Affirmation: I am ready to commit myself to my goals and aspirations.

Affirmation: I am ready to commit myself to my goals and aspirations.

Check out this week’s affirmation: I am ready to commit myself to my goals and aspirations.

Achieving even the simplest of goals requires us to learn the meaning of commitment. Throughout our life, we are reminded of commitment, whether it’s related to personal or business goals, and we realize that without committing, we can’t achieve anything.

When you think about it, everything you ever achieved sprouted from a commitment you made; whether it’s your children, your degree, your job, or even your house.

Learning how to commit is not simply about making commitments, however, it’s about keeping those commitments in the face of foreseen and unforeseen hurdle Affirmation: I am ready to commit myself to my goals and aspirations.

I am ready to commit myself to my goals and aspirations.

The time has come for me to commit myself to bettering my life.

I am doing the things that need to be done. I am thinking the thoughts that need to be thought. I am reaching out to the people whose help I need. I am directing all of my available resources to reaching my goals. Affirmation: I am ready to commit myself to my goals and aspirations.

I am feeling more motivated than ever to take my life to the next level. I am so full of energy that I can barely contain myself.

I am committed to taking massive action. I am committed to success.

My goals and aspirations are guiding my decisions. Before I make a decision, I consider how it will affect my progress toward my goals.

I know that my habits are the foundation of my success or failure. I am creating the habits necessary to ensure my success. I am dropping any habits that stand in my way. I am committing myself to a daily routine of positive, effective habits that support my goals. Affirmation: I am ready to commit myself to my goals and aspirations.

Today, I am fully committing myself to achieving all of my goals and aspirations. I am taking action to the best of my ability. I can go to bed each night knowing that I had a great day. Affirmation: I am ready to commit myself to my goals and aspirations.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What do I want to accomplish that I have failed to take any action toward? Why?

2. What are the biggest obstacles to achieving my goals? What can I do to overcome those obstacles?

3. What are all the resources I have available to me? Include time, money, people, knowledge, skills, and any other relevant resources.

Affirmation: I am ready to commit myself to my goals and aspirations.

Affirmation: I am ready to commit myself to my goals and aspirations.

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Affirmation I give and receive constructive feedback with an open attitude.

Affirmation I give and receive constructive feedback with an open attitude.

Affirmation I give and receive constructive feedback with an open attitude.

Check out this week’s affirmation: I give and receive constructive feedback with an open attitude.

Constructive feedback is providing useful comments and suggestions that contribute to a positive outcome, a better process or improved behaviours.

It provides encouragement, support, corrective measures and direction to the person receiving it. Knowing how to give constructive feedback is a valuable skill.

Constructive feedback can be positive (letting someone know they’re doing well), negative (letting people know about ways in which things could be improved), or neutral (just an objective observation).

I give and receive constructive feedback with an open attitude.

Input from others, both at home and work, is essential for my growth and development. I ask for feedback on my performance. I welcome honest and helpful suggestions.

I listen with an open mind. If I feel tense, I take a deep breath and relax. I focus on the message rather than the messenger. I search for valid points even if I disagree. I write down notes and questions to help me process new information.

I apply what I learn. I use feedback to make positive changes and elevate my performance. I express my thanks. I am grateful for the opportunity to see things from a perspective different from my own.

I focus on being helpful when I give feedback.

I act promptly. I share feedback on a regular basis rather than waiting for annual reviews or formal meetings. I choose an appropriate setting. I praise others in public and raise sensitive subjects in private.

I use specific language. I prepare what I need to say. I focus on actions instead of personalities. I provide examples and descriptions. I encourage two-way discussions.

I make positive observations too. I let others know that I admire their strengths and recognize their achievements.

Today, I give and receive thoughtful and timely feedback that helps myself and others to reach our goals as we build mutually supportive relationships.

Self-Reflection Questions:

> Why is it sometimes difficult to give and receive feedback?

> What is the difference between feedback and advice?

> What can I do to create a feedback-friendly culture in my workplace?

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Affirmation I return to happiness

Affirmation I return to happiness

Affirmation I return to happiness

More than simply a positive mood, happiness is a state of well-being that encompasses living a good life, one with a sense of meaning and deep contentment. Feeling joyful has its health perks as well.

I return to happiness. Affirmation I return to happiness

Although this year has been very challenging, I choose to return to happiness. I use many tools to aid me in my journey.

I repeat affirmations to increase my happiness. Affirming my great qualities gives my confidence and self-esteem a much-needed boost.

Feeling thankful also returns me to happiness. Each day, I list ten things that I am grateful for. I am grateful for my gratitude journal. Affirmation I return to happiness

One way to get me back to happiness that always works for me is to play. I find new ways to play. I play board games with my family. I chase the dog around the yard. I watch funny movies. I read jokes.

I think of memories of my youth that make me happy. I talk with my friends who have a great sense of humor. I learn to cultivate my sense of humor.

I love to watch funny animal antics on TV or the internet. I watch the squirrels chase each other in the yard. Affirmation I return to happiness

I ask my friends and business associates what they do to increase their happiness. I associate with happy people and I adopt an attitude of happiness.

I remember the adage of the glass half full. I choose to see the world through rose colored glasses. I decorate my home with things that make me happy. I find activities that bring me joy. Affirmation I return to happiness

Today, regardless of where I am or where I go, I can find happiness, because it is within.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What can I do right now to return to happiness?

