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Our Next Training Call with be on the Power of Habit: Big Rocks and Little Rocks: Priority Management Exercise

Understanding what is important Utilize our Time more Effective and Live Life on Purpose

The Big Rocks are the major things you want to get done this week. A report, launching a new website, going to the gym, spending time with your spouse and kids, achieving your dreams.

These Big Rocks get pushed back from week to week because we never have time to do them — our days fill up too quickly, and before we know it, weeks have passed and the Big Rocks are still sitting on the side, untouched.

By understanding what is important we learn to utilize our time more effective and Live Life on Purpose. How does this simple method make you more productive? Well, productivity isn’t about doing a lot of stuff.

It’s about getting the important stuff done. But if you’re running around doing all the little stuff … sure, you did a lot and you were very busy, but how much did you really accomplish? Oftentimes we can look back on our week and say, “I didn’t get a lot done, but I sure was stressed doing it!”

In this Training Session You Will Learn the following:

  • Part 1: Current Time and Priorities Review
    • Where or on what do you currently spend most of your time? (Make a list of whatever jumps into your mind)
    • What’s the ONE biggest, unwanted thing that ZAPS your time at present?
    • What NEEDS to change?
    • What are your Top 3 Priorities in life?
    • What one thing is MOST IMPORTANT to you right now?
  • Part 2: Identify & Prioritise Your Rocks!
  • Part 3: Review your Learnings & Take Action
    • How does where you currently spend your time compare to your “Big Rocks” – your REAL priorities?
    • What does this tell you?
    • What could you do differently?
    • And Finally what will you Commit to change

Use Goals to Prioritize Your Activates and Calendar
Eliminate Multi-Tasking
Create Routines
Plan to Plan
Assess your Approach
Learn to Schedule Downtown


Please make Sure to Have a Note Book on hand and Be Prepared to Ask Questions Related to the Topic of Habit and Organizing our Schedules Each Week

Remember to Download the Training Material Prior to the Call