Elevate Life Project

Self Discovery Course

The journey of self discovery is like no other trip you will ever take

    Self Discovery Course

    Self discovery should be an important goal for everyone. Some people go through life playing a role to mask who they really are. Others simply become what others want them to be. “Know thyself” is a classic platitude that continues to offer a valuable reminder today.

    It is only through the discovery of self that we can identify our purpose and actualize our potential.

    On the other hand, failure to embark on a pilgrimage of self discovery will cheat us of the opportunity to understand who we are and what we want out of life, as well as how we can help others during our time on this earth.

    Begin Your Journey with our 4 Week Self Discovery Course

    About Our 4 Week Self Discovery Course

    You will be walked through all of the tools in our arsenal for building awareness of your inner world, how you work, how you relate to others and how you can continuously use this information going forward.

    Self discovery can take many different forms – from noticing how you react to something in your environment to uncovering your purpose in life. The greater awareness you have of your inner world, the more your actions can line up with the life you want to create.

    How do you get there? By doing the deep work. It’s not easy. It takes time.

    Do You Need to take the Self Discovery Course

    The greatest and most important adventure of our lives is discovering who we really are. Yet, so many of us walk around either not really knowing or listening to an awful inner critic that gives us all the wrong ideas about ourselves.

    We mistakenly think of self-understanding as self-indulgence, and we carry on without asking the most important question we’ll ever ask: Who am I really? As Mary Oliver put it, “what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

    Finding yourself may sound like an inherently self-centered goal, but it is actually an unselfish process that is at the root of everything we do in life. In order to be the most valuable person to the world around us, the best partner, parent etc, we have to first know who we are, what we value and, in effect, what we have to offer. This personal journey is one every individual will benefit from taking.

    What You Will Learn

    Self Discovery Course

    Self Discovery Course

    Self Discovery Course

    Week 1. Make Life More Fulfilling Discover Your Life Purpose Self Discovery Course

    Do you wake up each day dreading the idea of spending another day at work? You might even feel the need to be a part of something bigger and more meaningful. If you’ve failed to discover and build your life around your life purpose, you might feel dissatisfied with your life. Determining the purpose of your life can be a simple process. Self Discovery Course

    It can take a bit of work to uncover the truth, but it’s within you. It’s waiting to be unearthed and utilized.

    Living a life that’s congruent with your purpose will allow you to start each day with a smile, hope, and a plan. It’s a tool for connecting with something meaningful outside yourself. Everyone has a different “why”. The trick is to determine the “why” that fits your values and talents. Self Discovery Course

    If your life is in a rut, discovering your life purpose is the first step to a life filled with passion and contentment.

    What You Will Receive

    1. Discover Your Life Purpose 29 Page E-Book, to reclaim your life

    2. Discover Your Life Workbook, to help you become more focused, motivated, and fulfilled.

    Self Discovery Course

    Self Discovery Course

    Week 2. What Do You Want? How to design a plan for your life Self Discovery Course

    From the time you were small, you’ve had thoughts, ideas, and dreams about what you wanted to be when you grew up. You most likely imagined the type of home you wanted to live in and where in the world you wanted to put down roots. You might have daydreamed about the career you’d have and the friends you’d hang out with. Self Discovery Course

    As you matured, your innermost goals for your future morphed several times over the years.

    Now, here you are, all grown up and living your life. You probably have a job and may be in a serious relationship. But at this moment, are you living a life that you’d choose to be living? Does your life fit you? Is your life going as you’d planned? Or did you even have a plan?

    In the module, reflect on how you’re living currently and ask yourself, “Is this what I want for my life?” As you examine your life, you’ll be encouraged to thoroughly think through specific elements of your existence you might like to change.

    The purpose of this module is to help you develop a life plan that will lead you to the life you desire. Self Discovery Course

    What You Will Receive

    1. What do you want? How to design a plan for your life 20 page E-Book to guide you on How to Live the life you truly want by discovering the value of having a Life Plan

    2. What do you what workbook to develop a life plan

    3. What do you want? How to design a plan for your life Executive Summary

    Self Discovery Course

    Self Discovery Course

    Self Discovery Course

    Self Discovery Course

    Week 3. Who Are You? Find Greater Success with Self-Knowledge Self Discovery Course

    Getting to know yourself might seem more than a little boring. After all, what else is there to learn? You’ve spent every second of your life with yourself. There certainly can’t be any surprises, right?

    You’re not alone if you feel this way, but you’d be wrong.

    You know a lot less about yourself than just about anyone else in your life knows about you.

    We don’t see ourselves very well. We don’t really want to look. We’re afraid of what we’ll find. We avoid examining ourselves. We’d rather turn on the TV, find a snack, or watch videos online. Anything to avoid seeing the truth.

    As unpleasant as the truth may be, it holds the secret to greater levels of success. Self Discovery Course

    What You Will Receive

    1. Who Are You? Find Greater Success with Self-Knowledge 58 Page E-Book to help you get to know your true self

    2. Who Are You Workbook, to gain insight into yourself and achieve greater success.

    Week 4. Self Help Tips to Spice Up Your Life

    Lately, you may have read about finding your passion. Perhaps you’re wondering, “What is my passion, anyway? What do I really want? I need to spice up my life!” If these thoughts sound familiar, this guide can help. Self Discovery Course

    It will encourage you to re-connect with your life and take some immediate actions to kick it up a notch.

    Take hold of life’s steering wheel and go, go, go. Let’s get started right now!

    What You Will Receive

    1. Self-Help Tips to Spice Up Your Life 32 page E-Book to guide you to Start living a spicy life today

    2. Self-Help Tips to Spice Up Your Life workbook to get closer to that spicy life you crave.

    3. Self-Help Tips To Spice Up Your Life: Action Guide

    Self Discovery Course

    Self Discovery Course

    Self Discovery Course

    While there is plenty of information on how to become bigger, faster, and stronger, there’s less information available on how to increase your inner strength. Self Discovery Course

    However, in today’s world, inner strength is far more important than physical strength. Life is easier to manage when your inner strength grows.

    How strong are you? How would your life change if your inner strength doubled? Self Discovery Course

    Inner strength is similar to physical strength. We all start out at different points on the spectrum, but we can all improve our physical and inner strength tremendously. With greater inner strength, bigger goals become a possibility, and obstacles are easier to overcome. See just how strong you can become!

    There’s no downside to becoming a wiser person.

    Wisdom will always help you to better navigate your way through life.