It is time for me to shine.
After all of these years of pretending to be smaller than I really am, it is my time to shine. I am ready to put my best foot forward and show the world what I have to offer.
I am tired of limiting myself. I deserve to be free and to be noticed.
I am sharing my greatest skills, talents, and gifts with the world. I am comfortable showing the world my true self. I am making my true nature available to everyone. I am sharing the best parts of myself.
I may have been too self-conscious in the past to have enough comfort to show myself to the world, but that time has passed. Today is a new day and a new chapter in my life.
I am growing so much that I feel like I might explode! The time has come to allow myself to be seen as I truly am.
It is my time to shine.
I am looking forward to this new lifestyle. I am open and free. I embrace my strengths and weaknesses. I feel comfortable letting others into my life. I am excited at the prospect of showing the world what I can do.
Today, I am willing to openly be myself. I am putting my best out into the world and accepting all the consequences, positive and negative. I am looking forward to the peace I can enjoy from taking this bold step.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What parts of myself am I hiding from the world? Why?
2. What will I gain if I allow myself to shine? What will I lose?
3. What do I have to offer to the world that I haven’t yet?
What’s your level of emotional intelligence?
Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! .

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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings