What You Will Experience
Engage in a powerful, focused conversation that helps you to confront your limiting beliefs.

Do you often find yourself wondering what the point of it all is, or struggling against a life that seems to hold you down and push you back? One to One Coaching
Do you find yourself experiencing a range of negative emotions, such as stress, anger, frustration, or anxiety?
Life is a challenge – and when humans lose their way and get disconnected from their life purpose, the challenges can feel as if they have multiplied.
With one-on-one coaching, you have a powerful, focused space with someone listening, but also to start winning the fight against negative, limiting beliefs. At the same time, my non-judgmental approach helps you to realize and plan a way forward.
As humans, we face choices every day. One to
Most are little decisions we barely remember – such as choosing to make lunch at home rather than eat out – but put together, they can have enormous impact on the total big picture of our life.
Each decision pushes you in a direction – and the fact that you are reading this page shows that your soul is ready for change.
You may not even truly know what it is inside you that’s pushing you towards it.

As humans, we face choices every day. One to
Most are little decisions we barely remember – such as choosing to make lunch at home rather than eat out – but put together, they can have enormous impact on the total big picture of our life.
Each decision pushes you in a direction – and the fact that you are reading this page shows that your soul is ready for change.
You may not even truly know what it is inside you that’s pushing you towards it.
What I Can Help You With
Happiness and Fulfillment are a Choice – Commit to Your Brilliant Future of Personal Growth Today by Starting Your One-to-One Coaching Session
My Approach to Coaching
My role as your life coach is to help you to start analyzing your life and your innermost desires – and then to help you make them happen.
I offer step-by-step guidance, powerful tools, and proven strategies that empower you to transform your life.
You may not feel that power right now, but I promise you that it is there, and together we will unlock it.
I’m also your ally and biggest supporter in this process. I know it will not be easy.
But when you succeed – and you will – you will be in full control of your life. Your potential greatness is inside you. Let’s unlock it together!

Our 4 Signature Mindfulness and Success Coaching Programs

Extraordinary Goal Setting Coaching Series
Human endeavors revolve around setting and achieving goals. Goals shape relationships, work, and leisure.
Life without goals becomes uncontrolled chaos, making you a mere spectator.
Major accomplishments, like moon landings or the iPod’s invention, stemmed from defined visions realized.
The Extraordinary Goal-Setting Series Covers 5 Core Areas:
Module 1. Your Vision For Their Life. Identify a Whole Life Vision that maps onto a 10-year vision and then onto 3-month vision.
◊ Session 1. Whole Life Vision with “The Rocking Chair + 2 Other Life Vision Exercises
◊. Session 2. 10 Year Vision Exercise
◊. Session 3. 3 Month Vision Practice
Module 2. Picking Goals to Move Forwards With. Brainstorm your vision and goal ideas. Select meaningful goals that add real value to your life.
◊ Session 4. Wild Goal Brainstorming
Module 3. Goal Ecology & Motivation. Explore WHY you want your goals, and why NOW to gain maximum commitment
◊ Session 5. (Understanding) The Why of Your Goals
◊. Session 6. Goals Motivator – Find Your Hidden Treasure!
Module 4. Nailing Down and Making SMART Goals. Making your goals more effective by setting SMART goals and identifying obstacles.
◊ Session 7. Nail That Goal! and learn how t set SMART Goal
Module 5. Annual Goal-Setting Practice. The process of setting 3 specific Annual Goals-from start through to an action to take tomorrow
◊ Session 8. Annual Goal Setting Practice Part 1
◊ Session 9. Annual Goal Setting Practice Part 2

Human endeavors are driven by goals that influence relationships, work, and leisure.
Without goals, life is chaotic, and we become passive observers. Notable achievements, like the moon landing or the iPod, came from clear visions.
Enhance success by refining goal-setting and understanding process goals.
Set impactful goals and act to realize them.

Master Your Time Master Your Life Coaching
Time management involves organizing and planning your activities to work smarter, not harder.
It boosts efficiency and reduces stress. While everyone has the same 24 hours, some achieve more due to effective time management.
By adopting time-management techniques, you can enhance your performance, even under pressure.
Master Your Time Master Your Life Coaching Series Covers 3 Essentials Areas
Module 1. Crucial Time Management Concepts – Use these 3 sessions to learn core time management concepts that will SHIFT the way you manage your time
◊ Session 1. Big Rocks and Little Rocks Exercise
◊ Session 2. Urgent Important Matrix
◊ Session 3. Action Priority Matrix
Module 2. Get Focused & Motivated. Use these Tools to get super-focused on a weekly and daily basis-and more motivated from within.
◊ Session 4. New “To Do” List – Weekly Daily – Task Planner
◊ Session 5. Get Motivated! What Words Inspire You to Action?
Module 3. Removing Obstacles to Effectiveness. What gets in the your way of being more effective? Yourself? Others? Spending too much time in the wrong areas? Find out!
◊ Session 6. Interruptions Blaster Exercises
◊ Session 8. Expose Your Hidden Time Wasters

Time is a resource no one can create or extend beyond 24 hours a day.
It’s about how efficiently you use it. To transform your life and possibly your bank account, harness the power of productivity.
It hinges on understanding your goals, planning, and maintaining focus.
Prioritize tasks aligned with your goals. While anyone can be productive, not everyone chooses to be.
What’s your goal?

