3 Ways To Silence The Voices In Your Head
“I can’t do this,” and “I don’t think I have enough experience.” Your brain is like a shield that protects you from missiles. Situations out of your comfort zone can be like missiles to your brain, so your first instinct is to protect your ego.
But as amazing as it is, our brain doesn’t always get it right because protection can be a stumbling block to new opportunities.
These, among others, are thoughts that pop into our heads when planning or making headway toward our goals. These voices challenge our identity and self-worth.
The closer we get to our targets, the louder the voices get, drowning our image of ourselves. Anxiety and stagnation often come with the voices.
The first thing your brain says to you when faced with a situation where there’s any doubt is “Don’t do that,” “you’ll get humiliated,” or “you’ll get hurt.”
“Your brain’s primary purpose is to protect you,” says executive coach and behavior psychologist Marcia Reynolds.
One may ask, “How do I silence the voices in my head?” Join in, and let’s inquire about such an important topic.
Here are three ways to help silence these voices:
3 Ways To Silence The Voices In Your Head

1. Positive reinforcement.
Remind yourself of your strengths and abilities. Keep telling yourself, “I can do it.” If it helps, stand in front of a mirror every morning before heading out and speak positivity to yourself.
◊. If you find your mind jumping to negative thoughts, ask yourself whether those thoughts have any truth behind them. Then look for the evidence that refutes that thought. Think about all the times when you felt incapable but succeeded.
◊. For instance, you are up for a promotion, and your mind says, “You’re over your head, you’re going to fail,” ask yourself what truths make this real. Is it because someone said you aren’t good enough? Prove the person wrong and work to better your standing.

3 Ways To Silence The Voices In Your Head
2. Share your thoughts with someone
Confiding in someone you know and trust helps you avoid making poor decisions when that negative voice runs rampant.
◊. Knowing someone is there to listen puts your mind at ease. You can go for long walks with your friends and talk.
◊. You could even engage in fun activities like dancing or karaoke, anything you enjoy doing that can take your mind off your self-doubt.

3. Be gentle with yourself.
People are often the hardest on themselves. Most often, negative thoughts are works of our own hands. We set unrealistic expectations for ourselves, and when things go south, we blame ourselves, and negative thoughts find their way back.
◊. We are a lot harder on ourselves than we are on other people. Talk to yourself the way you would to a friend in your position. So, be nice to yourself the next time you have those voices in your head. You are enough, and you deserve to treat yourself with love.
We all suffer from the binding hands of negative voices.
But try using these tricks to banish those thoughts as much as possible. Negative thoughts can exist, but they don’t have to win over us!
3 Ways To Silence The Voices In Your Head
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3 Ways To Silence The Voices In Your Head
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I am a Board Certified Life Coach, a Board Certified Health Coach, and a teacher of Mindfulness Living who helps people unlock their potential and live life on Purpose
3 Ways To Silence The Voices In Your Head
https://davidepstein.com/how-to-quiet-the-chatter-in-your-head/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/inviting-monkey-tea/201710/how-quiet-the-little-voice-in-your-head https://hbr.org/2016/12/silence-the-critical-voices-in-your-head https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/what-mentally-strong-people-dont-do/201806/how-to-change-that-negative-voice-in-your-head https://medium.com/the-mission/dont-silence-the-negative-voice-in-your-head-leverage-it-e5b937ac9291