Balance and Self-Care Coaching
Learn to decide for yourself what it means to have a balanced life and what works for you
Balance and Self-Care Coaching: In a society valuing achievement and status, many neglect their well-being in pursuit of success.
But what’s the worth of such success if it leaves you constantly stressed and distant from loved ones?
Despite societal views, life balance and self-care aren’t “soft” but essential. Instead of pushing through stress, prioritize well-being. The challenge is:
Where to begin and how to allocate time for self-care?
Decide for yourself what it means to have a balanced life and what works for you.
In our 3 Module / 9 Session Balance and Self-Care Coaching, we look at the whole person, the whole life in context. We know that without self-care and life balance, life can be pretty miserable and lack joy and substance.
So, what are your needs? Where is your energy being drained? Are you too comfortable and going nowhere – or are you constantly pushing yourself so that “comfort” or “balance” is a passing thought before you throw yourself nto the melee again?
Reasons for Joining Our Balance and Self-Care Coaching Series
Decreases stress
Improve health and wellbeing
Enhances Productivity
Increases positive thinking
Boost personal performance
Heightens self-esteem
About our Balance and Self-Care Coaching Series
When we don’t have our health, we spend all our energy trying to LIVE. When we have our health, we feel ALIVE. Self care is a practice and there is no perfect formula that works for everyone because each individual is blessedly and beautifully special.
We were never given a guidebook on “us” so discovering the correct keys to unlock your vitality, wellness and optimal health can feel overwhelming, confusing and lonely.
Learning how to eat right, reduce stress, exercise regularly, and take a time-out when you need it are touchstones of self-care and can help you anti-stress, stay healthy, and be resilient.
The Balance and Self-Care Coaching Series Covers 3 Primary Areas
Module 1. Assess Your Current Balance & Self-Care Levels Examine your balance and self-care needs, to identify what’s getting in the way and to help you enjoy your life more
Life balance and self-care are often mislabeled as “soft” or unnecessary for high achievers. The misconception is that brief respites can recharge us entirely.
This module encourages a holistic view, recognizing that without self-care, life can lack joy.
Ask yourself: What do you truly need? Are you stagnant or perpetually stressed? Finding balance is crucial.

Session 1. The Wheel of Life. Examine how balanced your life is
The Wheel of Life gives a wonderful visual representation of how balanced your life is. Each segment on the wheel is scored according to how satisfied your life is across 8 key areas of their life – raising awareness and providing the opportunity to make change. In addition, this exercise helps clarify priorities for goal-setting, allowing you to plan so that you life is more balanced.
Session 2. Self-Care Quiz and Review to measure and develop healthy practices
Learn various tools and techniques to create very practical self-care measures – physical appearance, health, physical environment, time management, energy levels, emotional needs and more.
Session 3. Are You Sitting TOO Comfortably? Comfort Zone Exercise
Where are you on the “Comfort Continuum”? This session provides an excellent springboard for you learn how to slow down and do less, or speed up and take action – and for you to understand that discomfort, being a necessary part of growth.
Module 2. What Are Your Specific Self-Care Needs? Use this module to get specific information about where your energy is being drained – and what needs are not being met.
In this module you will get a feeling for how balanced you life is and whether they’re taking care of yourself or not.
We will get specific about what and who is draining you – and what your specific self-care needs might be.

Session 4. What are your Energy Zappers
How can we love our life if we feel exhausted? What is zapping your energy? What one thing particularly zaps you energy? This exercise is a great introduction to the idea that mental and emotional drains can have a big impact on us
Session 5. Detox Your Toxic Relationships
WHO we spend our time with has a significant impact on our lives – some relationships uplift and inspire us and others are downright draining. This is about bringing awareness to, and being intentional with, whom we spend our time.
Session 6. Self-Care and Needs and Practices
Knowing ourselves and our needs is essential to living a balanced life. This exercise asks people to give a score out of 10 to various universal needs and how we could raise our score. Where do you need to take better care of yourself? Gain insight into what’s preventing you from feeling happy and at peace with yourself.
Module 3. Wrapping Up – A powerful and deep way to wrap-up after all this reflection and self-focus is to explore the question: “What do I need to let go of”?
Module 3, titled “Wrapping Up,” guides participants through a profound introspective journey, prompting them to address the pivotal question, “What do I need to let go of?”
This concluding module emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and the release of burdens for personal growth.

Session. 8 The Power of No!
This session is such an important topic!
Learn to reduce stress and and reduce the feeling of overwhelm – and learn to focus on your goals and priorities by learning to say “No”! Gain an in depth understanding of where you need to say “No”, how your beliefs get in the way and to get clear on why you need to say “No
Session 9 Letting Go Coaching to move forward
People often hang onto things which cloud their minds and drain them of energy – preventing them from moving forwards. This module explores WHY you’re holding on and the benefits of NOT letting go.
Equilibrium in Essence: Mastering Balance and Self-Care
You can’t be your best for others if you aren’t taking care of yourself. Effective self-care is also important to reduce stress at work and at home, reconnect with yourself to strengthen your true nature and set a good example for your kids or others who look up to you.
When you practice self-care, you improve both your physical and emotional health, are able to view problems as opportunities rather than obstacles and are better positioned to create breakthroughs in all areas of your life.
Prioritizing self-care and self-kindness is crucial to maintaining a mind and body capable of achieving your goals
Client Testimonials
Michael coached me during one of the most difficult periods of my adult life. I would cite, among his many strengths, his ability to “hear” a client. “Hearing” a client is much more than listening to words; hearing a client acknowledges a client’s mood, energy, and thought processes.
Michael has a great way with people. He can easily put you at ease and has a well spring of knowledge to share on many topics. His advice is sound and his attention makes you feel valued as an individual.
Learn to Care for yourself physically,
emotionally, and mentally
Good self-care practices are also an effective way of keeping yourself firing on all cylinders
Contact Me
I would be happy to hear from you with any questions or comments you might have. Or better yet, let’s book your FREE 30-minute no-commitment consultation. Just fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you right away.