The Powerful Self Discovery Coaching Series
Self-discovery is vital. Many mask their true selves or become what others desire.
“Know thyself” remains a timeless advice, emphasizing understanding oneself to realize potential.
Without this journey, we miss understanding our purpose and aiding others.
Exploring oneself is unique and enlightening, offering insights into previously unknown facets.
The Powerful Self Discovery Coaching Series Covers 3 Specific Areas
Module 1. Boost Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness Use these 3 Tools to help boost your self-confidence, self-knowledge and fun/happiness in life.
◊ Session 1. What Makes My Heart Sing?
◊ Session 2. Troll Travels – Who am I? Self- Discovery Exercise
◊ Session 3. Role Model Confidence Boosting Practice
Module 2. Go Deeper and Create a Positive Outlook – Explore what really matters to you, your daily experience of life, and look for deeper meanings in symbols and dreams
◊ Session 4. Personal Values Identification
◊ Session 5. Daily Gratitude Practice
◊ Session 6. Intuition and Dream Symbol Exercise
Module 3. Where Might You Sabotage Yourself? –Take a first look at your inner critic or gremlin and how it operates!
◊ Session 7. Draw Out Your Gremlin

Self-discovery is akin to wisdom, blending intelligence, knowledge, and experience.
While intelligence aids in gaining wisdom, it’s not solely necessary. Understanding oneself enhances decision-making. Experience enriches this knowledge.
Embracing self-discovery benefits life navigation.
Wise individuals maintain perspective, are self-aware, understand human nature, and base decisions on robust experiences.
While some are naturally wiser, anyone can cultivate wisdom.

Balance and Self-care Coaching Series
Self-discovery is vital. Many mask their true selves or become what others desire.
“Know thyself” remains a timeless advice, emphasizing understanding oneself to realize potential.
Without this journey, we miss understanding our purpose and aiding others.
Exploring oneself is unique and enlightening, offering insights into previously unknown facets.
Balance and Self-care Coaching Series Covers 3 Specific Areas
Module 1. Assess Your Current Balance & Self-Care Levels. Examine your balance and self-care needs, to identify what’s getting in the way and to help you enjoy your life more
◊ Session 1. The Wheel of Life. Examine how balanced your life is.
◊ Session 2. Self-Care Quiz and Review to measure and develop healthy practices
◊ Session 3. Are You Sitting TOO Comfortably? Comfort Zone Exercise
Module 2. What Are Your Specific Self-Care Needs? Use this module to get specific information about where your energy is being drained – and what needs are not being met.
◊ Session 4. What are your Energy Zappers
◊ Session 5. Detox Your Toxic Relationships healthy practices
◊ Session 6. Self-Care and Needs and Practices
Module 3. Wrapping Up – A powerful and deep way to wrap-up after all this reflection and self-focus is to explore the question: “What do I need to let go of”?
◊ Session 7. Letting Go Coaching to move forward

To achieve your goals, prioritize self-care. It equips you with the resilience to succeed.
Yet, during challenging times, we often neglect self-care, skipping essential routines.
Making self-care habitual ensures consistency, even during setbacks. Life’s balance varies at different stages.
Whether managing a young family or seeking purpose post-retirement, balancing life is always challenging.
Define your version of a balanced life and strive for it.
Mukunda has this irrepressible spirit that just bubbles out of him. Being with him is inspiring, uplifting and helps you download on a cellular level that you were born for greatness.
Michael brings gifts through his coaching that I’ve never experienced in any other way. Not only is his work unique (a direct reflection of his personality as well), but it’s FUN and trans-formative to boot. Either one of those is reason enough to invest time with him but put them together and you’ll find you’ve just made a VERY smart investment in yourself and your life.
Hiring Michael as a life coach had easily been one of the best decisions I have made – the results have been life changing to say the least! In our work together he has helped me reach new heights in both my career and personal life which I didn’t even think were possible.
Michael is extremely empathetic, an excellent listener, professional and always patient, trustworthy and encouraging. Our sessions together enabled me to gain clarity in order to make positive changes and move forward.”
Elevate Life Project
Pathway to Success
Life coaching sheds light on the roadmap to personal success. It turns aspirations into achievable milestones.
Through tailored guidance and support, it bridges the gap between dreams and reality. Each session is a step closer to the best version of yourself.

Your Success Begins Here
Dive into a transformative journey with coaching as your compass.
With each session, boundaries are pushed, and horizons expand. Embrace the experience, and watch as coaching charts your path to unparalleled achievement

What to Expect

Step 1. Schedule a Free 15 Q&A

Step 2: 30 Minute Free DIsocery Call

Step 3: Schedule a Free 1:1
Embark on Your Success Journey
Unlock a world of potential with a 15-minute Q&A tailored to your aspirations and concerns; then, dive deeper with our discovery call for a personalized coaching experience. Don’t miss out on experiencing the transformation firsthand by claiming your FREE 1-hour trial session, a gateway to positive shifts in your life
Contact Me
I would be happy to hear from you with any questions or comments you might have. Or better yet, let’s book your FREE 30-minute no-commitment consultation. Just fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you right away