar. Calm the Chaos in Your Life With Just 4 Easy Habits

>. For your desktop, make a few folders and categorize things. Place photos in the appropriate folders. Come up with a system that works for you. There’s no reason to spend 30+ minutes over the course of a single day searching for items.

2. Put items away immediately. Disorganized people tend to be poor at putting things away in the moment. It’s only after enough clutter piles up that they have enough discomfort to do anything about it. Then, it’s a major project. Calm the Chaos in Your Life With Just 4 Easy Habits

>. When you grab your mail, go through it and file it immediately.

>. When you’re done using something, put it away.

>. List that appointment in your system as soon as you schedule it. No organizational system can be successful if you procrastinate.

3. Have a daily routine. Use a to-do list. Ensure the dirty dishes are out of the sink before you go to bed. Spend 10 minutes picking up the family room each morning. There are many things that only take a few minutes if they’re done regularly. Calm the Chaos in Your Life With Just 4 Easy Habits

4. Create your to-do list each night. Starting the day without a plan is a mistake. It’s far more challenging to get anything done. Before hitting the hay, spend a few minutes and list everything you’d like to get done. Then pick the three most important and make that your list for the following day. Three items might not seem like a lot, but it’s plenty.

>. If you get the three most important things done each day, you’ll be surprised how differently your life looks after a couple of weeks.

Maybe it’s time to finally get organized and get your life and your clutter under control. You’ll be more relaxed, more effective, and a better friend and partner. Developing a couple of effective habits can really make a huge difference in your ability to stay focused on what’s most important to you.

Calm the Chaos in Your Life With Just 4 Easy Habits

Calm the Chaos in Your Life With Just 4 Easy Habits

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

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Top 10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself

Top 10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself

Top 10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself

Most of us, at some point in our lives, are presented with the opportunity to reinvent ourselves. If you change your job, move to a different town or even country, you can tidy up all the loose ends in your recent past and step out into a brand-new persona.

You can change the way you dress, live, and how you show up in life. This is a particularly refreshing time for those people who welcome change, because it gives them a reason and a purpose to change everything at the same time. Top 10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself

If you relish the opportunity to change, consider these Top 10 Tips for reinventing yourself:

1. Avoid giving in to what is expected, reasonable, sensible, or appropriate. The point here is to enjoy yourself. For example:

> If you’ve been ‘the grey suit guy’ all your life and you want to be the Hawaiian Shirt guy, just do it.

> If you’ve been ‘the modest condo guy’, and you secretly lusted after a penthouse suite with views of the ocean, find one. Top 10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself

> And if you’ve always been the ‘BMW sedan guy’ but love the idea of driving a 55 Chevy pick-up, this is your time to shine. People will notice that you live life according to your own rules, and you can enjoy every minute of it!

2. If you’re in a new job or locale, this is a time to make new friends. Choose carefully and wisely. You don’t need to be everybody’s friend.

> Keep your circle small. Sound people out and use your new friends to sound out new places and potential new hobbies too. Others will notice that you’re friendly but have a private side too.

3. Practice being a great listener. You’ll be amazed at what you can learn about people, places, and everything else if you just listen. Ask lots of questions. You’re new here and others will expect you to ask questions. Ask some good ones…and listen.

> A surprising perk of this technique is that others will refer to you as a great conversationalist! Top 10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself

4. Take time to explore the area …. alone. You’ll notice and appreciate more if you’re alone. Take pictures and make notes. It will make for great conversations later!

5. Be a good neighbor. Take time to help others. Practice random acts of kindness at every opportunity. Top 10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself

> Others will appreciate you and speak well of you, especially if you help with no thought of a reward. Do it because you can and for no other reason.

6. Stand up and speak out for things you have a passion for. Let others know that you are both willing and able to make your point, debate an issue, or speak up for those who have no voice. People will notice that you are selfless and put others before yourself.

7. Start early. Show that you have a zest for life and can’t wait to get at it each day. Walk quickly and with purpose. Always be the first to volunteer for everything.

> You will win some and you will lose some, but overall, you will win because everyone will know you as the one who is up for everything.

8. Be generous with your praise for everybody who has earned it. Giving credit to others will show how much you appreciate them, and it will come back to you tenfold.

9. Keep yourself fit and healthy. Set a good example. You don’t have to go crazy – just eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and do some form of exercise that raises your heart rate for 30 minutes each day. Top 10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself

> The pay-off is phenomenal. Others will notice you and be inspired, which, in turn, will inspire you to continue.

10. Thank others – for everything, all the time. Show your gratitude to as many people as you can, as often as you can. Most people are starved of thanks for a job well done, for sharing their wisdom, or for acknowledging their kindness.

> People will appreciate you forever if you show them gratitude for good words and deeds. Top 10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself

Most of the time, our mind runs on autopilot because how we show up in life is directed by our subconscious mind. When you turn the job over to your conscious mind and really put some thought into it, amazing things can happen.

People’s perception of you can change in a heartbeat if you apply any one of these Top 10 Tips. If you apply yourself to all 10, you will, indeed, be a completely different person – one that you consciously designed. Try it – you’ll like it! Top 10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself

Top 10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

Top 10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself

I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose

Top 10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself

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