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The purpose of these Self-Discovery Series is specifically to help you get to know yourself better and express yourself more authentically in the world: Who are we? What do we love? What really matters to us? What do we value most about ourselves?

What Makes My Heart Sing? Exercise: A great tool to start with and discover that what makes us happiest might just be on our doorstep

In this mastermind call you will complete 3 powerful exercises that boost self-confidence and self- awareness.

What makes us truly happy? What qualities do we admire in others that we could develop for ourselves? And what unique qualities do we value MOST about ourselves?

Fabulous exercises for self-discovery!

This exercise will help you find more happiness – where you are. Creates a more joyous and genuine self-connection through understanding what makes our “heart sing”.

This is one of my absolute favorite coaching exercises and it’s incredibly simple. Its power lies in the realization that what makes us happy is usually free – and easy to do. So why aren’t we doing these things more often? Why are we so busy chasing material goals?

This exercise is also a great beginning for questioning many other things in our lives previously assumed or taken for granted.