2. How can I cultivate more happiness within?

3. Who can I call on right now that will make me laugh?

Affirmation I return to happiness

Affirmation I return to happiness

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Affirmation: My integrity shines brightly

Affirmation: My integrity shines brightly

Affirmation: My integrity shines brightly.

Check out this week’s affirmation: My integrity shines brightly.

Integrity means following your moral or ethical convictions and doing the right thing in all circumstances, even if no one is watching you. Having integrity means you are true to yourself and would do nothing that demeans or dishonors you. Affirmation: My integrity shines brightly.

My integrity shines brightly.

Integrity is my number one value. I have learned from experience that I must maintain my integrity at all costs. I influence others with my integrity.

Integrity is my legacy. Affirmation: My integrity shines brightly.

With all the influencers out in the world today, I must use discernment with whom I associate. I am vigilant about maintaining my inner integrity.

I can tell by my intuition if someone has integrity, and I prefer to spend my time with others who value this important quality as well. Affirmation: My integrity shines brightly.

I use wisdom to help me determine what I share as an influencer. I take this as a moral responsibility. I keep my ego in check. In fact, I send my ego on a vacation to Tahiti. My ego has a wonderful time in Tahiti as my highest self makes decisions in this regard.

From the highest place of integrity within my soul, I find words of wisdom to share with others. Affirmation: My integrity shines brightly.

I see myself as a wisdom mentor. It is vital that I stay in integrity while working with clients.

I have extremely good boundaries around my integrity. My integrity has a firm foundation. My castle of integrity has a huge moat around it.

Today, I feel strong, safe, and secure with my integrity intact. I refuse to waiver in what I know is right for me. Integrity is my legacy. Affirmation: My integrity shines brightly.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Who would l like to influence? Clients? Students? Children?

2. In what way would I like to use this power of influence?

3. How can I stay in complete integrity as an influencer?

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Affirmation: My integrity shines brightly.

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Affirmation: I harness my strength

Affirmation: I harness my strength

Affirmation: I harness my strength

Check out this week’s affirmation. Many people are aware of the need for ongoing self-improvement. But often the emphasis is placed on external factors: physical fitness, acquiring skills to make yourself a stronger leader. Affirmation: I harness my strength

I harness my strength.

I am confident and committed. I bounce back from setbacks and disappointments. I learn from experience. I pick myself up and adapt to changing circumstances. I use hardships to deepen my compassion and spirituality.

I view challenges as opportunities. I give thanks for circumstances that push me beyond my comfort zone. I enjoy testing my limits and discovering my potential. I consider my options and take constructive action.

I deal with stress effectively. I practice yoga and deep breathing. I release tension by working out or listening to my favorite music. I slow down. I set aside time each day for rest and relaxation. Affirmation: I harness my strength

I surround myself with support. My relationships are healthy and mutually beneficial. I communicate openly and honestly. I share my thoughts and feelings. I ask for help when I need it.

I take responsibility. External events may be beyond my control, but I choose how to react. I align my actions with my values. I accept the consequences of my decisions without casting blame or making excuses.

I build my self-esteem. I believe in myself and my capabilities. I accomplish what I set out to do. Affirmation: I harness my strength

I rely on my faith. Prayer and meditation help me to connect with something greater than myself. I feel encouraged and uplifted. My fears shrink and my courage grows.

Today, I build my mental and emotional strength. I am powerful and resilient.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How would I describe my personal strengths?

2. How can helping others through difficult times make me stronger?

3. What gives me hope for the future?

Affirmation: I harness my strength

Affirmation: I harness my strength

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Affirmation: I harness my strength

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Affirmation: I can learn to excel at anything.

Affirmation: I can learn to excel at anything.

Affirmation: I can learn to excel at anything.

Check out this week’s affirmation: I can learn to excel at anything

What’s the difference between people who excel in life, and people who never seem to get ahead?

Successful people tend to have daily practices that build over time, with consistency and determination. You can excel in life, regardless of any obstacles you come across, by following these five practices:

Affirmation: I can learn to excel at anything.

With a positive attitude and enough practice, I can learn to do anything at a very high level.

I believe that I can learn to do anything that another person has been able to do. I am as capable as anyone. Affirmation: I can learn to excel at anything.

I spend my day growing and learning. My skills increase each day. I know what I need to learn, and I am becoming better at everything that matters in my life.

I am aware of the skills and knowledge that I want to acquire. I use my time wisely to master these skills and learn what I need to learn. I read and practice each day.

I expect to be successful. I expect to become excellent at anything I consider to be important.

If I place my focus on something, I know that I am already on my way to becoming an expert. Affirmation: I can learn to excel at anything.

When I want to learn a new skill, I do what is necessary to be a fast learner! I am always surprised by how quickly I progress and grow.

I develop skills more quickly than most people do. I also practice more than most people do, because I am determined to not only learn the skill, but also be very good at it.

Today, I am growing and learning. I am taking a big step toward mastery and excellence. I am learning to excel at the skills that are important for reaching my goals.

Self-Reflection Questions: Affirmation: I can learn to excel at anything.

1. What are the three most important skills I need to master in order to reach my goals? Who could help me to learn those skills?

2. What am I naturally good at? How can I use those natural talents to my advantage?

3. What would I like to learn? If I could be great at something, what would it be?

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings