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Learning to Live Life ON Purpose
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Keep Calm and Write It Down

Keep Calm and Write It Down

Keep Calm and Write It DownHave you ever been in that place where your mind is racing and the things you need to attend to are on a perpetual loop playing in your head, and you just can’t get anything done? If so, you will have experienced frustration, irritation,...

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Do Your Goals Support Your Values?

Do Your Goals Support Your Values?

Do Your Goals Support Your Values?If you’re struggling to be as successful as you’d like to be, there’s a great chance that a discrepancy exists between your goals and your values. If our goals are antithetical to our values, success is all but impossible. We don’t...

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> Learn to Make Space for a Positive Mindset

> Discover How to Live an Awaken Life

> Develop Positive Relationships

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .


I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose